Off all questions which have been sent to our magazine I will answer the
questions of general interest publicly because others can learn from this
as well. We have created the TEREMBURA CAFE, where you can also chat. You
can often find here debate partners interested in the topic or you can
also invite your friends here.
1. Is It possible that the “black holes” are self-looping and recreating
creations (spacetime)? (László)
“Very much so." If the spacetime is not an open, but a closed system, it
can only be locked in itself. This lends such a recircular character to it,
in which spacetime turns back once it has reached a limit. Talking about
infinity is widespread thing today. Infinity cannot be comprehended by
man’s mind. Just like the concept of nothing. According to our knowledge,
the Universe itself is a giant black hole. The next page will detail the
issue of black holes. (In a little irregular way...)
2. How far does the
universe stretch? (Viktória)
The universe is very large, but there is a limit to it. It should be about
15-20 billion light years away from us. Light travels 18 million
kilometers in one minute. We are at a distance of 150 million kilometers
from the Sun, that is, 8 light minutes, Pluto is at six light hours from
us and the nearest star is 4.25 light years from us. You can sense from
this how enormous the distance of 20 billion light years is. The age of
the universe was wrongly concluded based on this.
3. Why don’t we see the edge of the universe? (Viktória)
A black hole in the inside is just as black as on the outside. Quasars (the
most distant astronomical phenomena detected by our instruments) indicate
that serious bangs happen. We shall offer a logical solution to this in
the next page.
4. What exactly does it mean that a church “is oriented to
the East"? (is the entrance to the East, or is it that the altar looks to
the East, or the person standing in front of the altar? (László)
There are several types of churches. Your confusion stems from the fact
that this issue has been very much glossed over. Originally we always have
prayed towards the Sun, because we knew that in that direction is a
topical seran called RE, or put in folk parlance, that space source, which
is the most important object in the solar system (the Sun God), since it
is the upholder and mover of it all. Think about this is as nothing more
than a local Almighty. Such is in the middle of all stars, that is, there
are a lot of them. The system continues up and down, that is, these can be
found in planets moons, but this continues on with the atoms and subatomic
world. I almost forgot the most important ones which are the souls. This
is a different kind of seran in these. Residing in the sanctuary of the
soul. It resides in your head.
So the orientation (east orientation) means that the church, either one
way or another, is oriented to the East. The reversely built ones are also
called sometimes churches that “offer masses facing backwards". The one
who prays should always turn towards the Almighty. The priest facing the
altar prays exactly to the east. This works well, however, only in the
morning because in the afternoon the believers should be facing towards
the West and at noon to the South crosswise to the nave. Therefore, the
pulpit is often placed crosswise in the Church. This knowledge has been
5. What does right wise and left wise mean? (László)
These terms refer to spinning or rotation. They should never be mixed. You
cannot screw a left hand nut onto a right hand thread on either end. Time
has a right and matter has a left spin. Antimatter is the opposite way. |
6. What does the cross represent in Christian symbolism? What should be
the proper representation of it? Is it possible that the cross is the very
simplified representation of the little towers (the speed of creation)
described in the Relics section? (László)
YES I have now found an older figure of it made by Father Tamás. It is the
creator’s logic. |
You can also download it in large size. There are two main types and
plenty of subtypes. The isosceles cross is the water cross. This falls
within the sphere of the figure. If an arm reaches beyond the sphere, it
must already be surely called a fire cross, but here too there are also
significant lengths among the longer arms. In the case of the most
significant ration the longer arm is 3, 16 times longer than the rest of
the arms. Such is the Creator’s emanation rate. Important parameters of
space-time (Almighty, Mahan) are the tachyon-speed, the light quantum’s
tachyon speed and the material world limit parameters. These sacred temple
building angles can be seen in all of the world’s religion’s churches.
There is no doubt that liberalism also broke into this area and there are
fewer and fewer truly sacred vibrational churches. Something can be
beautiful without these space resonances too, but then it will just be an
“edifice” and not a “temple”. Tempus = time. In compound words it is “temp”.
