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Our kind readers gave very many questions to us in connection with the sheets' strange world approach, because of this onto the public interest with a look, we give an answer, which more people asked, to those questions here, you are for important one we considered it these public one his item. P. I send a picture to Josef here from the time construction of the tachion. It shows on the picture well, that the tachionokban the globular time spread, the series of the event horizons remain. This one rhythmically overflowing selfexcite a time source gives rise to it, like this for this the system of event horizon rhythmical. It is visible well why more are divorcingtime the inner world, and it is, that the exterior cloak the carrier of a time series, which is thread-like considering his essence. The border surface of a string is like this. This is a cone-like wave world's border expanding continually in our present case. It is visible for a contradiction that a conical surface is a thread, but think about it! The single inflating spheres carry a time on their surface, so singularities. |
K. István Debrecen: Dear a web master! I studied in such a way that the light is an electromagnetic wave, and here we enumerated it the X-ray and the gamma radiation. You do not think that this is your approach in connection with the light a slightly unscientific one? TEREMBURA: Dear István! The electromagnetic theory the unscientific one, because he leaves it out of consideration, that the elekromagnetic the shift of particles filled to all of them electrically in the course of giving rise to waves (his vibration, his flow) gives rise to it the where magnetic, where electric field. Nobody never proved that the light is magnetic and would create an electric field. The science sticked this on him because right occurred to nobody only possibly. This is a centennial mistake. We consider the light a uniform space quantum, in which there is any kind of electric charge,, and we do not consider it a particle. The material one is not to particles his similar tangible, his surface. The waves of the light they spread like to the sound (these on the other hand with speed of light). I wrote that this is SU from this direction. This is an essential, layered time medium. His interactions are measurable well.
N. Vera physicist from Australia: Dear an editor lord! I read their web pages dazedly, and where furious, where I was enthusiastic. You it would be possible to explain it with this theory system - we say it physical phenomena known by us? I browsed the sheets being about the light long, and I found it interesting, that the light and the space were brought into affinity. Many questions would be resolved in the physics and the cosmology with a undulatory space-time. We say it would be able to explain the gravitation? TEREMBURA: Miss Vera is a adorabla woman! The practical examination of the phenomena and his explanation are very important things for us. Let's see well, how I believe some things! |
I think that we have to say the existence of the space-time because this provides a basis on all of them first fundamentally to the thorough examination of an additional phenomenon. The dynamic space-time was an experiment already his introduction in the physics, J. A Wheeler for undulatory one, for spreading one, for right one , for twisting one, halfspin is afraid wrote the space-time, which was a very good approach, down, but his theory did not get into the curriculum unfortunately. The physicists did not take it because he was complicated, with complicated mathematics. Coish drew up the theory of the finite space, about which J. Sz. Sapiro said this, in 1959: according to this, onto the first glance already entirely according to a wild concept, in the micro world the space and the time not too discreet, but we write it down with finite totality (this means so much that the space is big, but consists of a finite No. dot). All of the No. one, you are the zero spín value onto the space-time likewise cannot be used, because we would get nowhere with this. I see the mistake in it to culminate, that they do not talk about the space-time rather, the light (photon) his microstructure is left out of consideration totally though. Most physicists consider it as a particle today. Though no. Neither the space, neither the light a dab does not carry a material feature alone, like this afterwards cannot be enumerated between the fermions. The split spin Paul Dirac's equation concerning particles can be applied fully, because the mathematics of a tensor is extended for it onto this yet until all of them superficial. The spinorspaces "selfinteraction" his theories towards good one they scratch, but they are afraid of the time feedback. They throw away these results. This universe is his most essential mover punctually though. |
