Time has come for us to consider what kind of a way out what have written so far holds for humanity. Is there any hope to ever reach the remote skies? My answer to this is that we are getting more and more of a chance to do so. Einstein’s relativity theory will not be invalidated by all that we have described all along, but on the contrary: it is gaining its full meaning only just now since it can thus be applied, in a wider sense, to all events occurring in the entire Universe. Thus the subatomic world will work according to the same laws just as the macro world. The new idea emerges from the fact that we are building our theory not on static or contrived and inaccurately defined basic elements but we have based our theory on the one single constituent of the universe. Accordingly the spacetime and energy are essentially one and the same thing. Energy and matter are created from time and consist of nothing but pure time. Therefore you do not have to extract energy, because time is an essential part of existence.
*The sources which are slower or faster than their
emanation, are archaically called Fire and Water or in the parlance of today’s physics
these are known as Tardions and Tachions. **These are the primordial principles**. They do not have an iota of material in
them, that is, **they are not particles**not only that, but we can not say either that
they are "energy". This is the Chaos. This same Chaos still exists
today, Chaos has not disappeared. Such zones of the universe where there is not spacetime but Chaos is already
present. Chaos is not emptiness but is completely empty in a material sense. There is no light here. But
it is not to say that here there is nothing here. * From the ones written down till now this yet cannot be decided entirely unambiguously. We wrote about it many times on our previous sheets, that the formation of the universe two time-systems his encounter we started it, but I received many questions from this direction, and this showed it, that the thing did not fit entirely into the heads. Let us respond to the above questions first. Additional questions occur to this then. The original existing (they expressed themselves) his evolutionary processes lead to Chaos being turned on, i mean the they expressed themselves each other are sped up with their time surfaces, and accelerated sources like that are activated in this alley, that their own event horizons move more quickly already his spread. Like in this Chaos an element of two kinds starts getting mixed: Fire and water. The first two. Their spread slower and their spread faster sources, his older name water and fire, you are the tardionok and the tachionok in the terminology of the today's physics. These ancestor principles. There is not an iota of material one in them, i mean not particles, but we may not claim it about them only yet, that energy. This Chaos. This Chaos is found likewise today, did not disappear. The zones of the universe like that, where there is not a space-time already, but Chaos is on a sign already. Chaos not emptiness, but from a material viewpoint totally it's empty. There is not light here. But we may not say that there is nothing here after all. |
The space in Chaos does not exist yet, and the energy or the substance may exist yet because of this, because the space keeps these then in the existence. The first form of the energy, the space-time take shape after the encounter procedure presented already (in the west almighty, in the east Mahad) and we may talk about time, a distance or place from this time only. In the previous part from this direction we showed more pictures. The space is a power system with layered, six symmetry originating from five sources. A light quantum was born without a space. In Hungarian: the space the single special form of the light. The light known by us (energy) his predecessor and his maintainer. So may enter sporting event: the hidden light. An opportunity overlooks the accomplishment of the additional steps with the birth of the space-time, and the universe stepped out of Chaos state with this. The time is local because he extends to only an existing all-time event horizon of his. This law the original one and the copy one are true for existing. Everybody for the own first one radiated reaches as far as his event horizon. Exists compared to himself, and the his selftime radiates it, but the one time-systems it from his original leaving out tree-like one (and fraktaled) branching. These fractals not the usual plane fractals, but time fractals, so dynamic. It took aim at the solution of this already half century string (shoelace) theory, but it omitted the application of the event horizons expanding in all directions. The junction was introduced in this theory later and these were the superstrings. The time was omitted from the time in these, but we may write it onto their good, that the opportunity of the angular momentum and the junction is implied already. |
![]() Uroboros in the ancient Greek papyrus. |
These time feedbacks form lasting systems in time in several different
symmetries and this is where the sacred geometries come into the picture
which have been known two and a half thousand years ago. What kind of things can come into being in a six symmetry system? With a plain
geometrical approach this cannot be drawn up properly (as the world which surrounds us is not flat), therefore, we examined those teachings
which were passed down to us from Ancient Times which could serve our purpose and are more than mere geometrical brainfarts. When we examined
the question of space this thing worked out since we found two things in |
Our pages coming much later on where we write about the created world support this ideas correlation to the things of the world but we will show here two very common lattice systems of metals and the gist of it all can be seen very weel in these figures. If you pay attention, even here, at the level of atoms, you can see what the Greeks told in their legends about the how the world is made up. The five regular bodies, and the the world of geometric duals. We will now take a look at the OCTAHEDRON - CUBE dual pair in metals.
![]() ![]() |
What does that mean? The figures speak for themselves. Cube in the octahedron and octahedron in cube. There is a face centered octahedron at the top, a face centered cube on the bottom and this is interesting because the metals which are generally known and used by us crystallize in these two forms. This is not typical of most organic material, but then we’ll find interesting things here as well which will also prove this. Here you can not mark the valency lines which is widely used in chemistry which means that we are getting signals from nature that the different types of matter are held together in a system by other forces and the ionic bond will not explain these things. The issue has been glossed over, it could have helped a lot, though, in its substantive examination. We shall get back to many of these issues in our latter pages so that we could thoroughly reflect on them. |
The common salt looks so in one of my chemistry books (Bodony: Chemistry summary). The problem of the ionic bandage and the covalent bandage it was put on the distance, than the different conditions onto the heat motion. We see this on the right figure. The things show the big contexts difficultly in parts. Today the analysis and not though the synthesis the fashion. We gut the things than the child the alarm clock, but we are lazy ones or inattentive ones for those contexts his search, what would show the phenomena in unity. ? |
Why do the atoms repel each other more and more when heated?
The above states-of-matters figure does not justify the melting point |
Are such forces present in the galaxies as well?* *What causes certain materials to be hard or to be flexible? Why is it that some of the metals listed in the two color pictures are extremely hard while at the same time the other with the same atomic distance can can be cut with a knife? |
We can see very intriguing lattices in a third group of metals and rare earth metals. Along with the octahedral arrangement there are two other hexagonal symmetries which are also very common. Similar to this is a spectacularly occurring flat-hexagonal grid in one of the modification of carbon which is the graphite. These metals are usually easily machined.* |
These above questions then will be answered one by one in the coming
pages. We have brought these figures forward because of the natural occurrence of the cube and the
octahedron. It is now only the form which
is important. An octahedron is formed in the cube and within the cube an octahedron is formed and for some reason the atoms float in one point in
there and tenaciously want to stay in one place. That is, atoms, in relation to each other stubbornly cling to a geometric
form. This must
be the essence of it all. A force that holds together the elements in sorted
order. This is, without a doubt, must be caused be the wavespace
of atoms making it up and also one other thing. The resonance with
spacetime. We have put the small tables next to the lattices to help
examine this more closely. |
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