THE WATERS 2.3 THE MEDIEVAL AND ANCIENT TRADITIONS Dzyan book in the first stanza (in a chapter) the previous writes the essence of a creation world era down, it, what there is not just when the newer creation period did not start yet how. The current one, in which the tenth is our edge at least, i mean this already the tenth universe, which very much are, -many billion live for a year, with many orders of magnitude longer, and earlier, as the today's materialistic cosmology presupposes it. An existential period according to Veda books 311'400'000'000'000 year!! This cca. two hundred thousand times longer time the time presupposed till now. Arises, expands then contracts and comes to an end. Takes shape then again after long latent one, a latent period then, overflows and withdraws again then. With human scale so for eternal one can be said a manifestation period of the universe, so that let nobody be looking for it in a dog the nearly doomsday. Our today's cosmologist our universe 13-14 billion year ones, we may be on the front of the above time very much yet so. The many thousand year special fires resembling the palm leaves and waterproof and teachings written onto a very lasting substance chiefly are beginning with a white circle Lapp. On the second sheet a circle sheet, his middle with a dot. This the not expressed itself and the his ancient sign expressed itself. Here from quite a few sheets there is not information, then the slokák mentioned before they report on text one from the previous universe, its space, his energy and his substance. The first action himself is written down so the II. in a stanza. The 5. Seven Son was not born yet from the web of the light. A father mother, Svábhávat and Svábhávat were the darknesses alone in darkness yet was. The 6. this the two Csira, and Csira one. The universe was concealed in the divine thought and the divine bosom yet... This last dot says that we are out possibly, dared before the manifestation only a source existed, and this manifestation came apart into a mother and a father on his row? But Svabhavat and svabhavat two, only with a totally identical characteristic? This second thought looks true. Here any kind of human being, you are personal it is not allowed to imagine a god. This the not implying it started being spread. It come on plainer to presuppose, but from this the ancient cosmological teachings lose their sense on completeness, not talking about the logic. These seven boyish theories tally punctually entirely Adharva with the train of thought of véda, where it is time on seven threads (with a rein) your fish, and tallies with the weekly braid of the golden father of the Hungarian legends on a very thought-provoking manner, but the Indian folk-tales six boys - big logic one is related to a girl's tradition. The certain week holiness that we keep recalling with predilection like that is this at the Christians. The darkness is in tune with our claims, since we may talk about any kind of light yet when the ancient times exist only. It is pitch-dark in the original state of time. The two or the question of a germ look unpleasant, but it turns out later that this is real with completeness. The process of the creation enters the palm leaves so afterwards: The 1. ...A the last vibration of seventh eternity penetrates the infinity. The mother swells up and than the bud of the lotus expands outward from within. The 2. The vibration runs throughout, with the wing of an express (simultaneously) affecting the whole universe and Germ, which dwells in the darkness: In darkness, which the dormant life is above his waters, to respire...(to move). The 3. The darkness emits light and the light lowers a lonely beam into the mother depth (into the waters). The beam penetrates the virgin egg, the beam induces the eternal egg toward a vibration, that way, that let him drop it the not-eternal Germ, which world egg is thickening. The 4. Afterwards the three the falls for four. Seven will be the brilliant essences without within. The luminous egg (Hiranyagabrha) , which one alone three, sleeps dream and in milk-white flakes spreads on the mother's depths throughout, in the root, which is growing in Life Sea. The 5. The root remains, the light remains, the flakes they remain and after all Oeaohoo one. Well, it is written down so for the start of the new creation cycle legelejét, minute before the first. Complicated and text coded because of his terminology forgotten for us, since visibly all this so subatomic (and with big scale which cannot be believed at the same time) the description of logic and physics, in which there is not one single known element for the modern men, as a result of what far too, and it is under it by way of us far in one observable and can be measured what do for the world of phenomena, and on everything else, what the man may have experienced once or could catch. This sensibly on intensive cosmological knowledge founding, but not the residue of knowledge with an earthly origin! A commissioner, the poets of the text reveal the birth of the space-time to us with a big probability with beauty, since this first element, since it may have taken shape only first. The world egg that more ancient cultures keep recalling may be this. It simultaneously expression a very important statement, because the information masks a hidden principle of his spread with endless velocity! This thread-like universe is his secret. We did not add the parenthetical comments to it, but the book figures in his original comments. The not-örök" germ not somebody else, than the time germ giving rise to the source system of the space of our universe, which exists for a long time awfully, but according to these maybe after all eternally. To