The splay
In the previous part we already have reached a point of understanding that time actually has to
be- time medium like ‘something’- otherwise it could not create an interaction. This
means- one time system would not be able to have an effect on the other one. The particle-like solution is a wrong
theory- because it pre-supposes an existence of a material something. This is important, but that is another
issue/thing- which is different- a certain kind of manifestation of the time. At this point in comprehension, our train of thought is not yet
there- since even the concept of space does not exist in our mental experiments today.
The deficiency of –the medium like time expansion world - would make the development of the additional things
impossible- it would hinder its further progression- this is the substantive exact element that is missing from today's cosmology .
Though- here we, want to proceed further- and we shall.
The inside of this- medium like time expanding world- its actual inner medium once was known
as- essence. This is not preset in our scientific vocabulary nor accepted knowledge today. This consists of the
effects- of time expansion, from pure time medium. We often term this-
something`s deficiency as –nothing.
This- nothing- is not the –something`s counterpart- because they cannot change into each other, neither can they negate each other. They are
neither- opposites nor contrasts- because- from non-existence there can never originate
– existence. Existence is –original reason- did not arise, but always has existed. This thought maybe found in the
Creed- which is the Christian profession of faith.
We can approach this idea better with the –concept of existence- as this is more comprehensible to us. In the Magyar
language- different prefixes /or suffixes often depict the actual element or its action( Please refer back to the original Magyar text of this chapter as to understand the actual words/grammar and connections within the language). In this
chapter- I purposely capitalized the ancient state of these sacred elements so that the reader may know that it is the –actual creational sacred element. These linguistic connection were repressed in our language and the main device for this
was- the rise of urban intellectualism. Fortunately, this did not prove to be quite efficient.
The TIME and EXISTENCE mean- one kind of a thing only.
In Hebrew the
letter- EL- means- IS whereas ELI- means the ‘diminutive’ form of –IS. Often in the Magyar language certain –small accents/punctuation marks will make its meaning quite different.
In the Hebrew it is tangible that the- diminutive- relates to the –divine source`s minute origin. Within the Magyar language –within our written language all the logical elements of creation are present. Thus a small accent or a punctuation
mark- a dot or a comma- may give a word an entirely different meaning in context.
(Please refer to the original Magyar text of this chapter for further explanation)
In one of our nursery rhymes we say- “dot, dot, comma and the head is ready” as we draw a circle around
it- where the two dots are the eyes and the comma is the nose- as we draw/create a head. This is the idea regarding the depiction of cherubs in art, having simply a disembodied head with wings only. The thought behind this is that thought that originates in the head, flies or has wings. However this illustration is very limiting as it is a flawed earthbound
idea- as it seems to state that the head is the essential accessory for thinking and bird-like wings are necessary for the actual thoughts to
fly- this is rather misleading. What is transcendent is not material-
thus is space, light and radio waves- thus they are impossible to depict, draw or
describe- all depictions are meaningless.
(Please refer to the Magyar text in this chapter for further linguistic explanations)
The different languages have within them the reminders/remnants within their context, the actual road map of
creation- and its original starting point. There was reference made to this in a few of
our- moving computer graphics. In prior chapters.
We shall approach this subject not on basis of religion, but in a logical manner.
Observe this in the legends that remained as attributes and also the logic of the environment!
The fountainhead of the existence cannot be compared to anything that we know. We reason as to why we do not find it, this is because –we only see
it. The- ONE. This –starting ONE- is the prisoner of its own existence. It cannot do anything but
to- exist only- from the beginning of all of existence/time immemorial to infinity. This is the most important essence of the universe. According to our knowledge it always
was- it is continual. In this constant seemingly finite world of the decomposition, we cannot comprehend this concept. We cannot grasp the infinite with our mind –because all things have a beginning and an end in our perception.
