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Does not do harm if we want to understand the world in his depths really not to check the knowledge of our ancestors bygone, our predecessors out, because we may find many interesting things in the distant antiquity really, indeed in the prehistoric age. Does not do harm to know, that Boldog Özséb order started from Egyptian Theba, and the traditions and he is buried on Özséb Hungary, Pilisszántó according to the diagnoses. Our last Hungarian Paulite order monk lives here, who cherishes the memories of the distant past yet,. The order was transferred into Poland, and the Hungary original branch was sentenced to extinction with this. There was some reason for him certainly. His good reason. This old Proto-Hungarian wooden cross quoting times, which is Christian naturally, stands on Özséb grave his good, since the oldest Christians from Theba to the south, in Ethiopia can be found. They call them Coptic Christians. A Gyözö Vörös Egyptologist hit upon that chapel on the mountain opposite Theba punctually, where to the picture which can be hit on our holy crown of Hungary like fresco decorates the ceiling awfully. This cross is at a standstill in the hidden old little cemetery, and the one bygone claims a worthy memory really arrived here for a schoolmaster from Egypt. Because of that quoted his monument, because our so ancient knowledge returns a greeting from him, which he should know with consciousness for all true Hungarian,. The incision signs which can be read on top of him two ty (aty sign) and a plus sign. The creator father, and the creator a mother's sign, since his two characters identical (Svabhavat and Svabhavat in Dzyan's book .) The four-petalled slots are light seed creating the world though, the sign sources. The legacies of our entailment from the bases of the nature. |
It is taught at our Suns so, it was a slave-holder, a cruel folk that this population bygone is primitive, lived under total autocracy. Their knowledge come on exotic, but lagged behind the modern men's knowledge far, since we find airplanes nowhere, or telephones between the grave diagnoses. With this only the trouble of mine that we should be searching our today's knowledge and our today's picture in everything, and it does not occur to us that somebody is much more advanced possibly, or laid the emphasis on something else in the course of his life. Did not rush so much, and noticed the world so. Let us be watching well a figure carrying an ancient world view, we find a swarm maybe interesting things! This here NUT, the sky goddess, and his stomach the created world. Somebody else which can be seen in such a way on depictions that two Nut are on the picture with a back for each other on image one, some, as if knit there would be Siamese twins. Su, the god of the air hold up the vault of his stomach somewhere else. Everybody ancient considers this as nonsense today, especially afterwards, that from this direction they were a teacher for us. |
Let's see well! It is striking at that on his front immediately that pentagrams decorate Nut body 64 pieces. Dot as much as are almandin drop can be found our holy crown of Hungary. This not somebody else, than the dimension, after 16 szor are the layered spaces 4 dimensional ones, which precisely sixty-four are,. This two hiperspace are the full dimension number of a space-time. The space-time five sources (light seed) gives rise to it, and that precisely five red dots visible Nut on a sky goddess's body. The coffee is apart from his body, the nothing, and in this the in nothing another forty-four stars visible, but these differ from the ones which can be seen on his body because a little circle is drawn in the middle of them slightly. Added it together already if somebody's reason cuts sufficiently the 44 and the 64, What 109 of our tribes were sometime according to our precisely 108. folk recollection. The macrocosmical was our system drawn because of that certainly according to order built. He was 64 of our county because of this. I have to believe it after this much knowledge, that not from a superstition. That superstitious one, who from the geometry imagines the space-time in borrowed rigid dimensions. There are a red dot, a source sign before Nut mouth. He, the mother, in who he comes into existence, are the creations. The time is his breath. His eye an eye, and from this to the left, already in the breath, an angular spiral, the light (Su) (su-gár) (english: ray (RA)) his sign. (And saw, that the light good.) There are two ark-like figures in the upper row. In one 4, there are five persons in the other one. This one above us four and five dimension world reports it. Five male forms, the five boys stand in the line under it, the space sources man type his effluence. their hand musical instrument, after the sound is their effluence. If the breathing out, it ng though suffix, than the shirt our word. That's it Í the surface of his dresses, exterior. So yet the flame our word, where the LA the Sun, and it ng the Sun the surface of his dresses, exterior. This dressed in the Sun in a woman's concept in the Bible can be found. There is a speaking time snake, which means the role of a separator to this, between the third and the fifth boy. The third dimension lasts till now. He the fire alarm, it timenothing. At Nut lap the fowl Sun-God, and the three queens visible, who are the catalysts of the process, his maintainers, since "transzporter", existing, an existence maintainer's role is served in the continuous function of the space quantum. The day bird (phoenix) not some biological monster, and he has extended wings because this is the symbol of the flying only. The space-time flies. (Since spreading wave world). Suspicious, that the red disk not the Sun, but the father's dimension source, that on the other side, Nut mouth being created omnipotent with an other source, the seran, which serves as the basis of the creation together with him. This a dot is depicted at the mother's lap where he came into existence. Not at all too so certain, that they thought of the Sun here antecedents. This may carry the basic principle of universe with a much bigger scale in his symbolism. I mean it was known what the full universe's logic system is like. They did not fantasize about how he is needed afterwards so to move away and to carry a load into distance more hundred ton ones stones, but it was transported. Sure not on some cane boat thrown together, than that the today's one missing the expertise totally explanatory dream up. The third is the beings of the created world, the pharaoh and the inhabitant of his folk's, the light's world in a row. The one above them 8 and the seven stars which can be seen under it with the single row from the knowledge of the dimension number of the light gives a mark to us. Are the twenty amino acids of DNA written down though down below? A yes, this are needed for the knowledge of the life. This closed space is the world of civilisations. There are 5+2 red dots because of this on him. Six of the dimensions of the space-time (the five fathers), and the two creators (Svabhavat and Svabhavat). Here the nonspace - nontime does not act, and it the sixth position of space seran, because it already only the space secrets knowing it may be known. This system is because a baggier depiction accrued to us at this longer from the universe's dimension world. Nut Gosness secret part shows on this already. |