the persistence of this the mother's topography peculiarities, its time topography medium change impose the border certainly. The flakes may be some kind of very important start things, but the explanations brought up quite difficultly understandable our today's knowledge. Whatever the stars (galaxies) they may indicate his start seed, what may be credible, if we think it over, that galaxy (but maybe, that star, or planet) at least a secondary one, tercier an own space source would be necessary in the evolving universe really, because the dynamic one is a space-time receding from the space sources manipulaty his ability may decrease squarely cca. This would show a resemblance the gravitation, the electric attraction repulsion, you are the illumination though his distribution with experienced square contexts. We may hit many justificative examples on the areas of science revealed till now already then, since exceeding suspicious it, that with regard to the whole system some kind of fraktális a function approaches to it then the hypotenuse solution. The fractal function selfanalogous gives rise to formations. Onto his own picture and his resemblance, but no his identity. An expression induces it toward the vibration already with a lot more exciting, since we do not consider the effluence totally analogous one ( it the Minkovszki-féle time spheres we were examining it), but we think it of right if the source oscillates in a some kind of periodic, beat being repeated steadily. Such existing-másik existence, you are four alternate existence we thought of oscillation, that two intertwined (or one was doubled, was multiplied by four?) a dimension source is in the existence. This a so inner feedback, which the existence himself keeps alive,, and you the sajátidő the cycle system of önzárt rose onto new one and onto new one. Onto the oscillating source so much relating we agreed on other place, that from more place we see our assumption confirmed his views. Our mathematical model experiments underpin this. The effluence is justifiable so if this vibration comes into existence only in our idea. At this time the sources (alternately) each other are induced toward the effluence. The plainest vibration picture comes into existence; Í. Í sound gives rise to a vibration picture with a totally sine character, but the situation will be more complicated in the physical reality at this because of that. This means the development of a spatial sine, which is a formation like that, according to us, as if the sine we would turn it round around the axis line. The series of reel formations comes into existence so. From this direction we show a drawing, which the god himself drew about this on the front of the nineties years,. He sees this so his own visual angle.
+ The than the thirsting after deer to the spring, some desires to you my soul god& Starting A is written as two words (this in the Bible usual writing style), the spring begins with a large letter then, and it the third, the capitula meaning a bifurcation after a god written with the big initial, a so widespread creation motive stand, that everywhere, in all cultures may find on the world. His almighty development, the space-time (air) reports his birth. The Christianity in the pope's sheperd crooks, on the Islamic churches than mosaic ceramics, Buddha sculptures on a framer's decorations, but the South-American and Central American ancient cultures, like this at the Maya, toltékoknál and in the olmeks we may find it. Occupies distinguished place between the ornaments of the folk called the pagan, a fire admirer in the same manner, like this the Hungarian conquest age one and then former, so between the ornamental elements of the leaf mould age diagnoses. We return in the fourth chapter yet onto the development of the capitula. >A< and >V< encounter the creation will be his very essential action for us. The capitula the god's first creation route, and that bipartition, when Dzyan quoted before is the mother father in a text a pair takes shape. >A< and >V< into the eye meeting creators, the fires, the big and eternal mother and the big and eternal father is reported. They prime causes, and not effects! The mother takes a part in the creation so then, that the time source taking shape here serves as a basis to his past left behind with his time construction to the opportunity of turning back, then to the development of the space-time. The capitula depicts the first hiperstring, the time junction taking shape, in the course of which Í (I-sten) and ÖR (ör-dög) divides into two. The two after all one is left over, only already asks for is on place simultaneously. We say that there is fire in a man's blood because of this possibly, you are the fiery bride, from fire a bride cracks our expression may spring from here. The other creator, the mother yet many of our punctuation marks, like this the 0 and our old letter preserve it. The reason of this that our ancient predecessors knew the concept of the relativity already. The interaction of two sources we may perform the act of considering the other one as moving one for one standing one, or we regard both as one moving towards each other. The authoritative one is his two velocity difference. A standing source gives rise to spheres, the segment of this a circle. Our runic writing and our Hun one you would eat with a lot more explanatory and was more accurate. The academic line rumours it, that to the Huns, you are to the sumers, to Scythian ones vajmi we have few alleys, and we read it one appeared in an academic publication newly, that the history researchers know altogether three Hun words, but from this two entirely sure with a Slav origin. Our language, our clear mother tongue are degraded