49. Wordtime  

A very interesting Sumerian we would like to enrich the kind readers' knowledge with a memorandum. This sets our knowledge being about the moon in an entirely new colour. Knows so little about this today our science, that anybody could think that the moon circulates since billion years around our Earth. We read it well from Hun historical saint book his holy details saved by Baraca.

These clay sheet memoranda established it, that in the 1856. fire acquisition year the Hárpia-Tórem - it was cut in a Kaltes woman's fight the divine one quarreling Joli-Tórem his Earth the moon mother; in B.C. 11 652, but Kaltes woman and Joli-Tórem it little knocking diverted it. The other experiment, collision did not happen in the 2066. fire acquisition year, but the second deluge flooded the mainlands lying in the lower one. Most reliable in the calculation of the times the time of the first deluge, so the fire acquisition one mountain-ceremony 1856. yearly one happening to his occasion mountain-girlsale.
Based on the memoranda of the initiated ones before 432 000 eating successions of generations, that is 10 families reigned before the first deluge with 21 500 mountain festive years Joli-Tórem his Earth. The one with a taller culture, 10 came from a Kaltes woman's Earth groups having a family appeared on their Heavenly vehicles soon with 19 644 mountain festive years Joli-Tórem his Earth, 2000 fire acquisition years groups having a family came again and the power was taken from the older families with their taller knowledge, but until all of them some, that the earlier families created newer prevailing families with ones on power. The rule of these families was independent of the amplitudes of the weathers causing a catastrophe. Ardvisura-Anyahita, the female ancestor's group brought heavenly monotheism. His children his first son consolidated the princely power, the second the safe-cultivation, while the third executed the domestication of the animals and it was brought to an end so Joli-Tórem his Earth it till then cannibalism in a habit. The others his sons: A lord, an edge and Van imposed Heavenly faith beside their mother's management down Ardvisura-Anahita the basis of his teachings, beside the cheque of the 5 celestial men. It was edited based on a lord, the incisions of an edge and Van the 3 x 8 personal ones Great-Féran, i mean the naming according to the celestial habits. From among these 8 Féran put down by a lord in the secret memoranda of Surupak who can be seen now. It is visible in the church of the Agadi city of Féran put down by an edge. Van prince accross paid third 8 Féran now in Hun-Óm visible on the shrine of the initiated ones, which was broken down into tribes next. It from Ardvisura-Anyahita Féranban paid successors coming from it was christened names based on the Ó sign of the initiated ones.

I have to enclose some explanatory dictionary with the text because very many names and a concept are incomprehensible for a reader not roamed in a topic. The clay sheet data fixing was widespread in Mezopotamia and at the related Hun folk, at Etrusk although we may find it at other folk along Mediterranean Sea. From fire acquisition years 1856 years passed then already, and this the time happened in 11652 before Christ. He was this so 13656 before with a year. This data is in a good approach with the data spreading from the big flood. The huge, catastrophe destroying everything and everybody quasi spread for a long time yet then, because the everything freezing -240 Co moon dust and a seismic activity surpassing all of our ideas after a deluge was moon rock. From this the much one which cannot be believed from a cold rock the oceans froze up. It knocking his effect could crack the bark of the Earth, and they move since then, the injured pieces of the cracked earth's crust are wandering. The moon started circulating though around the Earth, but on a much more elliptical orbit, that -our days can be experienced- leaded to the Earth so near once more before him being consolidated (Joli-Tórem), that one the second took flood out with 210 years of his passing.

The Kaltes woman's planet orbits around Sirius, onto nine light-years from us. It lightens up here it is, that before the flood kaltesians they lived on the Earth. They were skilled at the regulation of the weather. Their story began with 35156 years before. They tamed the natives living here because of the cannibalism. Our mentioned Féran Babtist (christening) is found even now. All of them are ancient and prehistoric Christians with our names. We show a modern, today's calendar adjusting to months here, that from here downloadable. 64 thousand were our names originally, from this today the one sixth we know it. These names of ours predominant it was taken away from us already, and it is wanted to explain for us, that our names all newcomer names. This is a single lie. But very spiteful. Our words were due in the same manner. All of our words became a loan word explaining quasi already by today. Those languages did not exist yet on the Earth when these words were our words spoken already. Because of this poganed down our ancient Christian faith. These names Féran a calendar has them. This is 35 thousand year one.

