Past – present – future
At the end of the first chapter there was an interesting illustration graphic —it was to exemplify the spreading of time itself. This showed expanding spheres, and –the time source point of time itself—which is static in one place. Below is other graphic, which illustrates time even better. This was Dr. Minkowszky`s concept of time over a hundred years ago. This is a representation of –the passing of time. This discovery has not reached the great scientific minds since over a century, though he was Einstein`s mathematics professor—had they understood the concept, we would be in a different position today.

This actual spreading /expanding is what our forefathers called—water. Good description, but a misleading term . Another is also a misleading one, where –sound— was the term used because of the spherical expansion of sound as it spreads in various mediums. Many ancient writings have dealt with the construction of the time, and its characteristics.
Plato, Euclid and a number of Greek philosophers wrote about creation philosophy. Euclid delved into this in his writings especially in his third book which dealt with this essential –creation philosophy question a lot.
Plato also stressed strongly that the water is –an ancient element—and should not be confused with the actual waters of a stream or the ocean. He writes that the water is a growing sphere. ( please read the works of Plato/Euclid)
This expanding dimension is nothing more than the initial manifestation of the most ancient state or existence –of time—its source. In the beginning the actual —source point—was static, being in one position., in its center. As state began to expanded at the speed of light it generated –time spheres from itself. This is well indicated on the example graphic.
Naturally these do not cease, as indicated on the moving illustrations, as they expand further and further into infinity. This raises the question—what is the internal dimension construction of this wave like world which consists of time ? How does it arise—its mechanism? Initially this may sound like an easy question as one would deduce since a —sphere is three dimensional—as it appears to us. it is easy to imagine.
There seems to be some confusion with the idea. If it expands, the single new one—a temporal dimension—has to be –four dimensional, not three—as –space expands in all directions. Minkowszky tried to write this down as—xyz etc. where— x/y/z = the space dimensions/ c = speed of light/ t = time in the formula. He wanted to introduce –physical time expanding with the speed of light into—spacial geometry— depicting space within this formulation.
This however is highly incorrect, but he attempted to understand the dynamism of time. In his day he was considered as—the contemporary discoverer of time. Even today many with –the static mechanistic view will hold to these ideas and still adhere to the xyz type of geometry.
There is still seems to be an other problem.
On the entire exterior surface of this sphere has— the same time present— it is —equitemporal. What this means is that— the expansion from the center point of this expanding time surface at the speed of light has not become three dimensional –the only existing time on the entire exterior surface is a – tiny dot which is the only existence of time—that is expanding which would seem to be visually represented as a—globe/globular/round. At any point on the surface of this globe—is exactly the same time. The exterior surface is always representing the same time, it is concurrent –meaning or could be said – that it is one point.
This incredible—one something—exists in the same manner at the description of the black holes which is termed—ingularity. This means, that the locked (the closed ) needle of the event—the center(eye)of a black hole with event horizon in its entirety is –punctiform/is a dot. Any visions of going through one and finding a brave new world is an absolute impossibility as behind may lie an infinite amount of mass.
N.B—This –punctiform dot—is in essence 50-100 Km in diameter—but viewing it externally it is still—singularity. The latest description from cosmologist –describe the form as an apple shape.
The dimension even in a skeptics mind means expansion, which logically we understand to be –spreading/expanding outwardly in all directions. Exactly as is graphically illustrated above. There is no expansion that has a constant size to it.
If one dots on the exterior surface is/exists as —the same time, then any dot on the surface represents the same –dot. All of the surface –dots mean the same single dot—or is a single dot as the entire exterior surface is concurrent.
The exterior surface is homogenously concurrent in time, but as we progress inwardly into the system we step into a medium in which we may move towards the system`s—actual present time. On the exterior surface there is—zero momentum—which was emitted by the time source from within itself—by the initial moment of creation. This is the point of its oldest past—as one proceeds to move inwards within the outwardly streaming time medium—one moves closer to the –systems present time—which is right in the center of –the time medium.
Take note of the above graphic illustration.
Here, the inward progression reveals a one kind of —1 (first dimension)—the surface is 0 dimensional—as one progresses it pierces the dimensional surface—as one moves one progresses through newer and newer times –these are a kind of a–string dimension (a quantized string)—as observed from our point of view. They are infact– a series of actual times. Even if we are immobile/standing still –and this progression moves through us—it is still the same experiential phenomena. We experiences it—as a time process—as it progresses through we experiences newer and newer time momentums as the time creator sphere moves through. The sphere is the manifestation of the time momentums themselves.
A line is supposedly is an endless series of dots. Here the oscillating time source process –follow each oscillation consecutively in time. This is visible as a series—but if one move inwards it—then it represent the ever nearing – present—or rather if one in the future, seems to be moving towards the future—because the past arose earlier within its layers then we are actually traveling towards—the present.
At such times we would perceive the existential event to be –accelerated. This is also actual— past— but for us would still be arriving—before– even though we were standing in one place. Thus for us it would be—future. On the other hand the present may only be seen—if we are actually it.
There seems to be is a little problem with this idea. There is nothing tangible in this whole system.
Is it the question from what does the present originates from?
This is a serious question.
We should penetrate deeper in the exploration of this secrets.
Let`s presuppose the theory raised by Minkowszky that—dimension is an expanding sphere, so lets`s say that—time may also be compared to such a dimension, however we still do not know what actually stimulates the origin of the source—that source point in its center, which is the origin the time system. How does this point arise out from it, or through it onto this side?
And what is actually beyond the –point. God divided the waters into lower and upper waters. There were lower waters (past), present and upper waters (future). Not doubt, that since God divides the waters of two kinds into two—that time itself is--God, or as the Huns described Him as —Golden Father—He is that. Think about this—we can only see the past, closer or farther –but it is still a distance. As the light from an object hits our eye at the speed of light—that moment is already in the past. We never see –anything in the present because of the speed of light.
His presence is in everything and He is actually is —everything. God –Himself is the actual present. This is actually obvious when one looks at the stars—the closest one`s light, excluding our sun—takes over four years to travel to earth. Even the light from the closest star, our sun—takes eight minutes to travel here, a time delay—so in fact you are seeing an event that took place eight minutes ago in time as it was traveling at the speed of light.