longer incessantly, and increasingly more of our words (Hungarian? researchers) they try to manifest it, that loan words taken over from the language of one of the folk. This tendency slowly some words of ours word taken over from a stranger qualifies it. We do not want to say that other folks' language would be inferior at our language with this, and it got into our language possibly from there inferior things would be words in our speech, but it declare, that the tribe of our language remained as monolithic rock despite the millennial whittling from ours sokmindenben - chiefly his lingual logic - an European is different on a nerve in the environment of languages. Despite all of the surrounding folks' deluge-like dash, his effort, spreading his aggression, his lingual strength academic specialisation, systematic one. One were the Huns for the ancient tribes of the Earth, and he had a language spoken maturely in times before this with the 7000 years already. 108 are sub-phylum with his language, his coloured dialects in affinity. Our leader did not need Árpád because of this any kind of interpreter to talking with the leaf moulds. We understand our folk's dialects, which carry some dialects of our ancient tribes yet partly, well. Hunor and Magor were full brothers, and a mother tongue had to be spoken so. The two signs showed here are the mother god's depictions at the Huns and the Hittite ones. These ancestors of ours the old man god time out it was respected, than the world and through this metastatically the man creating. The nothing mathematical the variant of his sign simplified for the Hun female one. The one of the Hittite ones is like this. The Huns' female one more detailed and was more explanatory, since a world tree drew. Likewise god, he, first one and queen (Ana) too reported. In this an one made more complicated sufficiently we may observe branching life tree, which is not other, than the kind our crown on the pictures of pantokrátor (on the roof of the crown and his front) we may see. The round sign the ancient sign of the water, which the standing dimension source is, symbolic, but reports his accurate geometry representation at the same time. A real tree is not growing in the plane, like this a life tree! This logical inference foreshadows the essential of the spatiality. This circle shaped formation only one of his segments for the reality. Our holy crown of Hungary the celestial pantokrátor we may discover the equivalents of the water on a picture. There is a round of shaped motive on all two sides beside Jézus head. This shows analogy which cannot be misinterpreted with the Indian life wheel. With number eight symmetry. It is called a Sun because of his similar shape, but this not somebody else, than a water into a sign drawn watermark, around which it is eight drop shape, eight fire alarms, these onto eight little circles, they show signs of eight watermarks. This here that's right not somebody else, than the light quantum looked for with the big ambition like that! Themselves the pearls, that on the bands of the crown - than resonator elements - Latvians are pierced all placed. This could give rise to the appearance that he would have been made of a some kind of substance taken to pieces carried out. Like that, as if a some kind of necklace used his beads pierced beforehand already the contemporary jewel maker would be a master in the course of the implementation. A king was not so poor mostly because of that, that from pearls taken to pieces let patched have a crown prepared. According to the Catholic Church and historians Stephan our king got it from the then pope. It was not poor. His brother-in-law, the later German emperor sent it to the pope according to others, that István, who married his younger sister let him not be allowed to seem a with iron in nobody's eye. It may not have been poor. But let him think of his kind reading omnipotent surface seen already in the course of the previous chapter only! It resembles the form of the pierced bead awfully. It is prominent, that the pierced pearls (industrially) they are doing at random in their sockets. It renders the thing probable, that the size of the sockets to the stone stopped up and pearl adjusting, onto a size and a shape equally. These his role (beside the decoration function) may be like that of course, than the role of the tuning seed in our televisions' or our radio's coils. If they somebody keeps screwing his place, let there be a specialist on his sole really, who only some without instruments (onto an eye, onto an ear) can restore the function of the apparatus! Very suspicious, that these pearls at the same time some kind of little trimmerek, gently tuning elements may play his role our crown the forming of a band's vibration, they consist in an other and other position because of this, shows irregularly. The crown on the upper on part of latina, the crown 72 pearls can be found, that pearls mean the protection of the 72 cherubim. There are this much. Not more and not less. According to the tradition Szűz Miriam (Mária) his necklace the decoration was made. I mean a framework was prepared for only eight apostles on the upper part of the crown. (The from fourteen...) this on the east respected and apostles' gallery worked. Presumably from the front of the 300 years, because Islamic spreading was later here. Prepared technology like this the leaf moulds and their relative folk, the Huns had jewels only. Our crown may have been found with big Karol pillaging campaign most west. Evidence would be good from this direction a drawing depicting Karol coronation, you are a drop cap, with what single historians (and church memoranda) had it topped put onto his own head in this, and it was buried with this in Aachen. 