MAIL Hungarian text


This sign may mask many important things because it may not be chance that two are ékjelet yet they were useful in this ancient writing. In the course of the creation for the father not expressed itself his original state expressed itself had to divorce. If it is observed onto the right ancient Christian sign which can be seen above, it is possible to see the same basic principle in a dog then, we may face a variant with a more pointed angle here only. The arc which can be seen below is important because this signals the effluence. Here not plane, but we may see a tapered time world's depiction. Labat called this sign U fundamentally, and the same one was used as a number. 10 -et understands. They knew the decimal system. This is interesting because they used the 60 number system for counting as anything else mostly. The schedule of the clock preserves this tradition today, where yet one third number system opens his head. The 24 one. 24 (2x12) clock, from which the odd clocks a man's, the even clocks' women character. Adam was the first one (1), Eva the second (2). This logic of his.

Ú (10)

The interesting one in the thing it, that here this sign not yet the second, but yet until all of them the first one! Fér is the first one. Ú already the fits his child, the fits-fi-ú. But the Hungarian man a word masks this without Ú. On all of them certainly the woman, girl, girl, maiden, damsel our words will gain a sense like this, and the on himself and consonants receive a role in the course of the analysis of the creation. All this may affect equal one for some kind of amateur linguistic reasoning, but never mind! Let us look at an other sign. Somebody else, the somebody else-IK our word indicates it, that the other descendant; mark onto IK appearance. IK-RA. The caviar consists of little spheres, a lot-from many little spheres, RA reports the fish on the other hand then. Not any kind of fish, since Jesus dominates the ticket of the fish, and the creation of the fish figures in a story being about much Jesus. They turned it upside down so at least. Created fish in a child's age in the fishers' net already, and this the story the genezáreti is repeated at a lake. The previous figured on a side already sign Labat on a primer manner for fish hangzósítja.


But became clear there already, that this fish not from the biological being believed by everybody truth masks our association, but this egysorozat originating from one, egymásolat appear here, the FI-Ú. This not an other thing, but same thing, only in the magic of the time a so new element, which is totally identical with the previous,, you are further back only more forward it is in time.

time thread the fish from a sign.

The incomprehensible mystic expression that it is a father steadily derives from this and makes his son continuously. Momentarily. This the explanatory ones onto a human level jerked, and from this an exceeding nonsensical result emerged of course, dared here the fits begets it the fit, for what a mother is not needed, i mean good who patriárchális provides an occasion for exaggerations. Was (and is) his manifestation contradicting for this in our world, when there was woman rule. We Huns old folk we are, and these changed regionally at us. A woman rule and male dominance system existed simultaneously. Both worked well on his own manner. Somebody else turns out from the genital racism totally today. This fight between the genders, but only for the power. The successor not aim, but device. This leads to the decay of the race. Any kind of egoistic one ranting is not worth this much. The moral one and the ethnic one work on our cutback with steam power already. This liberalism is his essence. Like that than the Russians' freeing was. What kind of liberator the person who is afraid through a century sits on his freed neck.

The above series figure in the Sumerian cannot be found, and I brought it up for an example for the understanding of the principle only. This a string in the physics, and a silver thread in the mysticism. In the reality this only component, and his only kind for the reality. But from a material viewpoint totally virtual, than the software in the computer. It does not exist in a tangible, material form. This time thread is timeless because one single element may not be missing from his existence. This the immaginárius would break it formation series. So elusive, than the root minus one. All of his members exist because his predecessor existed already. All space cycles the universe flashes up entirely until his border, which is endless velocity according to human concepts,. When he attains the border disappears, but the next series arrives immediately, i mean his existence rhythmical, and not to be stood, on the other hand express like that, from which we have an any kind of simile. His existence seems totally continuous from an any kind of substance can be dreamed up for a measuring device, although device like this does not stand for equal one yet our provision. With the 5000 years our forefathers before this from somewhere they had accurate knowledge about the universe unbelievably after all. This thread was their internet.


The signs there are two people already here. An other one stands for the first one crosswise already here. The sign drop according to Labat MAS. Most because he appeared one somebody else-ik. We today somebody else-nak we say it. It dared one somebody else spat. But the other one reports alike one somewhere because of that. A time source is at a standstill, you are your fish compared to an other one. If he moves more quickly, than időrendszere can expand, leaves a cone of shape behind then. This does not have many other things because one are like that than the other one. Onto the thing we have two words actually: One -IK and somebody else-IK. I mean the previous fish and local MÁS. It is important that the ik is a verb ending. But vajh what connects the ikes verbs? Write the rule.


KUR. The thing a Hungarian does not need him very much, to explain what should do, but the essence it that one nemű creeps in into the one with other gender. But it that kurik, we do not say it. I heard one like that already from Romanies, that; kurel. The question arises, that with what, and even it, what the not (and what the yes). For these the dimension they are not for systems biological genitalies, and not too biological beings. Time systems. A difference may be some kind in their physical parameters only. The ability of the expansion is at their disposal fundamentally. They may turn yet beyond this, and spaces with a right or leftish twist may be left behind with this. According to the traditions the right one the boy, the leftish one the girl. The folk protect this until the today's day in their clothing. The coat and the buttoning of the shirt are reversed at the women and the men. This reciprocator rotation aura and chakra systems have him, and influences the healthy function of this on big one. Who the hell would think that a jacket is not all the same, you are the buttoning direction of a suit jacket?! I mean the punctuation marks have separate gender according to their direction. If the pancake pasta clock I stirred in an opposite direction, then my grandma rámszólt, that it is not necessary to stir in that direction because it does bad. Fit in no way into my head, that for what better one of the directions, than the other one. Well because of that, because not it doesn't matter. Even his flavour will be other.

