HOWEVER: This “new” source is in a different location in time, but at the same time it is also elsewhere in time (in its owntime). This strange process can be observed well in the previous section’s sequentially created animation. It is exactly this of this temporal (and now also spatial) slipping which represents the birth of the second source. The process continues until the fifth source is born. There are more details of this process of course, since the inner essential time system of the spacetime being born, formed while constantly emanating goes trough extremely complicated processes but this can be seen in the animation of the previous section and it can also be seen that complicated dimension doubling zones also form here. A virtual source begins existing in the center of the system, which, by virtue of its position is not a Tachion but a stationary something in relation to the system. This is the princess in the fire-breathing dragon’s diamond castle. * Therefore, there is a point or a small circlet based on the traditions in the middle of star of David. One can not call this Tardion because ion means traveling one. This virtual source does not wander but stays. An interesting feature is that it is not constant, but is intermittently existing. It acts (maybe existing and giving rise to existence in a unity existence) as a sort of existence transponder since the central source is generated by the speedily circling elements and the virtual elements in a fast circular flight are held in cyclical existence by each dimension layer “arriving in time” (coming just in the right time). Except for the sixth. After one complete space-cycle there are no elements left with original characteristics in this time magic since by this time all sources have become only virtual copies and yet it creates a very lasting system which keeps repeating its roundel for even billions of years in the never ending dream of ownexistence. This is the principle of conservation of energy, but for completely differently reason and in a different way from as it is usually understood today. This energy is spatial in character, it is formed and it can also disappear. The fire-breathing dragon can be killed, and every child knows the different versions of the tale.
The computer model, the corresponding crop circle and the ancient symbol. Also, I came across this in mysticism. The right figure shows the symbol they used for it. No doubt this a message from our very smart ancestors for us from the far past. The hard core skeptics believe it to be weird superstition because they have not a clue about its true meaning. They diss them out of hand just like the above crop circles. I love these funny circle stumping students (teachers??) because they’ve got the cosmic-scale physics down to a T, and have chosen a very clever method of transferring knowledge to a wide range of audience. :-)
This spiral sphere of course has a variety of cross sections, the only above is just one. Now, if I cut it in the horizontal and perpendicular planes I get a spiral, which (as already discussed) is an ancient method of depicting element Air. The figure with the caption “elementon” slightly below shows this section. Primordial element, (primordial stuff) and not a mixture of gas, which we breath in. This is a life sustaining medium too, only at a higher level. Without spacetime neither matter as we know it nor light would exist. These are the drawing papers of spacetime. THE CONICAL TOROIDS TWO CREATIONAL STATES The spiral sphere’s creation phase. The one on the right is the former state. This spiral in the two upper pictures is not plane but spatial, and that is why I mentioned the snail shell as a good example. The spiral sphere (conical toroid) continues indefinitely, but after several layers have been added the interior topography will disappear more and more covered by the outer layers. On the left is a two volution one and on the right side a significant spiral can be seen, which has just touched itself. This is the same figure that was shown on the big green maggots, but here the source moves at a different speed. Here it has turned into itself after a half turn (2 spinned) the other after three quarters of rotation. This is the key position of the energy quantum’s birth. The space quantum is also an energy quantum, only unique because this quantum is created in Chaos and only there. In the already established essential space-time only a dual modification of this symmetry system can be formed.
THIS IS WHAT WE CALL LIGHT The word dual here means dual geometry. In a physics sense this is also a dual system because it fulfills the parameters which are desirable there, that is, it is a wave as well as a quantum, since the space quantum can be collided as well and it also has a /mass//. We cannot, however call it material, because the word particle is wrong. This a special fotino. Not photon because that is based on a theory of a theoretical and practical error. The quantum is a dose of something and we can surely put fotinos in this category. Pauli - Italian-born Austrian physicist - came up with the name70 years ago. Personally, I like it. It means photonlet in Italian. The concept of weight and therefore gravitation is unclear in our science. This space quantum does not bend space but generates it as bent. Apparently, all the same, but the two are completely different things logically. The space emanated by the space quantum cannot, however, be bent (as we cannot bend the space in the sense as it was thought up by physics.) The dimension systems leaving the sources dilate passively into infinity. Their ancient secret name: freedom. This spiral sphere should be multiplied by six if we want to get closer to the structure of space. This represents a six parallel universes that are in the same place, but all others can not be seen from the others because they are elsewhere in time. The six-symmetry is only characteristic of the whole space-time. We approached one element of it with the previous two spiral sphere figures. Of this six symmetry a plane hexagonal symmetry is seen to emerge but in reality nothing justifies this plane arrangement. The plane status is only a special case of the of three-dimensional one, which signifies six source points at equal distance from each other or in other words, a source arrangement of an octahedron shape - if arranged spatially. I want to mention the Cheops pyramid as an example. Now imagine this square based pyramid complete downwards.