2.4 WHAT KIND THE WATERS MAY BE All of the genesis unimaginable without the interaction, since the nothing causes nothing. It, that let some kind of evolution be allowed to start on the level of the dimension sources, you are the stringekből according to the assumptions of the today's physics (from time shoelaces, from time threads) let them be allowed to take shape the branching one szuperstringek; something has to induce the process. The globular effluence considered as the plain one so infinitely plain, after Mőebius is the overflowing surface himself surface, one-sided something, the diffusion of which is not justifiable with single arguments,, and the inner structures of the medium of the ancient times arising here it they turn into one which can be interpreted then in well-known geometry till now. The ancient sacred texts talk about the waters at every step, but their contemporary explanations lodge a protest on one lifted yet from the chemistry (and from the tap) with known water truth because of an identification. THIS TIME IS HIS WATER! They explain this by means of a real brook, living water and a sea totally unambiguously in the interpretations with a materialistic inspiration. Getting depressed simple-mindedness. The effluence necessary, but it is not possible to can really, how he should flow where, since all of it időrendszer only inside himself and from himself exists. All this taking shape inside the source has an any kind of logic obstacle actually, that get in, let the thing be getting complicated in the dot, because we may not use the human concepts of the littleness or the greatness altogether already here. These human inventions, that the man maniac nomotetikai and they stem from his metrics mania. We compare everything to something. At this time, there are not space and the time yet only in the form of the time germ when the event discussed now happens exists. He is not at this time yet in fact. HOL is not a reasonable question since there is not place yet at this time. Very interesting that English saying from the hell (Hell), that sounds so: BETWEEN HELL AND HIGH-WATER. This the fact that two are fires means things like that in Hungarian. The hell the encounter of his fire and the tall one, celestial water. Instead of the place the hell, I faced a Hell expression already in our dialects. We did not take it over from the Englishs certainly. HOLE the hole, HOLY the saint, HOLLY the honey locust. Their pronunciation differs significantly already, but their writing style shows an interesting coincidence yet. Interesting HELIX with a Latin origin = spiral, but HELIOS (helyos?) sun-god you are Egyptian HELYOPOLIS = Sun city the message of words, that today Baalbek on a name may know, from which BAAL likewise god name. The ball may derive from here our word, when to celebrate, we dance. This altogether does not show ancient Baal dressed a coincidence in the fearsome gown -al. The sun-god is ancient with his respect rather at it. The Sun and the moon show this ancient faith on the Szeged votive church's front. Besides the original one having been immortalized on four boards at the same place four elements. Ignis, Aqua, Aer, Terra. Fire, Water, Air, Earth. I mean we are right certainly. And good the faith of the others. Returning from us roving around on the area of the languages, in the one-sided topography as soon as from Ferenczi remark we may have seen it, there are terrible curiosities like that, that the surfaces with a type like this do not have a surface simply with certain computational methods. For the bodies that do not distribute it in two the space, their surface zero is left simply. From a paper tape sticked ring - that actually a cylinder surface - manages a surface which can be calculated easily so, but his surface becomes impossible simply in the traditional sense if we glue it together screwing a half turned inside out. This is true for the surface of BINDU, the time source likewise is left over. Two do not divide the space into a part because of his bias, the effluence of the surface may happen simultaneously because of this inwards and outward, that expressions in this case immediately adverse, after this surface does not have a distinct inner and exterior side. One-sided. Point-size The arrival, the departure, the space, time and the others somebody else all point-size; moves in such a way that he is at a standstill, middle, and simultaneously border. Ékes Ákos (ÉÁ) filter c. his volume This already that sphere of his for the thinking, where the poetry is left farther the classic logic, since the creation may not have started some kind of complicated basic principles, you are very complex based on things, since at this time, there may not have been warmth yet on the real beginning, neither substance, neither lifematter, neither light. The cosmology like this at the first try attractive for the man (than the god painted for the man), cared for something for drawn one known by everybody conjures, but contradicts the sober thinking unfortunately. The many tasks look like one untied nearly, but this single self-deception. The very dynamic inside made more complicated awfully for the substance for the energy and chiefly has to be his construction. So as the greatness does not make sense in the case examined by us, some the outward and inwards meaningless. These our spatial concepts, but practically inappropriate to the accurate understanding of the secret of the time and his exploration. We have to make friends even with the totally bizarre thought that all of the universe is an enormous singularity, that is; a dot all of it. For our universe's mass 95 (!!) our scholars do not find his percentage. This recently