7. part   


The royal cloak

Hit between the strings! Our coronation badges very interesting and instructive thing, if we take a close look at our coronation cloak. The thing is properly so at the first try, but in as much we examine it more thoroughly, we may find many remarkably thought-provoking things go ahead. The cloak begins to sound, and speaks for himself.

Right there is a little mandorla above residual, the little arched motive piece hanging in that signals it, that the cloak was much bigger sometime. No, but how large may have been?

The mandorla residual on the cloak. The angle of the correct cloak cone is like this. Because of this with an angle just like this the tari the tower angle of a stupa.

The shape of the cloak and his size were very important. Locking up his front together a creator angle formed a cone, and this essential to the operating of the holy crown of Hungary. It from here a bigger picture which can be inspected indicates that rough hands collaborated similarly to the crown well the mutilation of the cloak. Because of the pieces missing from his front this now in truth only invaluable piece, but the cloak with a new, faultless function which can be created in the knowledge of the principle.

to big size

The rről the little one remained I talk about an arc piece. There is a mandorla just like this on the middle of the cloak, so that we know the size, since the two arc pieces identical. This mandorla is not altogether already on the left, so from there a bigger piece was cut off from the front of the cloak. The bottom of the cloak was cut off round, so that the lower one giving shelter serving stretching the cloak out are missing with completeness. The cloak recorded the form of a cone that may be familiar already at the time of a coronation from the churches. Here for Kőrösi Csoma Sándor consecrated tari I show the holy angle on the tower of a stupa. The gold embroidery served the costliness, but the cloak with a full arc had to issue a metal cone with an accurate angle entirely because of resonance. The one bygone (decollete) lower gold circle served this aim.

Universus on the millennial helmet
The holy angles remained yet, so that correctly can be reconstructed. This resonator and the apostolic crown a so working system is formed when they are together, that the king is bound to the creator. The thing risky , after truth intensified a contact with the creator in case of an inappropriate candidate with a soul vibration the making an attempt does not get away through it with an intact mind. It a helmet showed a similar aim here in served, portable export. His button on top of him i an octahedron I suspect shaped crystal, which is the soul of the helmet. The ornaments were called palmette, that is palm leaves, but these universuses, it into themselves turning back time-systems. It would be necessary to complement the cloak with so much, that one let him publish a cone with an angle like this punctually. This was truth because of resonance with the creator so. It is necessary to pass judgement because of this under the crown. They will be the laws in harmony with a god's will really so.

Jesus with a size decreasing then growing steadily along a cloak (?) there are shapes, at that 2x9=18! I was looking for the contact for a long time between the cloak and the crown. The corona latina the springs stand in vertical lines six at a time on an apostle's small pictures, and only 3 are from a row like this! 3x6=18! Between the dimension stairs 4x6=24 a red little dot hides. The council of the twenty-four clocks, the twenty-four old ones, the gods. Triális (three) souls, because of this the 3x24=72 cherub. The same one is on the upper small picture of the crown 2x12=24 in a distribution. No, and the pearls of the band there are precisely 72 people. As many people a god's sons and his girls. Their name you are edge re always aciah-ra ends. The girls are latter.

All folk may be proud of ancestors apart from land on the Earth (and boasts), and a very diverse race lived already here under the a millions of years. Their habits and their religious conviction were brought, because as what my first statement is true, likewise the second. That's right with the shock developed Godreverent was the predominant part of ancestors armed with a science. We dragged up the diverse race because these are not all like that they were, than we , but smaller bigger differences were showed. The bigger one was not rare. A lot were sexfingers between the Huns' ancestors , and this not only with a thousand years before, but stands out in our days. Ady was born six-fingered. Two are so visible on the cloak.

MÁTÉ MÁTÉ hatujjú balkeze MÁTÉ jobbkeze

On Máté hands slightly much the finger

I was looking with a magnifier on the original pictures, and no doubt this on both of the character's hands six-fingered. Would the embroideress have been out? No let's see!

Sephanus is the royal one on a cloak. He has six fingers on both of his hands.

He was able to count to exactly twenty-four if he took his shoe off. The inscription beside the picture looks like forged one, and Sephanus was instead of Stephanus only so. The researchers Istvan it is called a king. He has many fingers suspiciously, and it you shape one like this with predilection for a priest because his abilities differing from the average in a lot qualified it for this. We do not dispute Istvan holiness, but there may be problems with his identification. It is the essence that we may understand the significance of the cloak, his operation principle and his holiness.

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