5. Hungarian text


The creation myths of the Earth, his mythologies the creators for original one, never not been born, calls it one without beginning, a reason, but from the gods their birth is written down on much place already. This puts on a quite strange character because Pallas Athene leaped out in full armament from Zeus head for example sometimes. Made this afterwards after Zeus is a prophecy (future eyesight) swallowed his pregnant wife. In the same manner in the east from the milk sea stir, you are the many-headed snake vomits it who the hell and the holy things. This is a fun tale at worst for a researcher with a rational attitude. He may not believe bilgewater like this after all because of that. The theory of the Big Bang, it after all somebody else. The explosion is a rational thing. Everybody may have seen one like that already. Do I ask him where Mendelejev puts a black hole in his table? What does a neutron star consist of? Not it? But that's right! From the same one, from which the atomic nucleus of the minute atoms. So brief. How much are his atomic weight? Wow, and how much his relative density?!

The time copy sources - exactly some, than the creator, since it the copies of the time shifted - much branching one timesystem reconditional. This the sumir shows in an other sign, but on a previous side down on doubled signs.

The initial graphical sign is the contemporary depiction of the time thread. The redoubling reading to four is not safe. The the four features are good for four though, but i'm not sure that they may be above each other. At worst some, than the left upper sign. Frequent runa is dealing with in texts with the crystals, minerals. He continues so.

HA and KU are interesting because Q is related to the source even on the maps.

This small-sized mummy is exceeding thought-provoking. If somebody would explain it taxonomically, that where owes? The fraud into a category? His X-ray does not indicate this. Would be good with a word, the the world it's very simple and would be understandable. With what the science of the age beguiles himself in all ages would be good: everything was discovered already practically, there are not blind spots on the map, there is not a unknown thing on the Earth. Those few trifles, what it is possible to discover possibly yet will not bring a substantive change already.

Sure from a real scholar man i yet one like this never my dead person. They claim his contrary just. It is said, that at what more are known, it is felt better at it how much are not known yet.

Our forefathers onto all cases a name was provided to him.

Here on the other hand KU nunu is translated for fish KU-LU-LU suffix after fish names. Kulilu was translated for a fish man. The fantasy and the ignorance would ascribe all this to his product today, but this was reality gone through very much in those days. A contact was not truth yet with the universe's distant folk denied everything, and the with them truth the memories of a frequent encounter were living persons vividly. From this direction many contemporary documents and diagnosis reports us. Who is curious about it, that what kind of in fact apart from the land, it onto this the ancient one may obtain abundant information from diagnoses. In the same manner the writing, you are the origin of the religions with many roots, from many planets resultant. Now writing apart from an Earth we are struggling along to understand. Is this a quite big adventure?



The quadruple wedge present we have to think because Labat enumerated more quadruple wedge groups yet to the quartet. The three three vertical ékjellel beside each other nominated it for all cases. The doubled one move downwards may report older one or a next generation. We find this sign often crystals beside the name of minerals (malachite, sapphire) but the former graphical signs attached to him foreshadow something else. The za, zü, and generally Z sound carriers join the drawbacks in the Hungarian. Disturbance, confusion, potty, zizi, but it sz too many times negative; apart, crap, snatches, stb.

The upper sur the interesting one, dared here the solutions; man (homme) and stone (pierre) (Peter = stone). The stone, ko is in tune even acoustically, but our later approach here -will drive us here. The next sign leads to this.

The KU6 the translation of a sign fish, which is in tune with the Hungarian only again,, A HA-LAM there is an owner in a relation directly already, but I am bending rather towards Zoltán Székely solution, who here a runic H drew a letter. The KU6 a mark points this out. HA, HU and our word with a beginning of a lot H the attribute of the source, an effluence.

Arises on Inn the HU-HOG our word. If not the owl, but the man hoots, then it pouts and blows the air outward. The two little ones x publishes a little square, a little source sign. Let us not forget it, that all protolangugaes are built on the logic of the creation! Is needed for this to search. Let us look into the Chinese dictionary again, since we know the pronunciation of the words and his sense yet here. The constant old languages may help a lot if the folk of the Earth spoke a language really sometime.

A square-shaped whirl and 3c velocity source left behind időrendszere in the Hungarian ethnography.
The KO leaves a trace like this. The leftist the symbol of the two hyperspace lights, the energy, the rightist the fire of the life, the time.