We try to avoid this in such a way that we do not give honest answers to the questions. We come up with untenable logical theories that echoes through the world. In the human ancestral consciousness something very different is preserved regarding creation. This is stated in the Christian
creed- but is the basis of every ancient religion which is based on this knowledge. These are not questions regarding religion, or questioning the word of
dogma- but from epistemological concepts. These were the bases of knowledge in bygone eras that was
lost- their penetrating force was lost –and was boiled down into dogma exclusively. This was the starting point of numerous conflicts.
The materialistic religion is the strongest dogma between the dogmas of today. Our school systems (even the religious schools) are submitted to this religious current. The false doctrines were taken over without criticism and taught in conjunction with the –mathematical wave
functions- which are out dated mathematical concepts of a hundred years ago. This is a tremendous
mistake- though it may seem correct mathematically- a major point is missing from the functions element -
the Generator.
Principle: Without source there is no real wave.
We have a little lag within the examination of this question. What could be for this essential (mediun like)
time - its source? In chapter 4 -we already saw two possible figures from the theoretical
approach- this was very clear in the last graphic figure. We do not have to look for the topography of the source in the realm of the full dimensions; 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D etc. because these
are - rigid whole ones and can be elaborately dynamized.
The fast spreading fractals that exist in mathematics look more like a more correct road as they are seem more of a -
self like world - their development is made possible as increasingly more things point
out - that the formations of nature likewise is - fractal.
A plain little function with determined border parameters provides an occasion for the discovery of many variations which cannot be believed. Nothing will be from
the- zero- there either. If you want to proceed further in the black
part- the - mathematical function (formulation) is stifled.
I. Let 1/2 be the lower limit parameters.
II. This means precisely is half a dimension then in our case. This sounds absurd for a
dimension is impossible to cut in - half
III. Let`s get mixed into the topography. The most simple and popular which has a very pain
topography formation is the –Moebius band.

This is an immensely essential element to the additional steps. It is only possible to understand
the task if one glues one like this together- that is from a paper tape.
1. The the stock(base) may be plain shredded newspaper- approx. 5 cm wide strips is necessary to be cut
from it
2. A scissors is also needed for the procedure and a –pen or pencil-
and glue
3. If there is typewriting paper (A4), it already directly splendid
4. Glue edges together- twist the tape-
5. Now draw a line (onto one of the side of its width) with the pencil
6. If it is glued it together well, then comes the big surprise-
because a line that passes through
the middle of the paper tape- it finds its way back into its self as it runs along both sides
7. In fact- now the paper does not have two sides but- one
8. Now –cut it along the drawn line into two
9. Now we get a circle that - is double its original length- and
10. The twist increased in number by- one and a half
11. On the other hand- we had to walk around the Moebius band twice in order for
your pencil line to get back onto the starting point
12. Now cut this long band into two now. This is the essence-
13. It has become two exact chains- (similar to the starting formation!) a band is born from the
14. With the same number of twists
15. If we cut this into two again- the bands henceforth are all alike
16. They will be narrower only
17. But notice- that meanwhile a complete rotation hides within this thing
–this the most important essence of the creation.
God places the essence in front of us in plain view- we do not listen. We have seen the sign of the
reprocessing- it is like a single Moebius band . If we think through the consequences of our bias, we may realise why we investigated the question of the world's smallest
sphere- the dot- likewise our mental experiment is equally biased. Because it is a marginal case belonging to a very similar topography class and because it also only had –an exterior side . The received result has theoretical value only at this time because that dot is not dynamic and it does not exist in time yet.
We showed the exciting game of –bias- only with this, but we will not go on in this direction. The Klein-bottle experiment being aimed at the same thing, but it remained as a topography interest. Here we do not have a band anymore, but a
body- with similar characteristics can be observed.
Klein bottle and a beautiful little one turned out topography surface
This likewise does not help us on further, although it is second surface showed by us (right figure) is a lot closer to the essence of our inquiry –because a little inner cavity which appears on the sectional picture of this
illustration- which at one point passes through turning inside out- then back
again- if we follow a surface trajectory. We have an irresistible inspiration, that after we kept recalling the
sphere- before the lemniskata (his endless sign), well let us bring it out again. Perhaps it is not coincidence that we are using this as our demonstration aim –this recycled sign.