onto the neutrinos - to the neutrons similar but even minuter félspínű onto neutral particles - they are struggling along to accuse, but there is something, which is suspicious awfully. For example Virgo galaxies which can be observed in a constellation, which race into a direction mysteriously. It, what it what accelerates it continually an any kind of visible or demonstrable object gives reasons for them, because that place is that towards it they rush totally pitch-dark. The astronomers dubbed this object Great Mover. It may be possible that this dark wall is not other than our universe's border? Maybe, that we live in the inside of a black hole? Curiosity like this already since the past century's front suspect the researchers and the philosophers. Here appears the irregular question that the black hole is hollow within then is it possible? Is the black hole black singularity from within? May we exist in a punctiform world's inside even so? Similar one already the examination of the protons observe. (Charon). We have to examine these the shows now not yet truth cosmological questions, because if the world is fractaly, and then the honed found solutions the flax may be helped in his world a lot, and translated of course too. If it is material particles not from bullets and even smaller berries, but they consist of complicated time whirlpools, then probable, that the time loops not limitlessly can be compressed. Stimulating the atom and compressing him have a final, upper limit so. It would follow from this, that a neutron star (that consists of neutrons only tersely, and represents terrible mass) swelling into a black hole once only from within - his centre - attains a critical border like that where the inner construction of the neutrons becomes impossible as a result of the terrible pressure of the particles practised for each other. This means his full destruction to what means mass losing and the full injury of the law of the substance persistence refuted on much place already. The anihilál gets to his place finally expression, which means a destruction,, and not though being transformed into energy. Nihilism (half an ounce) = nothing. Any kind of mass gets lost so there if the particle consisted of time only. Breaks out according to our researches until now on the other hand something, namely the light that skulked in the proton or the neutron till now. Like this the process not two photons, but many light quanta appear. Enter sporting event they after Pauli in the future fotínóknak. What is freed is energy really. The difference altogether so much merely, that did not arise in the course of the process or was transformed. He was the prisoner of the particles. LASER gets tired because of this the charger gas. Light, a which cannot be believed at that amount of light quanta crackling here and there start filling the strange from black hole expanding continually from within growing without so from within. The light is a thing which cannot be seen in fact. It is particularly in the medium like this. Valid one needs the exterior and the inside for a surface likewise to be for the singularity rule, i mean the inner event horizon one with event horizon locked likewise than the exterior. I mean in the punctiform world's inside a newer one, but a concave dot appeared now. Nothing prohibits from this according to the knowledge of the today's science really. May he be his inside, his thickness, his construction for the dot? Quite incredible, but not prohibited! This principle which can be generalized has many consequences absurdly onto the establishment of our world view, because he may be any kind on this basis to make a metrics difference between a nucleon and a black hole, in spite of the fact that an atomic nucleus is minute in our notion a black hole appears as an enormous thing though. The singularity it singularity. This we crown with the bold assumption that concave singularities may exist in the inside of some a nucleon, than in a black hole. This single Swartzshild féle closed universe our whole universe may concern whole one's in case of a construction, in which the black holes may form inner singularities, just as well, than the nucleons. Closed systems in similar closed systems. The black holes more newly the miáltalunk Bindu pointed to a surface with a totally similar formation it is depicted. (In Steven Howking film) this cosmological evolution points into the direction of his success for the principle of the similarity. This signals it since the one-sided topographies make the general application of the integration impossible, that it is over the newtoni-leibnitzi for an era, and that this road exception in the monotony of the usual three-dimensional ideas, and warning looking at it too, that very much hard thinking will set us to it. Where happens so the effluence? Get out, you are though get in? Our logic the >kifelét< would dictate it, but the integration catastrophe of the one-sided bodies warns us that this is not a plain case like that because of that. Let us choose both for one for the mood of the relief. Why not. We may look at it now the get out passing phenomena, it it may be aware of us there yet, that all of our steps inwards may be true. Get in into the inside of the dot. Entirely simply because of that, because the source and there is not space in the world woken up by it, and there is an any kind of distance metrics. Like this, those troubles are not after there are not littleness bought in a traditional sense or greatness, because of which to the sizes and we are worried so very much with our consciousness insisting on the proportions, the usual handhold so much. The outside and within tantamount and comes into existence simultaneously. |