WORD TIMES 48 Hungarian text


The cycle of nature has been written a lot about, and similarly, a lot has been said about the food chain and it is indispensable importance but now let's look at the rotating energy in nature from a slightly different angle! So far, everyone has talked about why each link is important in this diet pyramid (to use an ample mixed metaphor). We can feed on a variety of things, but it is also important to note, that we can not use any artificial material for this. It is only of animal or plant origin, i.e. biologically live materials that we can efficiently utilize for nutrition purposes. For the digestion of mineral substances our system is not suitable. Some chemical decompositions are caused by the stomach acid, but I would not call it this digestion. Much less of these kinds of materials come permanently into our body, as we might first think. Otherwise, we would live like the earthworms. True, they do not feed on earth, but soil bacteria and other digestible decaying matter.

But why does nature need such a complicated cyclical system? Why is it a problem if we solve our interaction with nature with chemicals because it is so much more effective? Yes, but the rock, or the sand is inedible. For plants as well. The helpful work of symbiotic bacteria living on the roots of plants are also very important here so that the humus, the absorbable, processable material becomes available for the plants'development.

A significant part of the plants collect light energy by the photosynthesis and this is stored in various materials (sugar, starch, oils) etc.) for later times or to maintain their own species. The plants tend to accumulate the most noble materials in crops, to ensure maximum initial development of their offspring. There are plenty of that kind of a strategy in nature but now the emphasis will not be on biological strategies, but on the energetic relationship between nature and man.
It's not all the same whether we cut down a meadow or we have it grazed using it. The end result will be different in many ways.

Animals choose what to graze yet the skythe will cut down everything without choosing. A true shepherd knows well, what is dangerous and what is useful to animals. He tries to He also tries to sort the hay in order to preserve the health of his animals. So living materials that are useful to us in the natural world are created, and these the civilized people are artificially trying to create more of, in order to provide their societies with edible food. That is fair enough.
But let's look at things energetically!

Are we up-to-date or backwards?

This is a Hun cauldron. Our mothers and fathers of old cooked in such a utensil. Its material is bronze or copper. This was a good thermal conductor, better than pottery, and it was enough for a larger family, which should be understood as 6-8 children and 2-4 adults, because it was a completely normal family size. The cauldron was set to fire, and because it was and open fire one, enough fuel had to be prepared for it. The shape of the bowl also determined what usual meals could be made in it because its tall shape made it difficult for the steam to leave upwards. Stirring and mixing had strict rules to be followed if you did not want to have burned food for lunch. They have remade a small number similar to these today. Nowadays it is more of a curiosity than a utensil.

* The hangable version is more widely used and everyone knows it and uses it as well. Cover is seldom used, we use it specifically for camping. is used. We cook tasty and typical dishes. In the previous and even in the following examples, the fire plays the leading role, and thus making our foods sterile and easily digestible. Through cooking a significant part of harmful substances, bacteria and viruses die and there are only a few exceptions. But do not be overconfident!

For example, think of the prions, the hard-to-break down proteins which trigger spongiform encephalopathy and their viruses, which infect even after cooking. they infect. Similarly, many types of plant poison survive cooking. (Mushroom poison). Unfortunately, beneficial vitamins are more easily degraded than prions. This good old stove is suitable for baking and cooking, it works with much less fuel than the open fire cooking utensils, and we can observe real legged pot (lábas) after which today's pots were named, but they have completely lost their legs. That really has legs still. From what's been said you may think we have turned into a fire place historical journal, but that's not the case at all.

The plants expose their leaves to the sun to collect the light. The
herbivorous animals eat this living substance filled with light, and transform that into the material of their own body. We are omnivorous and we eat both. Interestingly, we do not eat predators. Only if needed. This is also because they are chewier than the herbivores. The only exception was perhaps the bear, but this was only eaten in initiation rituals, but nowadays there are only zoo bears in the country. Anyway, the fireplaces listed so far feed heat into the foods to be cooked from the outside, which filled them with more light so they could raise them to a higher energy level. The thus stored light improved the energy utilization level.

 We ​​need this because of the increasingly troubled and rushing life. This is the purpose which our latest kitchenware wants to serve, which heats up our foods which have been completely de energized in the refrigerator already within few moments and how do the dear users think it is done? They wring heat (light) from the foods. Even that which is still trapped in it after deep cooling. The end result exactly will be rid of that which we ate it for in the first place; of energy. Our intestines will still be filled by them. But it seemed like a real a good idea!


* UNIVERSUM UNIVERSITAS 2003 September 4 *ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  * This publication was prepared for personal use only. Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced or published without the express permission of the author.

3 pictures from: Dr. Bernolák Kálmán: The Light MK 1981

Translation © Varga Péter (email: vargatranslation@gmail.com)