What was before us very much is needed for it to be for the key!
The MONAD (Greek.)
The Greeks considered –the Monad- to be the basis of all that existed. Also in the philosophy of the mathematician G.W. Leibnitz
350 years ago, states this to be the basis of all that exists, with self motion and creation of
all- independent spiritual being/beings whom ‘cover / or hide all’-
this does not mean that all is covered like a physical envelope or
covering- but which is intellectual but still not material. Every religion on earth seems to have this within their faith . This is –the source of –the Logos
In the Magyar Bible it refers to its importance, as few/or no words start with such a
letter- as it is written with an accent on the –I.
They wrote it with long Í so. Look at it in the Bible. Yeah í signals the importance of a sound. In Hebrew used to be written as a
vowel- it was like a small drop like apostrophe, which was the sign for
‘fire’- sign of God. This is probably –jot-
Originally probably was Greek- iota- meaning God given, but though language it changed.
Bible it is said, that –do not change an iota of the text- this comes from the word
–jot- however it has been translated into well over 150 languages. However, every single letter holds deep secrets and there is no comparison to any book ever written on earth. The text with has been compacted sevenfold, yet even the seventh fold. Though it has been written by numerous authors it still has a reasonable text interpretation. The Bible is nothing else, but –the book of the life. We are all contained in
it- everyone who has lived on this earth for the past- 3, 200 years and all whom shall live in the future till the end of time.
Of course- it contains everything- short/long biographies, our children, our partners, our work and our death as well. Though from the beginning of this book has -
one missing part- The book of the knowledge. These consist of 77 books, that define world's system which is related
from- the atoms , energy , quanta. From macrocosm to microcosm the
macrocosm- which shall actually be revealed to you within this website.
From encyclopaedia Brittanica:
monad, (from Greek monas “unit”), an elementary individual substance that reflects the order of the world and from which material properties are derived. The term was first used by the Pythagoreans as the name of the beginning number of a series, from which all following numbers derived. Giordano Bruno in De monade, numero et figura liber (1591; “On the Monad, Number, and Figure”) described three fundamental types: God, souls, and atoms. The idea of monads was popularized by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in Monadologia (1714). In Leibniz’s system of metaphysics, monads are basic substances that make up the universe but ... (100 of 162 words)
• Monad (philosophy) a term meaning "unit" used by philosophers to signify a variety of entities from a genus to God.
• Monism, the concept of "one essence" in the metaphysical and theological theory
• Monad (Gnosticism), the most principal aspect of God in Gnosticism.
The lemniskata is before us steadily in our- figure of number eight
‘8’- . It is interesting to note- that lemniszkata `s pair, turned away at exactly ninety degrees on a complex pane will have an it outcome that looks like a form of -
a flower which has four petals.
We may find such forms on the branches of the Magyar crown. We should take notice that the holy crown then not just simply a be-jeweled item.
(Please refer for further information to pages on the Magyar crown)
The quaternions with sixteen petals- but in 3D space- will be the formation of it. A true are virtual 3D. This information will come in handy for us yet later. In the
lemniskata. Remember ?–that little crossing is very interesting, because we can twist the Moebius band
similarly- then with that little half-turn is also possible to imagine this to happen even with a minutely thin thread or -
even with a lemniszkáta. Many people have racked their brains about this, but the bias of mathematics has hindered their progress. Cassini curves are
needed- as this polymorphic geometry is known, but this shall not be a fundamental part of our inquiry. There are many discoveries like this which we may call an
almost- direct hit- which was not followed through. Perhaps at that
time- it was not its time for it to be known or understood.

Cassini struggled with the task, but perhaps, we shall harvest down the fruit of his work. From here on there is only one single step, which you may have seen on the first page already, until the creation of the surface. Let us rotate it along the -Y- axis of
the- the lemniskata. We get a toroidal revolving body. This looks more animated in this moving version than in a standing version. This
lemniskata, has expanded by a one rotation dimension only .
