Old and new rascals tread our lands, and more and more complex figures are ?scammed? into our various crops and cultivated plant fields. Eager young people, older people and also university students have been busy trying to demonstrate that every scientist researching the topic is a misguided idiot. From time to time the debate flares up in all sectors of the media, tricksters again and again come forward with their "superior" statements. Well, this debate can be decided with a small stick on the spot. You lift the slanted crop and peek under it. If you see the seed furrows, the pattern is real and when they are not there, it is false. A preschooler can see this. Over 1000, 2000 square meters you cannot ?fake back? onto he crumbly soil those micro furrows which had been left behind by the colters (sowing pipes) of the sowing machine.

The photos do not make it possible to investigate this, but aerial photographs show some interesting things. When any line is crooked in any image and the edge of the shapes is uncertain, then it was man-made . It is also important that the real "circles" will always be oval . The ovality is around 1/36. I experienced this in my on-site measurements. You will never see glittering micaon the ears of grain in "real images" . This will always be observed in the case of trampling, since mud sticks on the trampled ears, which partly runs off after drying, but contact with soil can still always be seen on the hairs of the ear. The dust pollution factor caused by the wind can be easily compared to the other parts of the cereal field. A rare case with the crop patterns is when no blade of cereal is bent. It just has a different color. So far, I have seen only one like this close to Dombovar, but that was fantastic. The circle? s edge was 110 and the middle was 40 cm in hight within the wheat field which was 85 cm in height on average. The surface gave a regular parabolic effect and the wheat was plant-like purple-red over this regular surface. Overnight. It is a completely unusual thing for the wheat. Each blade of cereal seemed to be untouched and standing. Each blade of grain is 1-2 cm column gap apart in a field which means that we cannot speak of any type of fraud. The great ones among the skeptics came up with the explanation that this was due to fertilization error. The trouble is that it also happened overnight, but nobody sprays fertilizers on cereals during harvest. Now, how do the all-bashing skeptics "like them apples"? The ants probably pulled them in the middle of the circle and then pulled them out around edge. Maybe it was done by lightning fast head
shrinking and dilating bacteria...


This means that a professional opinion can be made about the validity of a crop pattern without university studies and professional qualifications. ;with the level of intelligence of a preschooler Well, such is the level of certain debaters today. ? The million dollar question? t.v. quiz shows are testing this continuously. Is the intellectual class stupid enough already? And when you must choose between (A) and (C) a significant (and increasing), (B) and (D) the votes are shown as well. Is it possible that the chimpanzees are smarter? ... This is the result of the real dumbing down of the masses. Hence the chance to chose, that is why they have come up with the multiple question quiz. Once a year has gone by the guesser will have become uncertain about even what their real name is since all of the wrong answers appear in their head as well. This was done intentionally, of course. This has all been worked out by very good psychiatrists. This is why teachers, doctors and people who have been pushed to the social periphery in the ?cursed communist regime? fight for the money in these programs. This wins the sympathy of the plebs for the program. This is very important because this is the only way to measure the dumbing down factor for the masses. So then it can also be asked (bringing millions in phone charges), whether glechoma (repk‚ny "flyling") is an insect, butterfly, bird or plant. All the idiots then get on the phone and pay for the millions offered as a prize by the show. ...and answer the "tricky, cunning" questions. 320 HUF+VAT / min (in illegibly small print). The "big money" pitfall questions, in an interesting way, have always something to do with the USA. Say, at what age and what year James Nobody had morbilli in a never seen American movie. Never mind that the host of the show is the main figure of the society of fact respecters?. Well, it is enough for me to look one of these people in the eye. They respect everything but the facts. They cry obscure at everything but it is themselves who are the most obscure. It is very easy to prey on and rip off the masses which have been dumbed down so much. It is only a matter of advertising. Soap opera fans raised money for Isaura (an imaginary slave girl who lived three hundred years ago) in the past.



Let us try to think at once! What do they possibly want to convey with these weird drawings to the people? Who is the messenger? Do these illustrations make any sense? Let?s see!!


The second moment of the excitation of Chaos,
 the second interaction.

Time-Physical Figure from tab 08 of the

This figure is certainly not fake, and it shows the state when the Chaos's three Water type source elements' wave emanation reach each other. This figure has already been described in the TEREMBURA window 8. page on our website, but we are conjuring the visual here so that it could be compared.

Star of David in the symbol of Holy Trinity.
Here you can notice the entwined, interlocking dimensions.

 There is also a similar shot of a crop circle, which shows also the same. The strong sectionings falling within the circle are missing but the boundaries of the circles are noticeable. This is exact, though they seems less spectacular. This symbol is portrayed in an exact fashion with a whole or window which is shaped in this way.

This is the figure which they call the "the Holy Trinity" sign, and you can see this among the countless motifs of architecture. We are showing here a church ornament, which is not necessarily a "Judeo-Christian" sign. The initial act of creation is shows to us. This is not a racial question. Very distinctive, so it is not hard to recognize it. Here's an "Almighty" sign which means a slight inaccuracy, although this is only indirectly true.

