The meeting of creators created the first light quantum which we now call
The spacetime given birth by the central sources constantly remains in the state of
birth, since its turning back into its owntime traps forever one of the eternal
sources. This does not, however, effect its coequal dual which is in the same
owntime. That is, its weird originality remains, just remember the genesys figures where the light seed - which split
into two yet become two whole separate lightseeds - turned back in one of the branches and on it flew in the other
The space source, nevertheless, cannot just simply be called eternal because besides the fact that it eternally repeats itself in the
timeloop, all its elements are virtual. Its birth and sustainment is permanent,
yet, all its elements are virtual as its five generating sources generate a sixth one again and
again, but by that time they have lost the first one which was fed back first. The internal negative and double time
systems, of course, give birth to branches as well, since this is characteristic of all double or manifoldly broken negative time
mediums. The branches which have been created in this was stay in existence depending on what type of time medium they move
in. Only the onwtime keeps them in the virtual existence but that which is created in the other branch or has been previously
created from the same owntime system counts as owntime as
well. These sources constantly nourish Creation.
These forks mean something very significant, since, in this
way, out of the initial sources innumerable replica sources are created and these sources - as long as they have not reached the
existence sustaining owntime’s border - hold the same creative potential as the initial
source. For they are not different, only, they are elsewhere in the emanating
owntime. This is the place or space. However “tér” (space) in Hungarian is usedto mean “it
fits” (beletér- “it fits into”) and and denotes also “it returns back” (visszatér) does not only mean space or
place. This is where our word férfi (man) comes fromwhere fi means the male offspring of something or
someone. Man therefore is the son of the space (fér fia) . In the structural systems of time this manifests as the rightand leftspin
characteristics. The spacetime has a right spin. Physicists believe the same; not only
that; we also know of it that it has a half spin. These are the inalienable properties of
spacetime, but it also clearly shows that the spacetime can only be such as was described in the previous
pages, and also that it is dynamic.
creators' encounter worked up the first light quantum, which we called a
space-time now
The space-time begot
by way of the central sources is left in the state of the birth because to the
is truth bending back steadily heir the eternal source traps one. The with him a
selftime being his equal dual this does not affect it on the other hand. I
mean remains strange originality too, because remember the genesis onto
figures, where one turned back on a branch, on the other one raced the divided
into two and after all two whole light seed.
We may not call the
space source a heir after all without a trouble because everything is virtual in
his element besides him repeating himself infinitely in the time loop. His birth
and his survival constant, but after all all of his elements virtual, after it
is five wake up his source rose onto new one and onto new one one the sixth, but
loses it for the primary one just by this time attached first one. The inner
negative and duet time-systems junctions are begot because this is the
characteristic of all negative time mediums with a double or plural break
naturally. It arose so junctions stay in the function of in a what kind of time
medium they move in the existence. The selftime keeps them in the virtual
existence only, but it is to the selftime, which arises on the other junction,
counts, you are before the selftime originated from the same one from a system.
These sources are the constant feeders of the creation.
These sources constantly nourish Creation. These forks mean something very significant, since, in this way, out of the initial sources innumerable replica sources are created and these sources - as long as they have not reached the existence sustaining owntime’s border - hold the same creative potential as the initial source. For they are not different, only, they are elsewhere in the emanating owntime. This is the place or space. However “tér” (space) in Hungarian is usedto mean “it fits” (beletér- “it fits into”) and and denotes also “it returns back” (visszatér) does not only mean space or place. This is where our word férfi (man) comes fromwhere fi means the male offspring of something or someone. Man therefore is the son of the space (fér fia) . In the structural systems of time this manifests as the rightand leftspin characteristics. The spacetime has a right spin. Physicists believe the same; not only that; we also know of it that it has a half spin. These are the inalienable properties of spacetime, but it also clearly shows that the spacetime can only be such as was described in the previous pages, and also that it is
The same figure is kept in the “rolling rose” motif by our
nation. This is the diamond castle rotating on a duck foot in our folk
tales. But the question is, why it is waddling; which is eccentric when the duck is not
“waddling”, just walks wobbling. However it definitely does not spin on a duck
foot. As we have already said space is always missing one segment. This is in the state of
nonspace-nontime. This lack cyclingly loops through all dimension layers. In this “deficiency” no distance and time
exists. Therein lies the future of space travel. This is what the crop circle

420 “jokingly trodden down” crop
The Spacetime.
The same
figure whirl rose our folk is keeping it as a motive. This is the
diamond castle turning on the duck foot in our folk-tales. But the
question why he waddles; what is eccentric when the duck does not waddle
is due wobbling only. He does not turn

