WORD TIMES 42   Left hand candle :-) 



In the previous issue we were contemplating how can something be wave and particle at the same time. We found a solution to this which seems quite logical. The wave nature is primary but better ideas about waves should be applied in our work than today's ideas.

Namely, spatially propagating waves. It will also have the same wavelength like the familiar solutions, but it will be closer to what is experienced in nature. We can even get such particles from this wave which also meets the needs of spastic material-minded people. It's true that this palpability is only virtual, but never mind, the generating phenomenon itself exists only through its temporal feedback, that is, it is also virtual. Strange game of time. Although the particles reach the "seemingly ready" state that is no longer growing, but that does not mean that with this the process of creation would indeed cease to exist. Creation lasts until the end of time. A neutron is never "ready" because it is constantly in the state of becoming. Of course, this is true to space and light quanta as well. Therefore, their wavespace is continuously generated and spreads, but their sources constantly start the creation process all over from the inside out. / This does not require any energy to maintain, so it will never expire.

 This gives us an intermediary medium that consists of nothing more than a space-time-like medium, so there is no need to mediate forces to the already all too well deduced, but unnecessary "virtual particles". So we no longer need gravitons to explain the phenomenon of gravity either. Four of the five interactions can surely be deduced back to the above. At the same time, the most recently postulated infons - the mystical particles of information transmission have become redundant as the spherical waves modulate along with source displacements, and this information gets from one point in space to the other. Essentially, atoms exist in each other's wave spaces, and these waves also transmit mechanical and information movements as well. This is not more than one kind of wave, only the two different properties of the same wave. The thing is already known to our science, only no one has set it in a unified system by connecting the dots. This is the result of the individual disciplines' getting more separated, money and position combat, and all of science's lack of philosophical integrity. The history of science is interesting, but it does not replace science. Cooperation is needed. Then we'll be better off.
With the former I essentially stated that it was a kind of information ocean that we swim in because the waves of each element sooner or later reach the other elements. This issue was dealt with by Fermi and Dirac, too who mathematically investigated the perturbation sets' dynamic system. It has extensive literature. This thought has become embedded into the quantum-chaos theories. If we extend this to the system of dynamic set of sources we'll have already become closer to the essence of the world. Through active research and mathematical exploration of essential space layers much better results will be obtained from the targeted practical researches also.

The fact that the world is based on dynamic elements is indispensable and in the wavespace of dynamism such an awesome amount of knowledge is carried that it is well worth some masses. If we stop and think about it then we will realize that through this wavespace the Universe forms a single huge unit and any shift will result in little modulation in the whole. Even a single electron is constantly moving, but when moving an object in which this electron is, this highlighted electron of this object will indicate the movement of the object. With this I want to point out that if we are developing sensor systems, especially for this purpose many things which are still to be learned about the universe will come to light.


 This worldview based on a wave-world will not make unemployed our physicists, but on the contrary. it will give work to those who have so far did not get any meaningful work. We must sort out a lot of unclear details which are still to be solved! But this seems to be a better principle. This will finally get us out of the quicksand.

The various molecular and crystal structures are mainly held in the form of palpable objects by interferential holes. That is what makes them stay together. These interferences are active in their vicinity, but they work even at a greater distance as well. The gases also strive to be in a set aggregate. If we were to cautiously pour out a glass of water in a spacecraft circulating around the Earth, it would stay together in the shape of a small amorphous lump.
It advisable to invite it into nylon bag at the end of the experiment because if it reaches any object, it will run all over it due the surface tension. Therefore, for example, a conventional toilet on the spacecraft is unsuitable because the end product will start all kinds of adventures around us. Therefore, millions of dollars have been invested into developing a vacuum toilet for spaceships. The Earth and the materials of all the planets are arranged in specific gravity stratification. The heavier ones are located below whereas the lighter ones end up at the top. All the heavenly bodies are only able to hold materials in proportion to their mass. The local escape speed applicable to each atom follows from this. Smaller celestial bodies can be escaped also by heavier gases while only Hydrogen and Helium want to leave the Earth. Oxygen and Nitrogen will remain under Earth's gravitational pull. This, at the same time, limits the range of planets inhabitable by Homo Sapiens because Hydrogen remaining in the atmosphere of the larger planets is already very much promotive of Nitrogen's and Hydrogen’s fusion, which is ammonia formation. Excessive accumulation of this makes the atmosphere inadequate for human life. Not to mention how much we should beef up due to increased gravity.

But let's look at the promised solid bodies. A set of materials will remain together firmly, as long as the atoms' force retaining each other does not exceed that critical limit where they start an irreversible deformation. It also matters how much light a single atom carries, since light particles punch, knock their material prison from within. It is not easy for them to come out because the time mirrors reflect them. Yes, but the light quanta's accumulated time caps in front of themselves during reflection flies forward unhindered in all directions of the space. The light seeds are reflected. These caps leaving the nucleons are still very much effective, but not that much so once they get further away. Their curvature factor is reduced.
However, let us be aware, that the tiny source system of the light quantum which has produced an essentially infinite time layer-density central zone, and that very dense layer-system is retained even when the light quanta has become seedlessly infertile! This may be the cause of the mysterious fifth force. That's why protons and neutrons cannot attract one another anymore in the nucleus beyond a certain distance limit. At higher temperatures the phenomenon is more intense, because the medium has many light quanta, which, of course, speeds up the topping up of atoms with light. This lasts all the way until the thermodynamic equilibrium sets in. Light quanta will enter and exit in and out of nucleons but the same amount comes and goes.