The space cannot get twisted because it is not a rusty pin, and the theories of the wormholes immense troubled waters. The substance does not curve the space, but brings it back to a curve after the time feedback keeps the material particles in the existence . They give rise to their floodplains inducing the gravitation and the rest of the interactions, which are spreading with speed of light, as a result of this. This causes their lasting existence. The thing is true for the light and the space likewise. The "halfspinbility" is the lower limit of the space. But I do not consider it truth inevitably alone. As the light has a colour and hereby his wavelength, I believe this in the same manner in the case of the space. A underwear and a top will be the limits of this, and for the wavelength of the light. |
The light never turns into a substance, and the substance never turns into light. I consider the nucleons of the substance as container-like, that from within hollow. (see it: Charon's measurements!) The totally independent light quantum can creep in into this, and can break out from here. We may experience this in the course of our everyday life. Enough, if rub our palm. Light breaks out from him. This with an eye which cannot be seen though, drawn infra-red one, but with an infracamera already excellently lights. Before a camera like this bent a thick rubber sheet, and we saw it, that the convex one (convex) on a side (stretches where he expands) is getting cool, on the concave side (where he is being squashed) is getting warm. This sure natural, it is getting warm if we expand it because we compress an any kind of substance, it gets cold then. From this the fridge works. If a lot bend the substance, breaks though then, gets tired, because the pressed out light will be missing substance light took shape at the time of the production from a wave structure, and this the torment molecular, and/or modifies his crystal construction, his atomic, molecular structure enduring. Any kind of substance it is possible to tire it, even the gases. Think only the gas lasers getting tyred his gas charge. The light may be much taller on a temperature only to order into these atoms. It steel got tired only with melting can be brought for his old state. Is charged with light in the smelter at this time, and will be just like that, than his New Age. |
This overflowing wave world keeps the atoms in various sets only. This keeps the crystals together, and this causes the gravitation, which is not other strength, only come on an other manifestation of that strength. This is interesting strength because this essential medium has a repulsive and attractive effect. The atoms with a bigger degree the effect of their electrons repelling each other and the barren floodplains of the light quanta crackling here and there in them hinder him being compacted. This that certain one fifth strength, which preserves it in the atomic nucleus, pushes away the nucleons from each other. I understand it by barren light, that the rebounding light source system (the light to excite his dimension sources), they give rise to its wave world rebounding though longer on the inner reflecting surfaces of the proton or the neutron (the light quantum selfuniverzum's), but the time space to which rise was given till then layers go on in the original motion direction. Like this uniform time layer bombs are being shot at the nucleons their environment, at that ones like that, in which the elements giving rise to the waves together with the floodplain do not leave. The source elements our ethnography "for light seed" enters sporting event, that one shows high-level knowledge sometime. Without these seed the waves of the light not repulsing, but causing time anomalies with little intensity rush into the environment. These the mikro-anomalies too it is possible to measure it, dared as driving force (as an interaction) may detect (AFM microscopy), what is sizzle implement, white noise implement a very radio-frequency phenomenon appears in his form. AFM does not see these because he can work beyond slow, too low vibrations only. This noise mingles with the other noise of the nucleons and the fermions of course. Their measurement the piezo detectors I recommend it. The lightless atoms attest a some other kind of behaviour totally. Let us think of the superconductivity here the absolute one near 0 Kelvins of degree (-273 Co). Here A Hélium the electric conductivity of cool-fluent or certain substances will be endless good one, etc. These on an interesting manner not metals, but complexsalts, that natured ones insulating on room temperature. But their electrons circulate at this time. Because the atom is an independent system because of the energy. They never shape up into each other. The substance does not turn into energy, and the energy is not thickening substance. Never. The various chemistry and physical phenomena following exo (hot producer, rather; light transmitting) and endothermic (lightswallowing) it got into atoms in the course of reactions and we may talk about the action of straigned light quanta in them, and not from turning into light. The nuclear fission two arising new elements lightkeeping his ability differs compared to the start atom anyway. The excess leaves into the environment at this time because of this. |