I discovered the single extension of the Thales theorem in the same manner. Thales triangle can be turned round on its hypotenuse
then- we receive a cone with two bottoms facing each other –whose base angle completes each other at right angles. We will use this theorem later, so it would be a good idea to get familiarize with it. This will produce the present angle of the tachyons and huge trick will
be- when from one single point we will construct an angle. A mathematics colleague said that this was impossible –however it was possible in this
case- he liked my solution.
Now one we shall start doing a entirely new form of mathematics, dimension view and cosmology. Let us finally turn our attention to our
lemniskata. It is is actually starting to appear to have some kind of
surface- but how is this? Let us not start out along a line now, but on an equi-temporal (representing a given moment )
– dot. A common single point like this - is only found at the crossing of each
other- and there is only ONE.
PS- we often refer to point = dot as synonimously.

As you leave the point- it turns into a strange circle, which is expanding out continually
from- a single point (but it is still is one single time frame)—-
as the circle stretches it reaches the largest diameter of the lemniszkáta and from then on will start narrowing once more into –a tiny dot. The observable crossing
point- is the mid point of the- infinity sign. If we call this point-
the present –then this effluence is not infinitely expanding- but may circulate infinely alone ( in that spot). The why/wherefore is still necessary to be
answered- but this still means much more fundamental research.
Let`s take the road downwards from the crossing mid point- the overflow shall be presumed to be the past. But then where the future of your system? The past
is- calculated from the lemniskata toroid`s equator as it transforms into the
future- because it only receded till this point from – the present-
then it keeps shrinking continually (receding) –then dies out into one
point- the present. However immediately it comes out below- and from here on it shall once more be the
–past- until infinity. Until the infinity. This is the –expectant (waiting) light seed.
How large is this object? This question does not make sense yet because –the space does not exist yet. It is not possible to interpret the distance yet. To the development of the right idea we have the graphic illustrative figure.

It is possible to peep into the inside of the system and observe the
hidden- present point- best place being at the narrowest restriction, the next step appears here. However the
mid- present point- is a crossing- however there is not eventhe tiniest hole on it.
In reality- there is no material content (nothing mathematical either) so that these crossroads may come into existence without difficulty/obstruction or
hinderance- thus we have discovered a something called a - ‘doorless
passage’ which is - the present. Within this is the Moebius` tapes ‘twist’ that we observed
before- or rather it is at this point where the surface –turns over 180
degrees- and through this process the inside becomes the outside –and the right side becomes the left side.
This is a one-sided surface- a container that is minute and at the same time endless (indefinably big) –having cubic capacity also, since when we stay on the surface of the exterior, then the cubic capacity of the container is immensely
big- but both interior and exterior in character are- one. The direction of its vectors extinguish/cancel each other out –like the Moebius band, however this is better than the Klein type solution. This place is not really a place yet (because place and distance will only be possible in the space that shall arise later only) but for a
–dot/point- it is already quite dynamic. It has an autonomous time sysytem, because this is already
a- one dimensional surface.
Unidimensional surface- what are we saying? If we have no problem with the black
hole`s- singularity (being punctiform) or some deductions of Hawking and being being toroid as
well- then why not a one dimensional surface?
We have to get further though. This is now a surface that will give rise to a
plane- from concurrent circles by the placement of lines beside each
other- lace it with a parameter and allowed it to curl a little more.
What is it for? How could it curl/twist when all circles are equitemporal what that means is that this is
a- circle-like singularity. A petty big, a circle-like dot, a punctiform
circle- what next?
Never mind. If mathematically and in astronomy there may be black holes-
then it is possible to have a dot type sphere or a punctiform circle –since no one as yet determined how much the smallest value of a sphere or its beams maybe. All shall be revealed in
time- let`s say that we temporarily developed the mysterious monad- a possible visible model wihich is completely
different- dot/point, which we know from geometry. This not geometric-
dot/point but physical –point of time. This point is dynamic till-
infinity, on the outside but does not causes any kind of change yet. Locked into its self, a non- interactive
systems- autoexisting. However two things are needed for the change and the
interaction- in the next chapter we shall discuss them.