The “us” is a runic character of ours, which represents the zone of
creation in the Creator. ; The one where the ball is in the picture above.
This is where the shape of the orb comes from. |
7. Is there any
significance to the fact that the Fire and Air are very similar to each
other as shown in the illustration? (László)
The air (energy) is born by virtue of the Fire flying around, that is to
say, it is no different, it’s also conical only here the conical
timesystem turns back inside of it and is not moving straight ahead. The
Air (light quantum) is given birth by the Fire Elements (tachyons).
Therefore, the figures are similar.
8. Dos not the time loop which is densified in the direction of travel
curb the time source’s speed? (László)
Not the time loop but the time essence and the separator does. This means
the inside and the surface of the cone. As it has been repeatedly
emphasized, time is fluid-like, and therefore, of course, affects a
penetrating time source’s speed. If the relative speed of a source is less
than 1E past emanation velocity, it is repelled outwardly. Likewise, a
source coming in a very shallow angle to the surface has a similar fate.
If during the action of R v is greater than 1, it penetrates into the
essence. If it is negative, it has an attractive effect, but its surface
is of the water type (repellent). The motion can be modeled accurately
enough with a simple vector editing. The emanation essences is always 1E,
but pay attention the fact that in the case of moving sources an
expansion-contraction occurs proportional to the direction of movement.
You can download an older program from the webpage of EVENT HORIZON
philosophical and literary magazine, in which you can play with time
9. Where is love and God in all this? (Mária)
What you read in these pages, is not some godless thing or something that
pushes God off his Parnassus, but which is the quintessence of the science
of theology. The word itself, “quintessence” refers FIVE essences, exactly
five of whom you can read in our philosophy section, as the space-time
sources. These, as we know, are the five generating sources, which create
five time essences. Five sources, which are essentially one, because “it
sees itself in his own past,” Not another one, it is just at a different
location. This resolves the "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" paradox. Therefore
God is everywhere, he is always present, and therefore we say that he
loves you forever. If God were to stop your creation even for a moment
your body as well as soul would disappear without a trace. Without God
there is no matter or energy. From Him comes everything and with His
loving work He keeps in existence the entire world. This creation is not
something that happened at a time or for just one time, but is constant
and continuous. It still continues. Is present everywhere, because he is
the presence. It seems that you’re looking for an anthropomorphic (human-like)
image of God. Yes, that would be more understandable.
10. What is matter made of? (Mátyás)
Matter consists of time, or rather, it does not consist it exists. This is
not something static but is a very dynamic phenomenon, since time cannot
exist in a static form. Page 21 already gives some early information about
it. Many other pages deal with matter and energy, but we will have a lot
of chemical, biological, physical pages, and these will always revolve
around the life. The next page will be about the “black hole”, which will
shed light on many questions about matter. |
11. Where is Heaven? Where is Hell? (Gizella)
HERE This here is the kingdom of heaven, because heaven is the whole
Universe. Everywhere you look, you see God for he has God created the
world out of himself. You are a universal being, and it is enough to look
up at the sky, you’ll know that your eye sees not only kilometers far but
looking at the stars you’ll see things from billions of kilometers away.
All over you see the past. The Earth is rushing in the “nothing” say the
materialists, but it is a serious blunder. It flies in the medium-like
space-time, it keeps moving through its endless path around the Sun (28 km
/ sec), and along with the Sun it orbits as the Milky Way galaxy’s star at
a tremendous speed. With all this I just wanted to point out the enormous
nature of creation. The Earth is a tiny mote within the whole, but cannot
be broken out of it. The whole is always made up of parts. God is one of
the forces. The right hand force. But there is left hand power because of
the parity, the match of things cannot be missing from the whole. These
for each other are destructive forces, but are indispensable, because each
is kept in existence by the other. Read the Hungarian folk tales as I have
suggested, and you’ll find that the faith of the ancient Hungarians bore
exactly the real secrets of creation, God was not degraded into a man.
