Other states of Water |
Eleven. Means 11 in English. El is a name of God, and it is interesting that ‘even’ means geminate. I may have broken it up at the wrong places and ele-ven may be the correct way. Or maybe el-e-ven? This word game really made me think. It is also interesting that there is a irregular word for 11 in German and in Engilsh, too, for 11 which areeleven and elf, respectively.. It is interesting that, in football, the 11 meter penalty kick is not “elevener” (11-es) like in Hungarianbut penalty kick. In English 12 twelveand in German zwölf. We also have an other way of saying 12 too, but it is going out of use now. This word is tucat in our tounge. (TU-CAT). I would be glad if is someone out there who knows how Hungarians used to say 11 let me know. I don’t want to be a linguist here, I just pointed out the research which we will discuss more in detail soon. We will go along the inner logic of words and not along the similarity of words. We will proceed from the logical basis of ancient languages but still on this same subject. By the way, not many words start with “ca” in the Chinese language based on syllables, yet, the word caimeans again, newly, exist somewhere, in,on, andcaomeans to do. That is, the two word elements “tu” and “cat” mean something like “it was made by two”. What it may have to do with the number twelve is that there are 12 apostles, 12 months, and maybe that there are two times 12 hours in a day but our watches divide the day into 12 hour periods only. We have published the 10th issue of our linguistic periodical already. in May of 2002: BABEL linguistic phylosophical periodical . In our previous part supersonic aviation gave especially interesting practical examples for the timestructure-research because we can relatively precisely investigate sound phenomena, however, there are not many instruments available for the research of time. I do not mean the different types of clocks here, but our recently developed special gravitational wave detecting instruments. We cannot only measure time waves but we have been working on turning them into an image for the past ten years. Our results are very encouraging, however, there is still a lot of work to be done in the future. |
1. The Thales principle in its application on spheres. |
Many have asked me to complete the information regarding my discovery of spatial Thales. The thing is very simple, and this will be not hard to understand. A, B and C are points on a circle where the line AC is a diameter of the circle, then the angle ABC is a right angle. This is the essence of the Thales rule. If we turn the plain geometrical figure into a spatial one the principle should hold true for any spatial position and the resulting cone’s (yellow and red) foot angles’ sum will stay 90 degrees. This is the essence of the spatial rule.This is an evident, never published thought and, here, I will name it after my wife; IREN-rule. She deserves it for her 18 yrs of patience. This statement therefore will betrue to any cone pair drawn inside a sphere, if the cones base is tangential to the sphere (on a circle). This rule is true to any diameter. This will be needed for the drawing of the “tangented sphere” so that we could define the source point of the emanating time sphere with the help of one single point. This is definitely needed for the modelling of creation. |
Time, having been transformed into the Fire state romantically changes compared to the Water state. I have already pointed out that this will have consequences and it is worthwhile to think about its investigation a little bit. The reason I have illustrated this request with the simple extension of Thales’s rule discovered by me is because the need for this mathematical principle will arise during the meeting action of the time sources rushing over the speed of light. |
The Water |
The emanating concentric spheres oscillate between two existences. For a whilehere and for a whilethere. When they are in the therestate, then existence ceases here. Is it possible that the “t” denotes a place in the past in these two little place adverbs? (Some kind of suffix?) Isiat the border on our side while o on the other side? The oldest time moment’s wave surface is outermost and then all the following ones come nicely in a row one by one. We have shown this in our previous pages’ animations but we still received several questions about this. The bluish zone is one of the existences and the yellow is the other. We have defined it as a positive or Water type time (tardion). The layers are spherically equitemporal (simultaneous, therefore pointlike), but the real first dimension appears moving in the time essence. It naturally follows from this that there is not any kind of dimension without movement. Either the waves or the observer has to move. The relative movement gives birth to the first dimension. We will use Rv to denote this movement (relative speed). We derive this from the non dimensional E because we do not have any other “unit of measurement” imaginable for the time being. |
This starts to get more complicated when it starts moving the stationary source. When the source moves at half the speed of light then the wave fronts in the front start thinning away and start getting rarer at the rear. The time-shortening phenomenon kicks in the system and also the time-contraction and time-dilation. The hitherto concentrically spherical wave-fronts transform in a manner shown in the above figure. This is a blueshift - known in physics - and it causes a phenomenon called a redshift at the rear. Time does not pass slower or faster if we move into the middle of it. Wile moving inside them the essences inside (within, among them) seem to be stationary. There is nothing extraordinary for the observer in the inside and everything seems normal for them. Yet, for someone looking at it from the outside our movement inside is indeed different. We move slower in the “thicker” zone and move slower in the “thinner” zone. Let us see what happens to a source which was reached (i.e. its outer surface was reached) by the first waves of an other source. We have shown a similar one before, but there, we did not go into the details of the essences. This is how it looks in the world of wave spaces. |
This is the upper border of the Water type one. |
We will take a look at that special state in the next section where the source repulses two or three other sources with its wave surface! We have already taken a look at something similar and we called this Fire source of Tachion there. Tardions (hypothetically) were discovered by Minkowsky a 100 years ago and tachions were predicted by W.E. Lamb (Nobel Lauraete) and he empirically proved their existence too; with the measurement of hydrogen spectral line splitting. He did not get the Nobel Prize for this, yet, this was a lot more progressive. No era likes such rebellion. The dogmatic do not want to pull their heads out of their back sides.
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