Siamese twins were not depicted on the picture, but the hidden part of the space-time, the hyperspace are displayed. There are not five dots on the sky Goddess's body here, But the 12. but notice that the right winger is not red, but coffee. I mean 11 space dimensions appear here, and the coffee, which it is, timenothing his sign. This one hyperspace is a space-time. I wrote it about this in detail in the 16. part of the series. There our calculations the five dimension sources generated 11 essential dimension worlds. This so tallies with what we calculated well. To support the thing shows it is, that when it wants to be written down the proptont, it was necessary to use 11 dimensional mathematical systems there then, but I saw 16 dimensional variants. It just the kéthiperteres to a solution to fit. Maybe comforting it, that they figure on the picture in a quite good proportion homo sapiens character beings, what is nicer possibly, as if there would be beings differing from this very much go ahead. Although it is found. Who drew this figure had been before it for the earthly physics and a science far. This is so even if their drawings show an apparently weaker graphic picture our today's depictions. I find it conceivable that they are who dyed the picture, they read from descriptions only already from all this, but the topic did not have real academic specialisation scholars. With similar one very many cultures I found parallels. Rather one-two thousand years, and a high-level knowledge like this into the dimness of the mysticism disaster. An epidemic, a war, in which the key persons get lost, burn, and the knowledge can vanish. We have to understand this again in order to be allowed to put it to use. |
COMPUTERWORD 19 Julies1990 All this, which I wrote down very much, irregular, the sci-fi is in a province nearly. Today from ancient Egypt some things like that is taught, that this considering a slave-holder, social one settling in primitive dictatorship, where the construction of their own pyramid ancient monument was the rulers' principal activity. They were in a regular contact with all of the landscapes of the Earth on the other hand according to the Huns' memoranda, they had more advanced shipping at the then western world, indeed a regular contact was kept with their affinity apart from the Earth, from where knowledge, technical, medical science, agricultural knowledge, and you obtain devices. Rhind deserves this with distinguished evidence papirus, on which mathematical knowledge can be found. This till now not too surprising, since we know about the mathematics that he spread very much on the world once already and there was a popular science in the ancient dynasties. There is a little screw because of that in the thing. What the risc is looking for in the antiquity the mathematical language of processors? This kind operation order the computer science being modernised with an increasingly bigger performance and increasingly longer, more claimed the usage of byte instructions, but made so many processor instructions possible at the same time, into which the programmers already to get into a muddle. The newer mathematical logic making the faster operation order possible appeared in the same manner. In Rhind papirus it is possible to find this punctually entirely. The question it, what a so egoistic and society caring about the power only used it for how RISC the language of processors. The sceptics demand evidences incessantly. Well there are any kind of strange, evidences like this with my beautiful mouth. This is because the very human one bygone is Egyptology counting as a trade so only mastered the computer science. Like this afterwards a lot it is necessary to think through everything.
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This not only concerns the Egyptology, but onto everything, that from the antiquity our science created. A culture invents the things the usage of which is necessary forced. These strange facts occur to the folks' story regularly, but the reductionist turned out for scientific tendencies till now to avoid the reply. They relate what they related before with a hundred years already again always. We claim that the history was other in many looks though, than that on its time, with skimpy knowledge and instrumentation assessed. To develop and it is necessary to make a step.
No and it is necessary to be much more attentive. Because a little inattention forces the man into very unpleasant explanations. This odd Sapiens Extraterrestialis escaped the big simplifying ones' attention. It's okay, the original one may be looked at yet. From here well the sudden one a culture, a new writing system arose, and a lot of things, that was not till now where to do. We were taught, and they are a teacher today because it is known punctually that the knowledge may lift up a society only it gone wild from a state. Because of that gone wild, because themselves are the genes always one much to the genes of a race, but the genes themselves carry any kind of knowledge. Because of this something entirely other thing the responsible. This the something it is called so, that soul. This is independent of bodies something. This preserves the knowledge, and this is thinking in us. Not talking about his other role, the operating of the body, which is the operating of the life himself. The body may be ugly you are beautiful, this does not influence the value of the knowledge in him. The body may be in the same manner very nice, but the soul in him may lead it to evil acts. The affection and the knowledge make us a man. Together. One is worthless merely, than the a man and the man grow without a woman. Only his opportunities for the nature, not though his results. |