It saw here in time before ékjelek according to Labat piktogrammokat they were useful, and these help with big one to the solution, although I have a serious intuition from that direction, that these did not come to an end because of evolutionary reasons, but for something else. This was an other, parallel writing system as they used three writing ones in Egypt. But regain yet a little back up the Sumerian hierogliphs!

46 page.

The creator

This graphical formation proves that the relativity theory of the time is the basis of the language clearly. A tachion sketched punctually is visible really on this picture. The same drop shape is visible on our holy crown of Hungary. At that 64 pieces, as many basis dimensions yes. Let's see well, that Labat (bring it down:Labá) how hangzósítja.


Ád, accross and gír

Dagger, sword , killer, glitters, burns, Scorpio, Scorpio constellation . He sets up the solution with these concepts. From this it burns, glitters, and Scorpio adjusts to the logic approach because this is not other than the fire element. It accross and the ád a vowel may be good, because the time crosses the boiling point here, and the ád, because this element creates everything. Substance and energise. The creator's physical appearance is like this punctually. Who drew this it knew the relativity theory. The ékírt sign system balfele shows serious formal affinity with the sign meaning the god, the lopsided wedge arrives obliquely from left into this only, and not vertically.

. The a sign progresses with a lopsided wedge truth expanding. The lopsided wedge negating (wrong, evil, destructive, destroyer) I found it with senses. Our expression with a lopsided tendency is like this. Already the fish nál I sent it in that direction, the fish moves though, but does not leak. On the other hand here on the previous picture the ád vowel quite thought-provoking, because this whole sign system suggests a slightly other one then. The dies-gives would be whole good one here, but what is looking for from the right those three vertical wedges. this means three alone so.

This is three so. Maybe, that the meaning of the winter sign the evil the moves into three?

Little the logic base, so that let us be looking for additional footings!

The primer solution of this sign SUM: cuts a neck off, breaks, strikes, saw, falls (but the báh, páh, tuk, TA), with a word smashes, cuts up, kills sense, i mean reports negative qualities. (Maybe because of this with a lopsided tendency it one in him?) The member nominates a man in our today's language whatever, and TIBIR alludes to this on today's one = the translation of a hand, because the man has a hand only. This may be the left in our case. Was useful for the side-slip on Inn "balkézről" truth attribute.

I found a very similar sign, which will become very exciting immediately,!

This sign is much more exciting! His solution: AB (AP) and the aptu window, hole, slot sense. What does the lodge mean today in Hungarian? ( A lodge digs, a little lodge stands in the pelisse of big Danube, sylvan lodge ). He means house. Opening translating to Hungarian so is an AB lodge on the house. The other meanings and vowels interesting: (AB, into AB, Abu) dad, old man, sea, look, stb. The thing will be exciting here.

Oh, kind Hungarians, which vowel you like that? The underwear, you are the top? It is lower for me. Labat wrote nothing so beside it. Maybe, that both correct solutions. The next ékjel helps possibly because of that to decide.

After the sign of the Sun it an, god solution a sign is at a standstill.

It seems very much that this sign is vowel so here, that day god. Maybe at the first try strange, that AB reports a window, a hole, but if we know it, that the local space source of the solar system, which keeps all of the planetary system in one, is in the Sun, this gains a more serious sense already then. The source breaks out from a hole. The space source. The time from a minute hole seething dimension. How the sign should be nobody's serious doubt we may look at his evolution. We see the past of the dimension. MUL-AN-DO. In the top line MUL = etoile = star. It AN his meaning a god, a top burn, the DU, DO though makes (even in English). Like this this star day - UPPER SKY - MAKE.

MUL, day to a vowel the star (étoile) solution owes, one more thing interesting (précédant ambush noms d'étoiles) reports it, that for example, the names of the stars adverb. I mean Sumír ancestors said the Sun to a star, which is inconspicuous today, but be watching only up onto the sky! A star does not compare small one to the Sun! A stupid prehistoric man rates it an eye on an any kind of manner for a star so. A man with knowledge like that, who is in possession of the modern astronomy, says one like this only. (Or stars away saw our Sun...) it already only foam on the cake, that I did not find an example in one single of my dictionary that way, that our central celestial body would be called a Sun. This is the Sungod.

Sun, sole, szonce, Sonne, soleil, sol (half an ounce, too, day) solus (half an ounce. only) solutio (half an ounce. solution) o kham (Gypsy; Sun hn.) T'áj-jáng, scratch (chinese; Sun). The interesting one it, that the T'áj-T'áj reports it in Chinese, that Mr. woman , ÁJ reports affection alone though. The jáng means even one like this brought down likewise; goat, sheep, to thaw, to melt, sea. We met at AB the sea with a sense. The sea means entirely other one in our case, than much salty water in a big pit. The yin the silver, the moon, and in the knowledge of our legends the jáng the gold. We may find it out yet in the Hungarian tales it dressed in a Sun onto a woman. May arise on Inn the T'áj-T'áj. Recurring the Latin sol-ra, IS -t too present, and this even more will be the beginning of a god name in the additional ones. It is in a contact with the creation. In English whatever it is it present, how are you, and the Englishs (and in most world languages) the verbal predicate is amounted to maniacally always quasi, differently from the Hungarians. We use the present time of the existence rarely only, but a VAN said alone stops you are an independent declarer as an interrogative sentence. In English one = ONE, but is-nak it is brought down.