The good guy - bad guy hodgepodge of medieval origin does not actually
exist. The little devils with pitchforks only represent a perpetual
contradiction in our pages. But realize that it is always the angel who
reveals the solution to things. They do not exist in reality. The little
angels are so often portrayed with such a winged heads because they could
come up only with a material angel who has no body, yet still sentient,
flies back and forth disembodied, so it is nothing more than a winged
little head, because the concept of mind is tied to the brain. This is why
materialistic bureaucrat geniuses call writers “intellectual freelancers".
But the spirit does not die with your body, but lives, sees, hears, thinks
and acts on. This is the reason why superstitious idiots came up with
zombies. There is no way they could understand the resurrection. Imagine
that “happy world” where thousands of people remained in their graves only
to hatch unchanged, with their contemporary knowledge and their faith, and
then would resume where they left off. That would be a pretty confusing "brave
new" world. God does not want to pull tricks in such a way with people.
Heaven and hell are parallel dimensions which you just do not see like the
other space dimensions. The purgatory is the nonspace-nontime layer, where
the poor souls carrying a lot of negativity get stuck. This is the black
band marked with zero in the pages on light. It is really horribly dark
and cold for them here. The place is timeless, so they do not know how
long they have been there. Here the greatest suffering is that they are
confronted with their own wickedness And “are cooking in their own juice."
They can step out from here only if all their sins are repented a thousand
times. Simply because in the timeless darkness they experience their
iniquities committed from all aspects. Of course, they do also the caused
pain and fear. The human spirit is much more perfect for God to use it
just once like a Kleenex. The resurrection is multiple grace. See:
Nicodemus’s and Jesus’s (Prophet Isa) teachings.) |
12. Why do the Eastern
religions, or the Egyptian, Sumerian, Persian, Greek, Roman cultures talk
about so many “gods"? (Szemír)
For the same reason there are so many saints in Christian religions. There
also everyone has their "specialty" and the Christian saints as well. Not
only Jesus (Joshua, Isa) was God’s son. Find it in the Bible!: “The sons
of God came down to Earth and came into the daughters of men. So were born
the Titans. “They were demigods. This question has been avoided by the
“historical” churches, because now they can only provide confusing
explanations. Old sins have long shadows. Therefore, the Protestant clergy
lately have not been even learning the celestial orders. The total
misinterpretation of “monotheism” led to this. Easterners monotheistic
just the same. The various “gods” are various aspects of power,
sub-functions. It is a conflict created by the principle of polytheism.
Why are such things written in the Bible like "Do not worship the gods of
Egypt!?” Were there others, too?
There is much easier, but also more out of a sci-fi story explanation than
you might think at first. The Earth was wiped out completely, totally
exhausted by the great catastrophes. The Flood, Fire deluge swept over the
Earth several times and after the disasters we cannot speak about any
progress in the evolutionary Darwinian sense, that is. After these
disasters, new settlers arrived in the empty but habitable planet, and
brought with them their customs, their beliefs, their animals, their crops
as well. Hence the reason why we find not on Earth the “cultivated plants’”
genetic ancestry. The settlers came from another star, another planet, and
their religion was also brought over here from there. It carried a lot of
analogies in essence, but came from other star-seran’s territory, for
example, Egyptian creatures originating in the Sirius system still
continued to try to pursue their own traditions. But as when moving to
another country you must abide by its laws, they were called on to live on
this planet under the authority of the Sun and local laws would apply to
them from then on. This does not mean a different God, just something as
if moving away from your European flat to Australia you would still
stubbornly stick to your former phone number. You also log trough local
phone number to the one World Wide Web. Otherwise you would run up quite
phone bill. |
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This publication was prepared for personal use only.
Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced or published
without the express permission of the author.
Translation © Varga Péter 11 January 2018 (email: vargatranslation@gmail.com)