PI AND "t" |
I really like the ancient Greek and
Roman philosophers, but I had to realize during my work that the reason
they were forced on me so much was that they wanted to hide cultures much
older than these form us since the misinterpreters of Biblical texts
erroneously concluded that God created the world 6-7000 years ago.
Therefore, they tried to destroy or downplay the importance of everything
which indicated that people lived on Earth earlier too. The thing was
totally untenable due to more active excavation and age determination results
in archeology, however, tradition is tradition. What is interesting is
that the thing is true and not true at the same time! The creation is
multiple and cyclical. The grate world ages are separated by fire deluges.
There has been two in this present Eon. 7000 and 13600 years ago. The
earth's surface and the wildlife was destroyed completely and fully.
By the way, this present solar system isthe sixth solar system . The Mayan
records also tell us of more creation cycles. Going back 35,000 years. (Dresden
Once these total eradications destroyed every living thing on planet
Earth, after a period of consolidation it became empty but new residents
moved to the habitable planet. They populated it with the plants and
animals brought along. This is the reason the genetic ancestors of our
staple and cultivated plants are nowhere to be found on Earth by our botanists.
The reason being is that they were brought here from elsewhere. These
ideas certainly provoke indignation from the obdurate materialists and
Darwinists, but the fact is fact. I have only brought this up because the
magic number well known to all, the PI did not come from Pythagoras, but
is much, much more ancient, but the obstinate ones tried to deny
everything which they thought was against the Bible or their fixa ideas.
So did they deny creation's cosmic scale. This is why the Greeks became
the most civilized in ancient times. If extraterrestrial things had been
allowed, the skeptical ones would have chosen an easier way. Those who
can "contrapt unscientifically" interstellar vehicles with their stone
hatchets, certainly know the value of pi.
Go do your research, and you'll find
them in the 6000-year-old Sumerian clay tablets and also in Egypt. Many
are contriving to make them out to be a lot more recent since they are driven
by their scientific or religious fanaticism. To prove my point, let me
just quote a few interesting lines form the 5000 year old book of Dzy-an.
1. Look at the beginning of sentient, formless life. First, the divine,
the Mother - born of Spirit ;then the spiritual; the three from theone,
the four from the one and the five, from which the three was born and the
five and seven. This is third and fourth downwardly; The First Lord's
mind-born Sons; the brilliant seven. They are the ones, oh Lanoo, who
are you, me and him. They, who watch over you and your Mother the Earth.
3,141592654. Just a reminder. Of course, the thing can be said to be
coincidental, but this part right here is fiddling with the light quantum.
From within, sort of. Cosily. It would be good to find the original text
and translate it. Not the English translation, but the original palm
leaves. But they are unfortunately hiding away in a monastery somewhere.
If anyone knows about it, write to us. univ-universitas@freemail.hu .
Their picture will suffice. Today the idea is widespread that the pi is
necessary for the calculation of the circle and the sphere's details,
and is not very good for anything else. This is a blatant mistake, though,
but it is sure, that it can be used for that too. This is why a restless
thinker had frenetic realization which is nowhere to be found in the
curricula, however it was published quite some time ago. Dr. István
Sajó, despite being an academician, could not gain domestic recognition,
although his name and discovery is known by universities throughout the
world. He realized that the in the tremendously complicated and abstruse
world of physics there is a rule that makes it frighteningly easier to
understand things. This is the use of pi.
Dr. István Sajó's
brilliant discovery about pi |
symbol |
mass |
Integers, or
rational fractions
according to changing
or mass fractions |
According to the pi's
variable energy or
mass fractions |
masses at rest
by cutting the radiation
corrections |
The particles'
by cutting the radiation
corrections |
The particles
masses in MeV/c2
elektron |
me |
x 1 |
x pi 0
1 |
1,000 |
0,51099906 |
0,51099906 |
= |
me |
x 20/3 |
x pi 3
31,006 |
206,7068 |
105,62785 |
105,65838 |
= |
me |
x 10 |
x pi 4
97,409 |
974,090 |
497,7595 |
497,671 |
= |
me |
x 18 |
x pi 4
97,409 |
1753,36 |
895,9671 |
896,10 |
= |
me |
x 5 |
x pi 5
306,019 |
1530,09 |
781,878 |
781,95 |
mp =
proton |
me |
x 6 |
x pi 5
306,019 |
1836,11 |
938,2546 |
938,27231 |
= |
me |
x 15/2 |
x pi 6
961,389 |
7210,40 |
3684,517 |
3686,0 |
= |
me |
x 9 |
x pi 6
961,389 |
8652,50 |
4421,420 |
4415 |
= |
me |
x 20/3 |
x pi 7
3020,293 |
20135,28 |
10289,11 |
10269 |
bozon |
me |
x 6 |
x pi 9
29809,099 |
178854,6 |
91934,53 |
91161 |
The correlation between
measured and calculated data is 0.99999999 |
The pi's powers and the particles
Every particle is based on electron mass. This is in the
second column on the left e . Follow the top horizontal line.