If we say it we take a pull at a gas with a piston, its atoms settle down in the space more rarely then, and gets cold at this time, because more will be capable of the reception of light in this state of his, that his environment tries to equalize. That interesting one, that this what the bending experiment showed is true for firm or elastic substances. His bulging side got cold. I mean, can swallow light if we thin out the atom density, because his neutrons and his protons deform, what I interpret even so, that the time scales forming his surface open up better. So the lonely atoms in the space with a lot more exciting they may get into a state, than the ones in the thick substance. We may say it so, that more boiling, there are only little in a heap. An interesting controversial process keeps the solid in one. Practically the atoms the in nothing they float, from each other good distance. In the diamond 154 picometer the carbon atoms float. Homogeneous, so there could not be very big coacting force between them. But after all bigger, than at other solids. |
K. Rozália, Veszprém:
What keeps the substance together then according to your opinion. You did not
read possibly yet the ionic one and from the covalent bandage? I am a chemist,
and I studied in such a way that the science cleared up these things very long
ago already. TEREMBURA: This letter was much longer, and we do not quote it because it is many question already in his completeness only beforehand responding was found. Dear Rozália! You asked exciting questions undoubtedly, and you teach all this possibly, because of that so instructing your letter. Well, in the truth of the questions responded to supposedly already theories in the substance science, they are based on so old mistakes only, that the thing may be disappearing in such a way nearly that they were cleared up fully. Answering the former letter already suspected, that the atoms are too distant in the crystals. Despite this most firmly are imprinted in the space (in the vacuum) floating. In vacuum, because what there is between the atoms in the solids. Nothing. The atoms forming him are only in the inside of a crystal, at that good distance from each other. Between them the nothing. There are not gluons though. |
![]() The Calcium, Strontium, Aluminium, Copper, Lead, Silver crystallize so, Gold and the Platinum. |
This a model of ours onto a sheet middle
general crystal. I found a four-dimensional model though
here, but is so in the reality, like this the capsomers, and there is
steel construction like this. The undermentioned metals crystallize so
otherwise. The atom distances were indicated here. This is a very
essential thing. |
Well, these metals all like crystallizing on a similar manner, and we call this a sheet middle hexahedron, because the made the bed his additional atoms forming an octahedron do not look so important . These cause the increased solidity of this crystal construction just though. Here show one acted already somewhere else ion microscope uptake from the real mountain of a real needle. This is shouting very much for us, that the atoms not compact something, but their floodplain more distant overflowing. We may see the atoms really here, this not some fictional model. It shows on the picture that they float most far from each other in the space at the same time. |
Let's see well the second very typical metal crystal kind, because this is his previous geometry dual practically, since here we may see a sheet middle octahedron, in which one which can be seen clearly a hexahedron, his more rural name a cube can be discovered. On an interesting manner the softest metals here owe. The potassium and the sodium with a knife can be cut. Here can be enumerated Litium, Natrium, Potassium, Rubidium, Caesium, Barium, Chromium, Iron and the Vanadium. The caesium forms the largest grid, where already onto 521 nanometers the atoms are. The covalent beams of the atoms are with an order of magnitude of 1-2 Angström. For an example: the hydrogen atom innermost (Bohr's) the beam of his electron orbit 5,2917715 * 10 -11 m = 0,52917715 Angströms. A micrometer 10 -6 metres, i mean the metre million his part, a nanometer 10 -9 metres, one pikométer though 10 -12 metres, i mean one billionth metre. It shows on an ion microscope picture well, that the atoms most far they are from each other in the space. The electrons and the interaction of the gravitational waves show on this. |