The sign of the Holy Spirit
After the birth of space it is still insubstantial and dull because a stationary light
quantum does not resemble a bit to what the light is in our
minds. But since matter does not exist yet, nothing exist yet which could illumine
it, either, that which it could be reflected back from, and it follows, there is not much of a chance for an observer to
exist... In the space and of course outside of space the law of time applies, that is to
say, nothing rules out the further encounters which would be capable of creating. The thing will only change in that
everything that has by now come to this state within space will become subordinate in its parameters to the essences of
spacetime. It follows that: whatever has been generated in the
spacetime, will be in perpetual dependence of space time. Simply because it involves that it inevitably has to
bear the layered rhythms of spacetime and also its six symmetry system because it is the key to its
The star oktahedron, which is made up of two interlocking
tetrahedrons. Note that their cross section is an octahedron. This is an eightfold
symmetry, but still carries the sixfold symmetry in her belly..
The Bible says that first there was the Law, and then light was formed. And God saw that the light is
good. It has by now become a syntactic trap because of the intellectual
relationship between good (jó) and the right (right side, jobb) has been
lost. But there must be some connection! “Yes!" Chinese for right is
“yo”. Not to mention the clues from Ancient Times! Men button their coat on the right women on the left
side. Why? Is it just fashion? There are much more deep reasons for this. Because their aura rotates in that
direction. Spacetime is light which is good. The Almighty, who is the light even at
night. The Sekhina. The hidden light. It is present always, everywhere and in
everything, because it is the foundation of being. The existential basis of all

The sixfold symmetry favors the eightfold one whereas the eightfold one favors the sixfold one because this the duality of
geometry. There will also be much more complex existants, but we shall assume the most likely and the most easily born one
initially. In the next fulfillment of the law the octahedron is followed by a cube and following the 64 dimensional spacetime an ever higher dimension number is born in the first
dependence. It has now become the light, as we know it. We are shortly showing the one-hyperspace light quantum and we have shown one which is similar to this when we discussed
spacetime. The body center is not shown here. We are also showing that track in movement along which the sources continuously are recreated in the time
feedback. There are always seven Fire Sources in existence. The dragon’s seven heads are given rise to by the dragon’s heart and the dragon’s heart is begotten by the seven Fire
Resulting from its eightfold system light has seven
sources. Now here, now there rises the number of dimensions. In the the lower or
upper Waters. It is 60-dimensional as long as the one-hyperspace space remains
44 dimensional due to its eleven source places. As was indicated in the case of
spacetime, it is not octahedron-shaped, either, and so also beware and to not
take a light quantum for a cube. Its symmetry system oscillates between the cube
and the eight-pointed star and both of them, therefore, are kept by humanity as
the sign of energy. Of course you can use here also all of your knowledge that
you have learned so far about the spacetime and so all of the snail shell like
expanding tensor surfaces are formed in the same way as in the case of space.
The light quantum without hypersace has an eightfold symmetry and thus 8x4+ 1 =
33 dimensions, the one hyperspace light 15x4+2=62 the one
having two hyperspaces 22x4 +3 = 91 dimensional.
You may have noticed the “contradiction” which comes
up in the dimension number, but if you want to characterize the light quanta’s
dimension number properly, you can not leave out the “dragon’s heart and the
Water type assistant dimension acting in the body center, either, because
without it it could not even remain in existence. We can also call it a female
type one. (She is the princess kept prisoner, the light’s virgin). Is it why
we say the ladies “my sweetheart"?Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937
film) Think about the story and its events. Evil queen, shows the door to the
stepdaughter, false news of her death and of the hunter (man), forest Seven
Dwarfs (men) who carry lamps (the smaller ones carry fire), truth-telling mirror
(copy), disguised stepmother (the carrier older female medium) poisoned apple,
undead princesses, seven dwarfs crying (emanation), new character (eighth man)
prince, bump, a poisoned apple pops out of Snow White’s throat, and the eight
one gets her. Here the male characters are compassionate, and like the princess.
The seven-headed fire-breathing dragon and the captive princess. The princess
here is also a companion of the the dragon, since the dragon kidnaps her to take
her as her wife, but here she will be taken by the eighth head, the prince who
is destined to save her. Etc. Whoever collects the most tales about light, gets
a book prize! Not only Hungarian fairy tales, but any nation’s tales are
welcome. Extraterrestrial ones count as well. All the more so! Extraterrestrials
are also more than welcome to participate in the contest and the lottery. I can
tell you, man, it is no joke.
Is this weird or what? There are no preschool or school
children out there would not understand the detailed structure and operation of
the light quantum... Nice joke! God is cunning, but not malicious! - said
Einstein. He also said that God does not play dice. We are busy being important
with our probability equations. Here goes my middle finger for the ones with
their heads up in their asses!


UNIVERSUM UNIVERSITAS. This publication was prepared for personal use only.
Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced or published without
the express permission of the author.
Translation © Varga Péter (email: