We talked about the topic many times already, but the question deserves a sheet yet. The gravitation is a mysterious thing. Very mysterious. Those formulae, that from this direction dream up that's right inaccurate, and yet comed the time, that let us modify the wrong view that dominates the world with completeness in connection with this in our days. |
We learned this, and today this can be been learning from the gravitation, and this the formula shows it clearly, that here the formula constructing in strengths (F) was thinking, in masses (m), and it they in a distance (r). They did not persist what mediates this strength very much because nobody was able to guess a substantive answer. The big situation it, that when m 1 and m masses with 2 equal greatnesses, then even this formula good, because the effect of force decreases significantly at this time. It is the interesting one that different, very different data counted with the formula in case of masses are equal to measured ones in the reality roughly. Who from this direction more detailed substances are being looked for, I recommend Dezső Sarkadi website as them with a warm heart. He measured against his flat huge (6 metre ones) and measured this incredible anomaly with his equipments making precise measurements possible. |
The gravitation they are struggling along with all kinds of virtual particles to explain (graviton theories, that they try to find an explanation operated on for virtual gravitational particles onto the phenomenon of the gravitation), but let us not forget it, that the virtual idea one, imagined one, fictitious one, does not report truth one. One like this does not exist in the nature according to us. He has a thing yet for the forthcoming generations in brief. I showed those interferences already on the previous sheet, that two spiral floodplains they make an appearance as a band's resultant. The reality is incomparably more complicated at this of course. These floodplains not material and not too electromagnetic. The gravitation, the magnetic field, and the electric field their formulae related things, but they differ from each other because of that on the manner known by us already. |
Is calling us in these laws quoted here the nature that we should take the context systems of the strengths of the nature to reason. His repulsive strength attracting two magnets the distance square years changes, than the gravitation. |
But strengths just like this tighten in the electrostatics between two fillings, similar relations reign between the discs of the capacitors for example so. |
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The gravitation mystic phenomenon in the today's science, because those phenomena constituting grounds for nature are missing from the palette, with which understandable. Onto Schwartschild mathematical approach habit to cite who moved away from his place in the direction of quite good ideas, but for the general public these just as esoteric, than the card prophecy. Frequent solution this figure row showed here, where a plane (this wants to be the space) curves the mass. This a deer mistake, since the space himself was not defined. This is a crude matrix. The mass exists independently here from the space, which is present in a case, a matrix plane, and this is dented under the burden, or reaches, than a rubber sheet stretched out. I saw a model like this in ELTE Uniniversity physical institute once, and into this the little one reached into a rubber funnel laterally rolled physicist my colleague an other pellet, that was running around round and round, than a planet around the central star, then put on the brakes as he lost his impetus, the bigger one approached so (the Sun meaning) towards a bullet, stopped beside it only once then. He plunged into it. It is that spicy one in whole that the thing showed much analogy with the things which can be experienced in the nature really. Only the trouble that a bona fide mistake hurts the science more, than against what he tilts at windmills. It brakes it very much if there is a credible solution already the explorer mood. This explanation was the glaring example of this danger. The question put off his real solution with a hundred years. The science himself causes the largest damages to the science. The space-time bent sensibly well really in the masses' environment. This old hypothesis and watch are correct. Bent, but gets not twisted, but bent arises. One single light quantum has mass because it bent afterwards so gives rise to spaces. The floodplain of the light quanta mostly acentrálisan globular. Once (fifteen of his years) I would have written something else yet, but just recently is said, that the light was slowed down very much, and it is possible to stop the light quantum totally according to me, since the space quantum standing light quantum like this. They are different in their source number only. This may keep that hope alive in us at the same time, that vulgar light quanta can be forged they will be, let us bring space quanta onto existence artificially from them so. For this the interstellar space travel he will have irreplaceable significance. Space jumps in the future only then achievable, if our spaceship has an own space source, because the substance does not remain lacking this it időin nothing. He disappears. The spacemen's soul survives the thing only. Yet fortune, that cannot get there without a space source like this. Sure if much a hour's UFO is our uptake already is on a moving film, the super powers have a collection like this certainly then, and everything discrediting handabanda futile, because it is people_nation half believes it UFO-s his existence. Very many people saw one like this. Well, these uptakes imply many details that exclude the forgery. A sceptic does not pay attention to this of course because he does not look at these uptakes, you are though his attention much bigger his prejudice his gurgling impulses. They lose a lot though. This would not be big trouble that they would enclose their opinion, with which their endless helplessness and their laziness are concealed, wisely of course. The space bending they speak, and they want to reach the stage of the distant stars so, that topography Móricka on figures justify the opportunity of that distant future, when we can pull it here then the stars távolából the dot of the space of that place, than the corner of a bedsheet, and that of this the distant time plane gets to the same place where we are now quasi, and the travel may occur under immense short time because of this. This in a case sure our space the part of this bedsheet, and a wormhole, through which it is possible to get across, connects these two planes the space very distant, and now after all közelünkbe was found. The century of the idea is at the same place, and does not stain from here to get further. Drawn inappropriate one. There are not worm services like this in the space-time. They are calculated mathematically mikroméretű worm services, and these exceeding short-lived something. These are unsuitable for it in order for us to do interstellar space travels. If we reflect on it is similar on the level of the phenomena. For the reason of an example like this the tunnel effect (tunnel effect). Only an immense small sized electron jumps over somehow though here a valence on a lane, or in one dielectricum, but it fact, that is transferred somehow. If the phenomenon makroméretekben too we can bring it about, then it today a more modern space technology would be a useful thing his forming. |