Let us not omit the third typical metal grid from the enumeration. The Beryllium, Magnesium, Cadmium crystallize so, Cobalt, Nickel and the Zinc. For what quoted these? Because it is the question, that some kind of substance from what hard, lead-like one you are soft elastic? For what soft the graphite, and why hard the diamond, and why elastic the Buckminsterfullerenes, for the same coal the third his alterations? We may talk about coal in all cases though. It is suspicious that certain atom distances form hard constructions while others give weaker or elastic bandages. This depends on three things according to me. Because of the wavelength of the space-time which can be called constant (his current layer thickness), the substance inside excination, and because of these atom distances quoted here. |
Here I quote it it by way of me defined, own, 13 of my laws set up eaten:
Because the deformation is
motion really. Like this for example the heat enlargement tightly here owes. No
and follows from this just, that these crystal constants announced here, in the
tables only informative, since if he would be like this, that crystal constant,
there would not be heat enlargement then, and the substances infinitely cold,
they would be rigid. |
Zsuzsa Kerényi from Japan: What should define the characteristics of the substances? How you explain the valency, the changing valency in this theory for example. Would I be curious about a what kind of role you mark for the coal, one of the important elements of the life? TEREMBURA: Your questions onto essence breaking. The characteristics of the coal exceeding essential the life I am old as the row of his understanding. This work points beyond the molecular researches, drawn elastic one forming the life molecules not those plain amino acids, onto which they try to lead back the thing in our days. The materialistic view analysing, i mean everything his smallest parts demolishing. There is a urgent need for this to the world's accurate understanding, because in as much we do not know the parts, we do not know an answer to all with a sense to agree. I took the alarm clock to pieces kid in soot, but I tried it after I should put it together again. |
The coal lifeless (inorganic) his alterations let us look at a graphite grid first! I would call this polarized coal after bulky atomic planes form it, i mean uniform planparalell policarbon. The layers float onto far one above each other that they slip on each other with immense little strength. This bandage even covalent may enter sporting event really. C<>C=141,5 pm, Cˇ^C 470 pm. Interesting the ski coal distance, the root drew two reminds me of it. The graphite consists of carbon atoms just like that, than the diamond. For what is settled then into planes? The layers slip on that of your tear, they get smeared. We prepare a pencil from him. His melting point 3540 C o , his boiling point 4000 Co. Interesting it is, that the diamond melts with the same parameters punctually entirely and boils over. He leads the current well. Electrodes are prepared from him. (Sure from graphite, and not from diamond). |
Onto the diamond grid we show two solutions here. Four tetrahedrons surround an octahedron here. This is the widespread depiction of the diamond grid. He publishes a side middle tetrahedron practically. The carbon atoms 154 pikometer they are from each other. The energy 11 of Renum key numbers the 77. (154=2*77). The octahedron characteristic space resonator, but not sufficient the form, for the size (our microcosmic case for the atom distance) too his perceptible significance yes. His refractive index 2,4024; while only the 1,73. is very suitable for the making of jewels because of this in the case of the heavy flint-glass, but it is possible to work it with diamond only. Immense hard one dared. Look after the cheapo ones, who on the street diamond ring recommend for you, because the flint-glass scratches the vulgar window-pane well. He leads the current badly. For who he is onto him his eye, it notices that this is not other than Sierpinsky the spatial extension of a triangle. |
Here for this now one I show his strange representation where the necessity is with greatness in conformity with only entirely we put this out from octahedron, that longer secventionated. The holes, which are left out between the octahedron, issue the smaller bigger tetrahedrons punctually here. Round all of the heap a teraéder can be written. The tetrahedrons of the diamond grid appear around the octahedron although they are missing in fact so. The system downwards and upwards resumable, we could say it can be repeated, although this is a special case of the fractals, because not analogous, but selfanalogous from elements building. My fractal will play a very big role in the cognition of the nature because he points out a what kind of complicated world is like what based on plain laws can be generated. |
