expressed himself
Mathematically it is possible, that from an the- un-expressed source- we may have an emersion of expressive
source- yet logically we have no sulution for this. We do not know what actually induces/stimulates this process at this point in time. On the complex plane and in complex space it automatically comes into existence. Even the scripture do not provide a substantive footing regarding this process . Often it is stated in ways and terms
like- God/Creator was bored, needed a companion, longed to know itself, felt lonely and create for Himself a
companion- and and so forth. Temporarily we do not have an answer to this question. We do not know much better one momentarily. This is difficult ground to
hoe- since this is outside of logic and apart from our historical
inheritance- in stories, folktales tales and legends- that came down from our
forefathers- we know very little of anything that we can actually grab onto.
We cannot give reasons for the actuality of the- doubleing event or as how one actually became
two- but if this is possible on a complex plane, then this is already a promising hypothesis. The total dynamism remains naturally within this expression of this
system- in the course of this doubling, that is at its initiation- there is an etablishment of a continuous reaction as they relate to each other. This process maybe akin as to the bisection of the Moebius
As one exist, conversely the other is non-existent- it shuts down. At the same time this is not only a quantitative, but a
qualitative- jump, because they are never able to release each- as they change dimensional sources. The effect of these alternated dimensional sources cannot excite them into a new state. Both of them turn into an open system and ever expanding spheres detach from them. This two totally independent existences, which live off from each
other- make each other`s existence possible. Became –two but is still are one.
As this process is streaming- the duration of this system is till -
infinity. Self time/own time- is definitive only until we reach the outermost surface of the system . We may talk about a system which can be defined within and from within only. In many religions it is
stated- that we are in God- and God is within us. The Lord Jesus is not in
us- but we are- from Him, in Him and we live through Him. Take note of the words in the Catholic Mass. They called
this- the incomprehensible paradox. This is a Koan- a paradoxical anecdote or riddle, used in Zen Buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning and to provoke enlightenment. Though here entirely the word has a different connotation as this does not depend on faoth nor belief.
(This Gushing out the Holy Source creates the first basis of the-
creation. One of these one existences – with its other alternating existence is the basis of all additional actions and a reaction).
All of our folk-tales in Magyar begin with the following phrase- When it was, when it was not. We have found an other
version- when it wasn`t it still was somewhere. This is what we are searching
for- let this be our starting point.
The two existences- alternatively leave their two existences- however from our perspective we only have –one existence, because during the other time our material/substance is non-existent. The material world's other half exists then only. This is the -
otherworld. All this alternates/changes with incredible velocity. More
correctly- our material/substance is- alternating in a layered
existence- which has numerous consequence from which arises many incomprehensible phenomenon shall be seen
clearly- and scientific. This may be one of the possible explanations of
the- mysterious other world though at this point it is far early to presume this. In this picture is a frozen moment picked out on this picture, (because this is time expanding with speed of light naturally).
Thomas Betlej graphics

layer essences the Bindu
This unidimensional time , and the part that is lined exists for us. The skipped part inbetween also contains the
same- time system – except the only difference is that- it is existing in
a- contra time beat. This is still –ancient time- (we may not call space-time yet), because within this there is already
existence- however here we still do not have –material or energy. For the developement for the material still needs
time- or rather us waiting still a while- like a few hundred billion years.
However there does exist the single constructor element of the universe already, but the sign of this the primary ancient matter or energy -
is avoided because within this- nothing in is typical of matter or energy whatsoever. This is an
– ancestoral principle. It – doubled – already it expressed its its source`s central system– this is how we should image it.
The effluence is not visible on this figure. In this illustration we cannot see the
effluence/expansion- The way that is shown in the figure shows as a represantation of an alternating
existence- on the left/below– is the osscilating source`s time layer –
leaving- its essence.
Our completed model surprised us a little, (right above) because one may observe, that in the course of this rotation cyclically again, and again will
be- one - the from two. Afterwards we may revolve this around on an any kind of an axis . However we do not know whether this model reflects the full true reality, but this is a possible variation. An other possibility is that with
half-turns they come to an end/cease- but they are re-born each other`s complex-space. This seems to be the most acceptable
version- his gets out vote. The solution is known in many variations in the humanity's cultural
Often our ancient legends that seem triflingly unimportant stories, are actually keepers of ancient knowledge with which we may get acquainted on the pages that contain
the- ARVISURA. In the east- its name is interpreted as- bindu, which can be interpreted
as- making of two. This seems to be a good explanation regarding the illustration . The German binde word is quite apt, as it means two interlocking links of a chain. You may observe this the Magyar crown, in an other section of our website. That's
correct- that is a multidimensional figure. Dimensions stitched together like the Moebius band that was cut into two. This is weaved through with an additional square on our scepter, that is
the- earth element`s sign and means it, that this all prevailing God reigns through his mercy, but only on the Earth, in the
material/substance world.
The interwoven dimensions in the Magyar ethnography- is known by the
name- light seed. The seed of the light?(on left below) A people who know such information and preserve such stories orally are
unique- from this we may assume even uch more. We not only have to research the types of the yurts, but also those designs, that safe-keep this knowledge within them .
We collect and welcome all that is related- words and other things that may pertain to further knowledge that shed light on this past secret knowledge. We accept with pleasure any new discoveries and additional information from all sources. Figures, texts, facts that have been
found, discovered- suspicious coincidences that may seem relevant, pictures –and all else which may helps to carry on the Magyar nation`s research. Of course the research of the yurts as

Palazzo Ducale - Venezia
- Light seed doge palace
The- source motif - is still seen as a frequent on the medieval buildings even in our days (right above) however this sign can be also found behind the altars, above, as well as on the Eucharistic tables –it appears as a hole-like shape, which is remarkably apt in appearance. Also maybe seen in many past century Transylvanian and the Magyar Dunántú
carvings- present on the backs of the church benches. If you if you have in your possession a picture like
this- please send it to us. You may recognize this picture here from the well-known Doge`s palace in Venice.
Surely it was not the ornamental intention that merely guided its designer, but something much more of an essential (and in those days even very rational) intention which moved them. They surrounded the whole palace with the invoking formations, which attracted the very strength/force of God. We find the water element
below- which is actually depicted below a – four-petalled flower form, like holes and the circles surrounding them –this is in in the form of a decorative shaped. We shall discuss this in more detail in the 10th lesson. There is an other interesting details to recognize on this
picture- above, on top of the building one may on close observation see
the- fire element. You may find further explanation regarding this on the 9th page of this website
We strongly urge that every reader walk with eyes open henceforth. Do not no let the mild doves or the tide be the only thing you notice the Piazza di San
Marco- but listen, watch, calculate, measure up all that you see. If by chance you are reading these pages in Venice (Venezia) then I ask you to observe count all the essential motives on the palace, because it may be important. You will realize that all that you see cannot be pure chance, but has some very solid, deep logic to
it- and meaning.
We ask the Magyars living in distant lands to write to us, because they could help a lot in our research. Hawaiian, Óceánia, middle and South America (mostly Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico) that area, where important threads are present would be tremendously welcome. As well as from China, Mongolia, Japan and Tibet. We are hopeful that this may help/add to our research area in the Magyar nation`s prehistoric research. *.JPG, *.GIF We would love to receive pictures of the Magyar communities living on several of the world's landscapes in a format from the point of view of the local habits and ethnography. Please write because though we have found many sensational /interesting discoveries pertaining to our research, it is not complete and much is
missing- but even a little information would be of tremendous help and greatly appreciated.
Everybody may add their knowledge to our research. The e-mails with bigger images (pictures) we would ask please send to the following
this mail addraess: