Analogy of aviation Let us take a look - on a side note - on the practical implications, and let us try to wrap our minds around the weird phenomena with our supersonic aircraft. The air battles of the second world war proved that speed and maneuverability was an ever more important demand and the stepped-up development of jet aircraft began already back then. At first, they tried to increase the engine power of propeller driven aircraft, however, having reached a threshold value by increasing the rate of revolution only lead to the ends of the propellers getting torn off or to the repeated breaking off of the tips of the wings. Calculate when and at what rate of propeller revolution the tip of a propeller with a diameter of one meter exceeds the critical sonic speed. Send your result to this address: univ-universitas@freemail.huDevelopers tried realizing their plans based on the principles and formulas which had been put forth up until then but they always faltered over the threshold. The main reason was the exceeding of the speed of sound. At first, the tips of the over-driven propellers exceeded this threshold value, and the part the circumferential speed of which first exceeded the 333 m/sec speed started an unexplainable wild resonance (broke in half, because it started existing in two places at the same time), and flew off of the tip of the propeller. If both edges broke off fast enough then the eccentricity may not have broken the crankshaft or its bearings already and the technical status may have been fine enough for a quick emergency landing. That is to say, the ever increasing propeller power (or the increased propeller diameter) was not a viable solution. The elongated and small diameter design of turbines proved to be a more fortunate solution as a larger revolution rate was permissible without risking that the tips of the turbine blades would exceed the speed of sound. The smaller the diameter the smaller the circumferential speed. Why is it important to deal with aerodynamics and avionics issues while discussing the relativity theory of time? I am not an avionist (either), but as I was looking at the different plane types and how that is all related to their allowed max travel speed I became aware of the analogy between the travel speed and shape of the aircraft. I drew a connected the nose and wingtips of the planes with a line and that is where the gist of the matter lies. These planes - as a result of their shape - could all go beyond the sonic speed and Concorde could even do around 3M. Other design defects could be the reason for these machines proving safe only at a slower speed. For example, the critical rate of speed of the engines. 1. Aircraft with speed below the speed of sound
Right (2.) The DC-8 type machine is backswept-winged but was designed in keeping with traditional avionic concepts. It would have gotten in trouble at around 2M and it is obvious that the two engines on the outside reach into dangerous sonic zone and probable greatly contribute to the machine falling apart at such a speed. Again, by this, freefall flight is meant. Allowed threshold speed is 966 km/h. (3/4M) Demand arose for even faster machines for intercontinental transport and the audacious designers took this all one step further. At first, they crossed the magic line - the sonic barrier - with fighter planes and in passenger transport.
The wings of this plane were placed way back and therefore they do not get into the space of soundwaves spreading backwards until up to three times the sonic speed. The sonic cone indicates a negative sound range and it is not all the same where and which range each part of the plane fall into, either. The sound of a stationary source spreads evenly in all directions but a moving one’s starts to get distorted. This is called blue shift in physics. There is a problem here, though. We are working with stationary source points and not moving ones and so we forget about that contraction (shortening) which is very well defined for very high speeds, but no one thought of those in case of lesser speed ranges. Our time-topographical figures were drawn using spheres, but in reality, we need to take them to be ellipsoids (flattened spheres). I have found one practical proof for this. We can see a fighter jet flying at double the sonic speed and the negative sound range flashes its fangs in this shot. There is really an ellipsoid fog ball on it, and this is not just some cloud into which the plane rushed but such a thing is continuously formed around supersonic planes. It is hollow in the back, that is, the positive sonic zone is there.
There is another (just growing) ball over the cockpit. Well, if the plane had a more elongated shape, a third, much larger fog ball would appear in the picture. If we drew a tangential line, like I did in the first three pictures, then we could read the current speed of the machine from that. We were given a warning. The spheres are flattened, which flattening is a function of speed. Sound contraction is very well visible here. The spreading essences of time show a very similar behavior and thus these simple thoughts help more precisely understand phenomena still non detectable even by the most up to date instruments used today. What is interesting is that these conclusions will come up again when discussing religious and ornamentation shapes later on. This knowledge will become relevant there and not when it comes to destruction. The source of this knowledge is the same as what we discussed in chapter nine.
This is exactly why that spear is needed on the tip of the nose of the fighter jets. It lifts the top speed by at least twenty percent without risking the wingtips and the weaponry mounted on it. Aviation is already a hundred years old miracle. It is time that the world of propellers, wings, turbines, rocket engines and the conventional methods based on up thrust gave way to more up-to date ones. Lot more advanced solutions were around already fifty years ago. We will examine these one by one.
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