We call your attention to it here, that from the atoms a some other kind of grid system may take shape, our case a paralellopipedon. This hand from a tetrahedron And consists of an octahedron. the diamond (dia-says) is linked to the world in his name (MOND) that in Hungarian the to say for a verb the one third party his inflected variant. He says. That's him this in a case not a man, but the god. We could say it so even: DI-A-says. Two A say it. The two creators. Mondo, says, legend. Latin A is the shape of a letter on two A. Inn. Because of this this first letter in the Greek, the alpha. His shape carries the creator's shape himself. As the octahedron means the fathers' system formally. But one should know about the fact that the bolis makes so much in the Latin, that sagittal fiery air phenomenon. The boloe means a uniform gem though. Diabolic reports demonic one in English. Our folk-tales the God Almighty and the devil (Kalamóna) too lives in a diamond castle turning on duck foot. He not somebody else, than on that of the level existing, but looking out on us annihilating dangerous, leftish anti-space. The north wind woman. The languages much knowledge is kept. Sometimes the superstitions. |
The coal the third (and not too too once discovered) I recall his alteration, the Buckminsterfullerenes. Here not only C60 exists where an one like this is ball-like kapszomerben the carbon atoms set, but diverse is found. They discovered it in the soot first. These for the clear coal a very elastic one his variants. One fourth variant wrote a big carreer down in the practical life where the coal crystallizes in a tubular shape with a tall construction. His tensile strength, big one like that are exceeding big for these carbon filaments in order for everything known to be over that of a substance far. Already rope like that could be from him to weave, the end of which we could lift it up into the space, and would not tear under his own weight. Serious scientific result. |
Returning onto the asked question, we take the material particles for truth on the grounds of my carcass with completeness, but these waves not sine follies, but space-time like that waves, that with immense velocity, on arched orbits speeding in themselves copy (timefeedback) time sources for reconditional one. I would be able to assimilate their wave surfaces to a snail shell swelling up with a speed of light mostly. Possibly to the sound waves. This mediates the space, and the particles selfuniversum's towards all of the time sources of the universe. We cannot define the place of the particles, this phenomenon because of this entirely punctually Heisenberg causes it féle indecision. It made the decision, only "n" in space. This causes the gravitation and this keringeti the electrons of an atom. (But let us not forget it, that himself the space basis with dynamics just like this judge). This phenomenon answers not clashing character for all interactions. |
The explanation of the valency is solvable. The piquancy of the thing it, that the electron and the proton one single particle, a neutron, only when it is filled up with light, then so much the own zero point one changes (0Ko) his wave world, that it originally on the middle of the neutron being from two electrons first one the other one is found without on the neutron then. (Plasma state). Heavy to relate, because this in fact one then two excitation level a phantom electron will be meaning. Hydrogen will be made of the neutron at this time. The orbit size of this increases squarely. r, 4r, 9r, 16r. This brings a message from the energy standard accumulated in him. The electron does not consist of something else, only from time. Not independent particle, because he is linked to his own proton perpetually. It nonspace - nontime across with driving time threads. This means that he is from that viewpoint contemplated likewise in him in his proton. There is not a distance there, because of this not-regains. This is a timeless layer between the layers of the layered spacetime. From this direction they do not teach at the university yet. |
The changing valency is related deeply the with excitation, with the surrounding light level. Let it occur to you that an increasingly taller temperature is needed for the increasingly taller valencies of the iron for example. In the essence of the changing valency certain doorstep parameters an arising sudden floodplain means a modification. It like this arising phantomvalency-elektrons his bandages weaker, drawn coupling, where here, where they appear there. Where one, where they are in the other bandage. The taller valency his formation taller temperature, and/you are a catalyst necessary. This does not run out for a long time, which furthers the absorption of the light, because his floodplain is needed for that deformation only. The zone of the catalyst the scales of abandoning material particles close closer, and like this from the environment light penetrated it in him is left over. Follows from this, how they are but -catalisators too. Other reactions onto the atom distortion ultrasound, you are magnetic space is used. (Sono and magneto chemistry). Logically similar procedures. We can not only imagine the life on a coal base although we got used to this so well already. A baggier sheet will provide with information about this then. |