Multiplying this by 1, then by pi raised to the zero power, which again is
just 1 because any number raised to the zero power is the unity. Then, on
the right in the three vertical columns we can already find the results.
The mass at rest measured after cutting the radiation corrections. This
is 1 in the case of electron. This will be the basic measure. And here
comes the magic number! The energy of the electron is thus: the mass and
the measured mass 0.51099906 in MeV/c 2 : 0.51099906. That is, it is
numerically the same! This is a magic number, because, having said this,
it is present within any further particle as a multiplicator. This is the
e m factor at the beginning of each line. We can calculate particles
existing in nature either by using an integer multiplicator or with an
energy or mass fraction produced with a rational fraction.
Here the proton is especially exciting which can be calculated using an
integer and the fifth power of pi, which is 306.019. 306,019 x 6 =
The proton has a mass of exactly that much more than the electron, and if
the above result is multiplied by the m e value,
the the measured or known data will largely match our results.
1836,114 x 0,51099906 = 938,2525
This has such a great significance because PI has finally come out of his
closet, and from now on, it will not only play the standard roles but
has taken on an also very important role to play in nuclear physics.
Using the above method we can get fairly accurate results regarding the
particles known in physics. This also implies that electron has a key
role in the creation of matter. What is suspected here is that there has
to be an even smaller electron which we call electrino and lasting and
not so lasting symmetries form around it too. ;in the same way as in the case
of the electron in the table above. The system should be fractal, i.e.
there have to be many more electrons. The charge of electrinos, of course,
is less, and its bigger brother has a greater charge than the electron. It
follows that there has to be a smaller proton and neutron which is not
surprising since our science is aware of already three of these. These make
up the tau, muon, elektronneutrino series. It also clearly follows
thatthere is a subtle matter which is organized into matter from atoms
which are a lot smaller then the kind of matter which is conventionally
the object of our investigation. This is important, because the people,
animals and plants give birth to (produce) very many of such neutrinos
around themselves. This is the matter of the aura. It is produced
continuously by normal matter. I.e. it is ourselves who create matter. We
will talk about that later on too. |

We write PI with decimal numbers
using a whole (3) number followed by and infinite number of decimal
places (1415926....). Today, most people think that this is the best form
of communication, and therefore they are looking for numbers in the
ancient scriptures at any rate. If you stop and think about it, a more
general and more comprehensible solutions could be found. One must figure
out what it is that any civilization can make sense of, no matter what
kind of numerals are used. This seems impossible at first, but I can give
a lot of examples which point to the fact that a resolution of this has
been, in fact, known.
The geometric angle means the same for any civilization. This, in addition,
presupposes such a sophisticated knowledge, which even today science has
not managed to reach. The essence of the universe is motion and thus, the
most telling way of using angles is for expressing speed. If I stop and
think about it, it was I who has introduced this unit of measurement for
the first time. This was in 1984. Publication took seven years. This is
when my first independent book appeared in print entitled "The message of
creation." Almost two decades have passed since then, and nothing
happened in the meantime. We are living in the world of Barbie-mentality
today. I am showing this "Mayan Shiva" so that all the people who are
blowing hot air would wake up at once. Here, you can look at the same
creation principle, which could be seen in the above "Dzyan" quote. If
someone is interested in further reading, you can download it from here.
This is a fantastic description of the creation.
The same secret angle can be seen in this Egyptian pictogram and I have
shown our old Tachion model in which pi is immortalized in the form of an
angle. This you can still brand it as random but this is only stressed by
those who do not have an opinion of their own about anything.
I would recommend to the dear reader to edit a small angle template with
a 31.4 degrees tip angle. It's best if you cut a transparent plastic
dossier. The lazier ones should find a 30-60-90 degree ruler and us the
thirty-degree end of this. This is a slightly larger angle. Use this
template to investigate all
suspicious angles in buildings, postcards images of sacred objects. Look
for the 31.415-degree angle. Yes, yes! Ten times the PI ... This is one
of the sacred angles. The other is the 62.84-degree one, and let's see
the third one is how many degrees. The exact initial value of it is
3.16227766 c, meaning, it's a little more pointed angle than the
first. Find the value of the angle!
Write the results to us! The solution is in front of you, but it is a little
bit tricky. logosz@axelero.hu those who submit the correct result will
participate in a prize draw for a book (deadline:
September 15, 2003). Also write how you got this result. |

publication was prepared for personal use only.
Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced or published
without the express permission of the author.
Translation © Varga Péter (email: vargatranslation@gmail.com) |