If we look into an incandescent ceramic furnace, it's all the same color, everything glows. As it starts to cool down, slowly the original colors of objects appears. At this point, the light coming from the furnace is growing darker red, and indeed the reflected colors of the exterior white light are seen coming off of the cooling objects. The inner color of the furnace itself grows towards the infrared. Around 600 C ^ o the oven's own light is already not visible. But this is still dangerously hot. Its atoms and atomic aggregates are still releasing light which was forced into them, only the smallest size yellowish light quanta are released first, then one by one the increasingly larger ones moving towards red. It goes all the way across the whole spectrum. It starts where there was the highest temperature and ends where there it was re-equilibrated with the ambient temperature. There is also an emission spectrum image here, only in a nicely set order. If we looked at it through a prism, our prism would first show a spectrum going from yellowish-brick-red to infrared then the spectral band of the prism would shrink and eventually would be extinguished in dark red. The red-light quanta with the largest diameter are released last. Incredible as it may sound, but they have the most energy. The nucleons' scales are getting ever tighter, so this is escape race slows down and finally comes to a stop. These remaining light quanta only rarely and difficultly leave their jail.

What happens if we place them in an empty space? The scales which are being sucked outwards will give off light because they open up slightly. When this happens they tend to absorb light (heat) if they have light in their environment. The expanding gas or liquid cools down and the compressed ones heat up. This is how your fridge works. If you want to cool your kitchen with this, you're mistaken, because it produces more heat than cold. If the radiator of the rear exchanger were outside the building it would indeed get cold. In the cold air there is less light. Therefore, it tries to achieve its thermodynamical equilibrium from its environment. So it balances itself out off of the objects and the residents. Water will boil at room temperature in vacuum, and will bubble like in a pot over fire. Get a plastic syringe, suck one fingerful of water in it, then pull its plunger. Your water will start to boil. That is why comets of ice and crushed stone are vaporized.
That's what they have a tail even in 270 ° C cold. All mater in vacuum sublimates more i.e. it boils. That's why they bothered so much with the lubricant of the Moon rover, when finally, (if I remember correctly) sodium metal was used for this purpose. (Designed by a Hungarian engineer). Sodium was more vacuum-proof, did not steam so intensively. I mentioned two things from space technology, but it already indicates that not ordinary materials and solutions should be applied here.

A very similar phenomenon occurs in cavitation and here too some (4 to 8) bar sudden drop in pressure leads to / total / material annihilation. The process is very heat producing. All light is released that has been kept prisoner in the material thus far. The process is not chemical, but not really physical either. The substance does not convert to energy, but the atom ceases to exist, and the light is scattered. Of course not 2 photons, but many billions of light quanta are released then because the process is visible from all directions. The energy is not generated during the process, either or transformed from matter to energy, but has already been in it even for billions of years. The thing works with tap water and seawater. All fluids or gas can be destroyed in it. These are the positive sides of it. There are some negative ones as well but they can be solved. There are no hazardously radioactive residues. The process can be implemented in several ways. For propellers and chemical industry engineering ducts the design engineers have been fighting against it for a century. Mankind is sure "out to lunch". At one place it operates thermal power plants at others it builds cooling towers to get rid of heat. In our lack of ideas are we making waste? Only while there are still things to be wasted away.

Returning to the subject of motion, in the case of each movement of the sets they have some kind of deformation at certain level. First they are compressed in the direction of motion, then this wave of shock spreads through the entire material set. If the strength-elasticity factors are sufficient, there are more (many) shakes moving along flexibly in the system, then through the force effect's pushing the atoms' electron shells (their wave spaces) against the others' electron shells then the object starts moving. That is, If the processes that trigger the movement do not disrupt the movement. This can be either another object or force field. If it's an object, we are still talking about force fields because all materials on the outer surface have electrons that repel each other. These electrons can get very close to each other but their repulsive effect (usque) increases with the square of the distance.
Hence, the closer they get the bigger the arising repulsive force. This is what happens too, when we push around a chalk on the table. The process could be modelled and demonstrated spectacularly with a decent size gel dressed with a square grid. This way each process is more observable.

So every movement, deformation, material destruction and fusion has been placed in one system and the only question now is which one is actually the dominant process. I bend, stretch, twist, squeeze or puncture a needle into a rubber eraser. I use a different equation each time but I always have the same rubber eraser. Well, in fact, even the movement itself can be mentioned here, because it may be affected by all of these factors. And it is indeed effected by them. Not to mention the medium drag, formal factors, or the vortexes' effect.

One thing is certain: Whenever we move objects there will be movement of atoms too. These are not completely rigid bonds. I.e. all movement is interference-dependent, depends on wavelengths. This is generated by the atoms themselves. Waves interfere with each other, but this cannot be written by adding or subtracting sines. This should already have been realized during the research of light. Because it manifested there too. If I add two sinusoidal vibrations, then the function of the atoms (if even the information sieving is left out) are very complicated. Here a 740000 dimensional function should be tested for a single neutron. This is for the moment lacks mathematical support. Doing light quanta, however, seems a viable task. If we do not omit the current position of sieving, then we would need to describe the whole universe, even on subatomic level all simultaneously. All particles, atoms, light quanta, along with all the momentarily done displacements. This would give the fullness of the Universe, though only for a single moment. See the point's "n" dimensional interpretation. Even in this single point there is the whole universe. That is why a single point is already distribution cloud-like, and that's why it sifts in space "n". If we wanted to describe a true displacement of a set, then we would have a similar task on our hands.

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This publication was prepared for personal use only.
Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced or published without the express permission of the author.

Translation © Varga Péter 11 January 2018 (email: vargatranslation@gmail.com)