I was searching the place where this squabble mentioned here occurred for a long time on the Earth and the moon.

The ancient one I take a slice-asszonya often fallen out it Ata-Isis with realm ones, sent the comose dragon snake to the celestial children's planets onto his disturbance in his poison because of this. Joli-Tórem envied the beautiful development of his Earth, the comose dragon snake made his tail smash a Kemi woman's moon to our Earth because of this. Kaltes woman and Joli-Tórem noticed this soon however and drove the Earth out from his road. It comet the tail of a dragon snake was able to reach the Earth after all however and Joli-Tórem his kindest continent, Atlantisz into to the sea  recessed. Got cold very much as a result of the tail blow the air. With what with Heavenly got mixed they were cleverer, because of this towards the warmer countries they strived with their animals and their vehicles. You go towards Atais, that one emerged from the ancestor water slightly. This catastrophe from a Kaltes woman's Earth it was observed and a newer flying cart was sent Joli-Tórem his Earth. It was reported flying back from us, that similarly to them the moon Joli-Tórem brought the waters into motion to be stood on his Earth.

Tulias vezérünk felderítő útja. Itt még látszi Atlantisz

Suspicious, that Kemi a woman's planet it fifth planet was destroyed in the solar system, which we call the zone of asteroids in our days,. His debrises orbit around the Sun only already. But the moon, did not circulate yet around the Earth then. Atlantis according to Arvisura (Truescript) because of Gibraltar to the east was, from which one a map remained proportionally reports. From Siriat columns to the east. He was this here according to Platon. The Moon hit our Earth here, at Atlantis island according to our contemporary memoranda, and this induced a so enormous catastrophe, that Kaltesian did not turn out with advanced knowledge yet to avoid. They built up the many pyramids because of this on the Earth though. This was not able to prevent the catastrophe, relieved it only.

Was not too prominent on my maps, but shows on my globe excellently. I enclosed this picture, how it lies on the bottom of an ocean where because it shows on this the a billion tons of moon dust, and moon rock. The size of the moon adjusts to the huge formation with an arched form punctually. The diameter of the moon 3476 km, his mass 73,47 trilliard ton. If into full one would have found the Earth, today I would not drop a line. It was left of a so far population hardly so.

A Hold ütközésének a nyoma az ATLANTI ÓCEÁN fenekén

From Africa to the east approximately it shows in the area of the Green degree islands sprinkling his centre, here and Azori islands to secure an easy moon rock certainly. The bark onto the darkness hatched parts broke in, and here huge, six kilometres there are deep pits on the bottom of the ocean. The latitudinal net cca. 1111 km-es, and this supports my theory. Azori islands belonged to Portugal, and then today to European Union. We, even a spaceship have enough moon rocks, even a spaceship then is needed for him. The trace of the collision is on the mysterious other side of the moon. Concentric crater like this a meteor does not arise because of an impact. For this nothing there is not a chance of him.

This a very suspicious crater, but worthy to examine the question closely yet. The mountains forming the multiple ring too flat, and concentric. It is certain that the catastrophe left serious traces on our moon. It certain, that where the bump took place on the moon sea salt, and we will find lime, at that one like that, in which with the thirteen thousand years fervid date before this the shells of the marine animals living then can be found they will be. Certain, that the leaving moon, a considerable amount brought sea-water, already only because of that, because frozen. This may not have remained for a long time on the airless moon with little attraction, because his gravitation is small, and can hold the gases with big relative density on his surface only, and the water vaporises from him soon. But the salt is left over, and the corpses of marine animals may have stayed on the surface of the moon. The water boils over soon in void, yet sublimates, i mean the ice steams. The shock wave arising at the time of the collision on the other side of the Earth being Atais landed his island in decay. Pluto and Mercur may have managed to get onto the fate of the moon planet, only they not a planet, but the Sun put it on a circulatory orbit. They waddle very much until today, but they tried to fit in into the musical harmony of the wave world of the solar system.

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