Holy Trinity symbol in the grain.

The same in the form of a slot in a Catholic

This is the first act of creation, the interaction of waters om the Chaos.

It is a slot because its immaterial but is something which has a shape. The ancient symbol of the Holy Trinity, which is explained by three merged circles. This actually has a quite different meaning.

The following figure shows Fire and Water, and it also demonstrates that the water pushes fire i.e. speeds it up over lightspeed. The arrow-like pattern shows the dilation in all directions and denotes 4 pi (12,56). It has 11 complete and one wider tip which is about 0,56 units in width. The original title of the picture is "sperm" which seems to have been named by little Moritz who has a one tracked mind. He sees fertilization in it. Not bad, though...


Fire and Water in a crop field. The numerical
value is 12.56. or 4 pi Count the "teeth"!

The time feedback which is the basic principle of how the world works.

 The next phases of creation are also correctly drawn into the "life"(wheat is called "let" (life) - archaically by Hungarians- note of the trans.) among the crop circles. This figure shows the excitation laws of Chaos when Water creates Fire which is the source moving faster than the speed of light. The picture below shows the basic principle of the sustainance of the universe. So does the light quantum come into existence and operate. The decrease in the diameter of the circles is the inverse of emanation; in other words, the emanating source moving at a speed which is several times faster than the speed of light leaves a content system behind which emanates such an eventhorizon. The ever smaller circles clearly show this here. What does this small moon what to teach us which is before the smallest circle?

The original title of the picture is "cropc314" and this shows that whoever gave the title to the picture is on the right track since the fact that pi plays a role here shows that this person is deeply involved in the study of the structure of light and the theory of the relativity of time. For him, light is no longer an electromagnetic wave. After conducting many modeling experiments, I now think that the Tachion does not make complete turn but only three quarters of a turn to which the speed 3,16 c belongs. I have already shown examples of this solution.


Natality of time physics. The Tachion moved
at the speed of 5 c. in the computer model.

In the diagram above both oscillation periods are shown. In reality, only every second one exists in this reality, (on our side) so these orbs must be theoretically omitted. This latter is shown by the above crop circle. Why did they draw a ?moon? in front of the source? The Moon carries the principle of womanhood that is the second one (Eve), and we do not need to look for any kind of racism behind this, because it's not biological sexuality. The former also means that it is Not the primary, but a figure belonging to the secondary energy. That is, the above figure teaches about the light quantum which is also know by us. The speed of the Tachion depicted with a greenish eventhorizon is five times the speed of light. The Tachion can make the seemingly full turn at this speed but the turn would become complete in the middle of the largest sphere and not close to the surface. When it reaches into the largest sphere then it reaches its own emanating time system and with this it creates a time loop, a time feedback in which it essentially sees itself in its own future. It sees its older state in front of it in its future and it always sees whatever current time layer it is moving in.

A galaxy and a logarithmic spiral.

Everything that exists, exists in this way. The thing has a role in the operation and sustainance of the micro and macro cosmos as well. The waves of the all pervading emanations spread their layered spaces at the speed of light. Thus, the things are present everywhere since all atoms and light quanta represent themselves in these waves.

A tractor track appr. 14 ms. The figure is about. 168 metres in size. Fractal in nature. You could also say that "it is there", since it is not of material existence but informational and its wave-spatial presence is manipulative even at a distance of billions of light years. These waves are not weakened by the distance. Their radius and curvature factor is squarely proportional to distance and this appears in the formulas of gravitation, electrostaticum, magnetism and luminance.


This figure is a production which is worthy of commendation (tedious) indeed. I wonder what kind of universal law is hidden behind it? This triple spiral is sufficiently precise and complex enough to be credible. What in the world could be the message of this? Was the third phase dropped out?

No! Here's the secret of the material! The antimatter!



We already know what this figure represents. Two typical figures of the formation of space can be seen here. One of the sections of the helix, spiral sphere of spacetime can be seen, the other linear figure which seems unusual at first glance is non other than an a laid out octahedron. Even the folding lines are also shown.

The section of the spacetime helix. A one-dimensional spiral sphere, which presents itself as four dimensional. Because its size is spreading.

The laid-out octahedron and emphasized six symmetry. The small hexagons among the large hexagons always form triangles pointing towards the inside of the formation. 10 large and 116 small hexagons. Its striking accuracy is visible in the areal photographs.

Many thousands of figures, many thousands of foolish explanations. Fighting harts, traces of porcupines gone berserk in the wheat, wake turbulences coming off of wings of aircraft, folk tradition, hoaxes pulled on scientists by mischievous youngsters and prankster old men. And indeed; serious counter-propaganda and counterfeit attempts, using infrared light and night vision goggles, since the "science" of our day has run out of tricks up the sleeve. To ridicule all. This is laughable scant as an argument, knowledge dissemination or science.


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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2007 UNIVERSUM UNIVERSITAS. This publication was prepared for personal use only.
Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced or published without the express permission of the author.

Translation © Varga Péter (email: vargatranslation@gmail.com)