I have received many letters written in a critical voice because we have come to such a zone which has been researched for centuries and therefore these disciplines of science have developed a pigheaded dogmatism. Some people tried hard to fight me down, because I had the effrontery to state about light that it is, indeed, not an electromagnetic wave. There is no knowledge of space (about zero), and no fighters stood up to me in that arena, but there are so many scholars of light that I have managed to touch some sensitive nerves of theirs with many of my statements. It is important to note that there are at least ten active physicists and mathematicians working in our circle, but I am myself neither of those. We hold any scientist who has dedicated his whole life to research (along with their materialistic principles) to be holier men than those who preach about God all of the time, yet, do not know anything about him. Quoting the Bible on end without understanding is of no use since God does not want believers he wants knowers. God is a lightbeing and not an immortal white bearded little old man. All of our days are about him. About God. In our evidences section I will show the things he himself drew for us to help us. You can also ask questions! What do you think would be the 10 most important questions you could ask God for the sake of the human race’s intellectual development? When I get the chance I will ask him. aranyatya@freemail.hu Write here if you have considered it well. No fanatics please. |
![]() We shall quote from the book of Dr. Kálman Bernolák entitled: The Light |
We are blown away by the right figure. While in the left and the middle illustrations the sinusoidal wave shows a regular zero value, in the right one the light forgot to make sinusoidal waves and in addition to simply having a constant amplitude it isrotating around the time axis. I have challenged this error in my presentation held at Budapest University 10-8-6 years ago, but the situation has not changed at all in one fell swoop from that. The dogmatics could not in anyway understand what the error was in that. Since everything is so well worked out here and we know all that there is to know. What do I want now with this inconsequential thing? |
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We are also showing three light quanta in the figure, but only the right one moves at the speed of light i.e. at the speed of past emanation. The middle moves at 2/3 lightspeed and the one on the left moves at 1/3 lightspeed. Their emanation spreads into the infinite in spiral spherical layers (the figures are only cross sections!) and their generating seeds replicate themselves locked in a time loop in a tiny space. Its image exists and it exists by virtue of that. This is the basic principle of light. Although there is nothing electric or magnetic in nature in it, but because of the spherical emanation all phenomena experienced with light can be explained with it. What also results from this is that in so far as any system existing through a time loop (light, matter) is limited by a speed barrier because if the generating source enters a layer which has been emanated in front of it then there it will not step forward in time but will be more behind since that has been previously emanated from its sources. This is the reason for the speed of light. |
Such originating waves exist let’s say on the surface of a puddle but that has nothing to do with the real gravitational waves. They do not emanate in this way but in a spherical way. Nature is spatial. In this picture we can see a rolling plane, which also waves in the third dimension, but still remains plane in nature, since it has no thickness. The Hungarians also preserved the flat universe in their traditions. It was nicknamed splash cloth . It exists, but what we are not living in one. This condition is a special case of space, like circles among the ellipses. The entire system of the light quantum is also in perpetual oscillation between the eight pointed star and the square states just as space oscillates between star and octahedron during its perpetual genesis. When the sources are in the same plane then we can talk about polarized light. If a light seed and the “heard of the dragon”’ penetrates trough while moving trough the obstacles then it completely regenerates itself after seven cycles of this. |
Hitting a material particle the source system repulses from the time mirrors of the particle, which are struggling along with huge velocity, get out. This a time contradiction mirror, which more are in a layer and a complicated inner system, streams get out. Starts taking shape in the inside of the electrons, protons and neutrons, and on a given size looks small. This is the golden fleece in our tales. The time cap pushed before the light quantum goes on undisturbed naturally at the time of the rebound of the source system, since in a full measure transcendent. There are a young person and old light quanta afterwards so. What you see in the light of the stars, they very old, that it comes from the light bulb though young person. This does not mean that my price was born for his effect now, but it, that it accumulated his time cap on a short road before himself only yet. In the particles of the atomic nucleus, the protons and the neutrons from within many light quanta is in prison, but very short roads can be done because of the constant inner reflection, a reflection only here. Practically the light seed very young, (and the particles) since the wake up tachionok even a full turn is not done, and they give rise to the virtual source before them immediately. A whole process is until the development of seven sources in the case of the light, and the eighth begins with a step anew then. Well that's it aged the light seed, the eighth dared his formation the first disappears. The system old man, and not the source copies. This will have very important information theory arguments then, because the light seed make very complicated vibrations during them moving in the complex floodplains of other time waves (uncertainty relation!) and hereby it by way of them radiated waves emit this vibration through their wave surfaces as a modulation as an independent existing. Their life short, but the whole universe flows all directions in all moments from them. The one that crosses the dot where they stay just momentarily is the current state of all of the universe just. The members of the weekly source system persuade each other to a modulation dance, and piled upon each other with this Artifical line-like one it is preserved the perturbed information, because they are in him steadily each other in the system of a time wave, endless information is able to be accumulated practically so. Lives there in my smallest spark, fish, all of the universe swirls. |
![]() Here almost all of the pictograms of the whole creation got it. Write it, which one two the light! |
Well, this is how old the light seeds are because the first one disappears upon the creation of the eighth one. The system is old and not the source replicas. This will have several information-theoretical implications as the light seeds make very complex resonations while moving in the complex wave spaces of complex time waves (uncertainty relation!) and as a result the waves emanated forth in all directions radiate this resonance as modulation across their wave surfaces as independent existants. Their life is short, but in each moment the entire universe emanates fort all over from them. The current status of the Universe is that state which happens to move trough the point where they just are. The members of the sevenfold sourcesystem make each other dance and keep the perturbed information accumulated on top of each other in a line work like fashion since they are constantly within each other’s time wave systems and thus, practically, they are able to accumulate an infinite amount of information. The whole of the Universe lives, dies, whirls within the smallest spark. |
RIGHTS RESERVED © 2007 UNIVERSUM UNIVERSITAS. This publication was prepared
for personal use only. Translation © Varga Péter (email: vargatranslation@gmail.com) |