16. Hungarian text 

It here dominant constellation the Snake holder, Ophiucus (Oph) constellation at us on the edge of the horizon visible, under Gerkules, between the bowman and Scorpio, and sits on that little island of Milky Way, that Milky Way in two branching out is on his end on the horizon. It shows in spring above the horizon above two mentioned zodiac zodiac signs. Our galaxy is an interesting, extensive constellation on his wonderful background.

A long snake is proceeding through the snake holder, which he keeps. This snake, Serpens (beer). He figured on a sheet already because zodiac sign expanded very much beforehand.

There is zodiac sign with a very little expansion yet on the map, the Shield, i mean Scutum (Sct). As if it M would protect the snake holder from 11 globular clusters.

M 10

M 11

M 1

NGC 6633

NGC 6572

NGC 6210

M 17

M 23

I 4756

On the left-wing uptake it M10-es globular cluster, the yes expanded though on the rightist cosmic fog, it M 17 act.

It M 11 and it M 12 one it to M 10 similar globular cluster, it M 23 a very sparse open aggregation, which may be with a diameter of some thirty light-year, and onto 4500 light-year maybe from us and the association of some 120 stars.

Is under the foot of the snake holder one I-away marked X-ray pulsar. This sure cannot be seen, only with the radio telescopes, and the observer working in the provinces which cannot be seen may be with devices to perceive. There are three galaxies above the right arm of the snake holder, but from this the leftist rather only infra with a telescope can be observed. Very interesting, if the man is looking at the sky with a manual infra-red telescope, dared with a lot, but sees very much more stars on the sky, than in visible light. This is because the space is not void entirely, since many particles race in him. These particles the many light-years distances racing in light quanta it is thrown so, than a prism, and after the ké is a colour much better on the prism turns away than the red one, this is so in the space left towards us with light quanta. Much more get to us from the red one, than from the blue one. This is so with the infra-red one. It much more attain us, than from the visible light. The others, which we may compare with a most thick atmosphere with an atmosphere, at that without all exaggerations, are scattered on the atoms wandering in the cosmos. Even if the cosmos would be so rare, that cube kilometre only an there would be a wandering atom in him. But there are much more.


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