KÖ expression it is used for a man, an animal, objects in the Chinese language. Maybe not surprising, that reports everybody.

It is necessary to try to convince nobody of the fact that this is a sign pointing upwards possibly. The Sumerian moves analogous. The Hungarian stone (kő) with a word i'm not sure that is related although he mingles with this often because of his intense resemblance in the translations. The Hungarian's equivalent may be interesting after all, even the da-ra, even the da-rab verbally. The prisoner of the own dual of the source, the da though it gives, who -gives our expression can be found. In Italian da-re = to give, da = gives. I mean can be been. If the we observe it the Chinese tjen sign, this is based on more concepts then. The four little solidary features do not dig below, than the sign of the huó, the fire. A source sign floats on him, one ko, then single little lying T like that letter, which the shop is in their word, appears. This because of that interesting, dared here sign not above the punctuation mark of the fire, but is under a sign shaping a roof, the independent meaning of which is wide, extensive, on the other hand the tjen said arched small and time span (clock) sense!

tjen*, tjen*, héj, má*, ná*

The sign which can be seen on the middle the Chineses hey it is said, and coffee his meaning. This depends on a fire alarm, and two source signs form the part of a top. This a land meaning depends on patriarchal cross. This shell may mark a bigger unit presumably, than a seashell. Suspicious, that this sign means the universe's border, the universe originally, and what a Super substance shell borders. Our astronomers discovered it already, it is not known to equal one only since they consist in an eye. This is mysterious Great Mover in the astronomy. It is coffee and a number galaxy move towards it increasingly more swiftly, but where they last, nothing shows on the world there. Má means that má, a mum, a mommy are hemp, others with drop and a sign with the above punctuation mark, horse, number, to chide. Pricked because of that eye, Because the wide one, extensive one is a grove under a sign meaning a sign is at a standstill. the tree in Chinese su, the water sui. But the live wood, behind which the life tree appears, is called only so our expression. Su the heat, the heatwaves, but the root, the vegetable. The day the space-time (the air) his local source. The Englishs call it because of this so because of this possibly; SUN.

We have an interesting sign on the end of the Chinese sign row yet. NÁ. This from a sign with a meaning of a hold, and a beta implement consists of a sign. this I found latter one beside only six signs. The moon and the Sun play a role emphasized very much in our faith, I noticed him so, leads somewhere maybe.

CSÉN; is an order of battle. JÁNG; is the positive principle, the active one, the fire beside the Sun sign, here. The wet sign is the negative beside the yin, the moon sign. NÁ likewise beside the sign of the moon, but here on right. His meaning it!! A cross pointing from the source sign is good. His meaning better!! Lake (TU) his meaning: everybody.

I mean this sign with a beta implement, is linked to the creation tightly, but I did not find it with an independent meaning or a pronunciation unfortunately. Interesting, that with the creation (you are with the Hungarian nationalities) the sense of coherent signs is not in the dictionaries. But I was not searching it because I found a good little sign here vainly!

His meaning mom

There is a form just like this on top of the black sign, turned away with only ninety degrees. This rare sign, and this in the dictionary part I came over it, but at a secluded explanation. This will be good to the universe after all then. I looked at the word, but only the world I found a word, but was not his punctuation mark. SÉ-CSJE. Let's see! SÉ his meaning (oh, I found twenty meanings here and what kind of good ones!!) schoolmaster, time, to can, stone, ten, to eat, real, real, reality, to start, strength, test, room, most, good, is, to be, to exist, life, world, key. CSJÉ meaning road, main road, to get it, to be attached, to take shape. And I found the world's punctuation mark the life hiding under an article. He looks so.

SÉ-CSJE world

The meaning of the left-wing sign the roof of a life, the right sign tjen=kicsi, his lower part ör = child, man, but I did not find a so full sign, only the piece sense there was a little rooftop like this in a sign, what was an arrow pointing upwards there. It would be possible to twist the sign so possibly, that; two little living beings, who from time standing and real one, from which ten are in the world, who create place, that place eats himself, feeds on himself, and this will be the beginning of the strength, then the big student and big schoolmaster, the big key of who: Himself the Time. The road of the truth and the life. God.