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The other one is trick seeming to be similar scientific one on a topography figure on this. We may manage to get on a road of two kinds from the dot here B into a dot, the wormhole means the longer road here only, because the road is shorter moving on the plane. Topographywise. But the physical space totally different from the geometry space. Because of this these well-meaning attempts never send us until the distant stars afterwards. The solution is much more complicated. The space on such manners which cannot be bent, moreover not too pancake like this, or diminishing bedsheet, which we may fold according to our mood here and there,. These fun figures are left over for ever. Very useful onto the education of the topography, but the space flight not good nothing. The nature is some other kind. |
The thing known by us on all of them in the universe toss and turn diligently. It is not only necessary to take turning along an axis here, but this much more complicated, because rigid bodies consist of atoms, and there is everything in the atoms, there is not a firm or rigid thing only. Neither in the atomic nuclei, neither in the electrons circulating around them. There may not be a constant in them after some people are from pure time, neither rigid thing, after the time himself is material from a viewpoint nothing, in which there is nothing tangible. Gives rise to waves, but does not run out meanwhile from him nothing, dared for this the waveaurised time loops giving rise to the particles for a phenomenon, universusis his reasons. We may say that his own time contradictions make all things known by us exist so. Themselves are his reasons so. When they took shape already! An exterior reason is needed for their development. They could never come without this and they come into existence. Neither light, neither substance. Their formation is possible between very accurate edge conditions only. Them remaining has his edge conditions in the same manner. |
I find it impossible that everything is his part for the element of the rotation, which is the world,, no he would play a crucial role in the gravity. Here after all refer back onto the universusis, that according to me by way of everybody known, only their importance rabid into the fog of the history. We are strolling daily in us living on him, or we may see it on ties, on headscarves and in dress samples. We agreed on valuable Turkish Persian rugs here two of his very beautiful copies. and Tamás my friend distinguished photographs were taken of him in Istanbul by favour of. I dug out a key-ring of mine being tidied away once, on which a creator is visible instead of the universus, in him with the life tree, you are other on his name with live wood, which is an expression, does not cover a plant, but creating the life himself, the whole one. |
What the Turkish carpet dealers call a flame is a beautiful carpet sample here. This material particle depicts his birth, and some other kind of, than the flowchart that shows his birth which can be seen below, which the light is, with one. This figure belonging to a substance more complicated, because the particle himself arises in an one hundred thousand times more complicated process, than the light. It is interesting, that this property already the gravitational waves, the informational one perturbation, the renatality (time loop) and the right leftish one pre-attribute his roots are depicted. This a very complicated space-time function, which emphasizes the essence of the formation process and his sense,. There are two substantive centres, which a Sun and a moon called a centre once, in the material particles. The moon is in the lower zone of the neutron centre, and here mostly leftish, female tachions they swirl, in the part of the top, the Sun in the environment of a centre right, man tachionok. (Abiological thing!!) The largest tachion follows a leftish path spirally. He makes two turns. The leftish ones blue, reddish flames edge the right ones. But the renatálódási dot the drops who was raised sharply in a band's centre. |
We may take a close look at a simple time loop here. This is typical of the space-time and the light quanta. The Christianity this, than a pelican, which feeds it with his blood, appears the your little ones. This belongs to the light because the renatality is a flower with a week petal in all on a dot here appears. The universusis of two kinds, like this this it reports, that light of two kinds exists. There is an anti-light. But we may discover that all have hyperspace in the holy pattern of the colours. Right the szoliton the function of a characteristic, which is the characteristic of both, meanders from them. Is-no -is-no. It appears in the light quantum of two kinds, that the lázadóbb thinking physicist colleagues black light with a name concern our days. Worthy to be looking for on the internet onto this black light, because it is possible to find much interesting one from him. We may see the moment of the time feedback on the carpet sample, the light quantum first and practically his most important formation moment. The time source in the pitch runs into this the tachyon, and notices himself where the bigger flower was depicted. There is a separating zone above the flower (border parameter) and a newer flower ate it up. This four-petalled one, which is accurate because four dimensional ones are the lights in the space,, and shows to be 16+1 dimensional ones. He is because of this turning tachion so. This gives rise to mass waves already, i mean he has a general phenomenon. He causes gravitation as the above one is tachion following a path leading to material particles on a carpet sample. These are called a Turkish sample though, but the same one can be found in the Christian mythology, than pelican, who feeds it with his blood the little ones. This happens. The in him nascent feeds himself. Because this is a time loop. |
I put my key ornament onto his very end of although this depicts a creator moving directly. Can be seen, that the circumference of all of the elements onto article scallop one the maker cut it master. Because the creator's exterior cloak is like this. These on him they the stance-perturbation shivers, which mean the information,. "n" can oscillate in a direction, information may be endless practically so go ahead. The omniscience. This a drop shape progresses leftwards, and right his residual past yes. The life arises here in him. The little jagged letter symbolize this on his middle. The life tree. |
The gravitation the phenomenon to which rise was given by the tachionok moving on the arched orbit, which is a very widespread thing in the created world,, because this is typical of the light quanta and all material particles. These waves globularly flowing all directions, and exceeding complex. The time feedback, which is a phenomenon for the world's survival, insures their recurrence his essence. This does not mean that the history repeats himself, since this time loop thinkably with short time. The light quanta and the substance are lasting because of this. But they arise and they decay. Their waves are heading into the endless one. From this very complicated wave world already a lot we know everything, but there is him because of that yet to search our truth. The optics or the radio astronomy were the beginnings in the world's cognition only. |