THE GREAT PYRAMID’S underground passage is 30 meters in depth! Our stance is supported by the fact that there is a passage downwards in the pyramid which has been explored to the depth (!) of our metro. There is also a well which has been filled with sand. The greedy or vain adventurers would have vacuumed the sand out of there a long time ago, but they are afraid of something. This little passage down can be seen in the picture above, and here I show another figure in which this can also be seen. What did they do thirty meters below the surface of the earth? This dizzying depth is a bit exaggerated for a vegetable storage. It is certain that below the king’s chamber, about two hundred meters down, there is a large room, and even deep below that there are also some functional passages. Only the fairy tale lovers believe this to be funerary object. The Great Pyramid ends 146 meters below the ground, because there is an identical pyramid downwards. Thus, the total height is approx. 292 meters.
Here I am showing an old (2 December 1984!) figure, which also represents an octahedral system. Connect the four red dots in your mind in the area of the circle and elevate the one in the middle of the circle out of the plane of the figure. Its like the pyramid’s top view. Below the middle red dot (just in the middle of the system) there is a white circle (princess) in the plane of the earth and below it at the same distance there is an other sixth point (now vacant) which is marked with a blue circle here. Only five can exist out of the six. So this is a body centered octahedron.
THE WAVE SPACE OF THE SPACE QUANTUM This figure shows a special state out of the many possibilities where the presence-sources do not penetrate into the interior of their past, but reside on the boundary of that. I have shaded the essences of the two source elements, but the system contains five plus one active elements. The total energy of quantum is plane and oscillates even between the octahedron states. If for someone the Ying Yang figure comes to mind, that is good, since it is exactly a symbol of energy. Many letters we have received, and many asked to show explanatory details of the genesis. To these dear friends I’m sending these other series. With the series figure leading to the creation of space:
ENCOUNTER OF THE TWO CREATORS - at the point marked by the arrow. Splitting emerging in doubletime. The blue (male elder) source enters the red (female elder) source’s past. Both systems are moving! The blue source splits in the double negative time, yet, the two remain whole. This time timebifurbication is the consequence of double time. The mother system is only schematically indicated, because now we watch the fate of the Father system. The previous similar genesis series of figures (opposite, similarly occurring in the Father) showed the other series as well. This was drawn by a parameterizable program. If you want to research the matter you can download it here. ** Now it is important that in the followings the Father source succeeds in turning within the content system of the Mother, otherwise the desired time loop never comes into existence!
Let us see if it is up to speed. the turn 3. it could stay in! 4. It seems alright, like it has gotten over the most critical moment. The other branch leaves accelerating longitudinally and backwards from the scene, yet the two still remain the same. It is elsewhere, yet, it is one, while the other, barely though, but could just manage to take a turn in the Elder Mother. Meanwhile, it slows down, ‘sprawls’ due to the falling speed. It does not yet see its past here, because its own emanating event wave has not yet reached it (the presence-source curving up and to the right) the moment before the contact 5.
The MOMENT OF CONTACT - The virtual copy appears at the place marked by the red arrow 6. In the sixth picture I have drew a small red arrow and this little arrow shows where the source penetrating into its own past beholds itself. This is itself, only in its former, “younger” form. It has long moved away from the place shown by the arrow, since it has traveled the course curving to the right (blue). Looking from there (where it is) it is moving exactly in that older time layer where this past event is moving towards it. This is a borderline image because it tangential arrived at its own past surface. The outermost surface is of Water type, and it repels it at 1E out of itself. If it arrives too flat, it bounces off of the surface of its own past if it comes in too steep, it re-spawns itself in the wrong place. This red arrow marked shift and the existence cycle repeated infinitely immortalizes the first representative of light. |